Friday, February 14, 2020

Responsible Marketing and Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Responsible Marketing and Advertising - Essay Example Arguably, these corporate businesses are themselves a subject of these systems of governance, regulation and responsibility but CSR demand corporate businesses to be subject and object of these systems simultaneously. In this connection, PepsiCo responsible advertising practices to ensure that only healthy choices are offered to schoolchildren are widely admired and echoed by corporate peers and competitors. If we zoom into corporate culture and behavior adopted by PepsiCo in previous two decades, its responsiveness to societal needs and demands became evident. A recent voluntary commitment of PepsiCo along with an alliance of multinational food and beverage manufacturers to advertise only the products of specific nutrition value to children under the age of 12 is an exemplary display of its socially aware corporate behavior. Stepping ahead of its competitors, PepsiCo has voluntarily adopted this policy as a global strategy not only in beverages rather it encompasses all food and sna ck’s brand of the corporation. Independent, third party sources have confirmed the success of PepsiCo compliance for this volunteer commitment to IFBA’s policy, formally known to be the policy for advertising to children by International Food & Beverage Alliance. The rate of this compliance is 100 percent for the year 2010 in USA and 98.5 for the rest of major Asian and European markets. Beyond this PepsiCo has taken another initiative. The objective of this initiative is to cut off the direct supply of all full-sugar soft drink to primary and secondary schools by the year 2012. This is a gigantic objective as far the corporate business is concerned. However, it is equally commendable for its social responsiveness on the part of a multinational brand like PepsiCo. Conclusion The need of socially aware and responsible advertising for children under the age 12 is globally recognized. However, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) does not validate its enfo rcement through legislative and disciplinary measures. The beauty of the concept is in its believe in corporate volunteer responsiveness owing to growing acceptance of corporations who are socially more aware of their responsibilities. A proactive approach in committing itself to IFBA’s policy for marketing and voluntarily barring its sales to primary and high schools has further endorsed the social image of PepsiCo as a brand that stems from society and remains committed to it. Access to Nutritious Food and Corporate Responsibilities Naturally, corporate actions and policies are focused to shareholders’ interest and even if it is not intended, they are commonly interpreted on these grounds. More recently, media and masses have begun to focus corporate behaviors towards society more closely and minutely. So it has become increasingly important for corporations to show responsiveness to social demands and needs. Especially for the deserving segments of the society, corp orations are closely watched and monitored. The National Diary Council and The Quaker Oats, a subsidiary of PepsiCo have jointly announced a program to increase the children's access to breakfast, nutritious snacks and physical activity. PepsiCo has responded to this societal demand quite vigorously and have engaged in several socially aware plans to ensure provision of nutritious food to children. The initiative of PepsiCo to engage other corporation in a socially responsive program has once again surfaced its

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Chinese Students Seek Places in US Universities Essay

Chinese Students Seek Places in US Universities - Essay Example The education sector has registered many changes because of the advent of technology and human demands and needs. Many Chinese students seek international education and often find their way into the United States of America. The open policy about education in the United States has promoted the influx of Chinese students into United States institutions. Education policy in the United States of America provides ample ground for international students because it does not restrict the needs of international students. Students look for quality education for their money. Since United States institutions have kept the result in quality education, it attracts many foreign students to apply for education in the United States. The number of Chinese students in the United States has increased showing a gain in international education trends. Research indicates that an increase in enrollment of international student by 3 percent. This figure translates to 690, 923 students. Students wish to grab education opportunities offered by institutions in America for their own benefit. The current world trends dictate the level of education that would usher a person into the job market. Many employers require certification from higher institutions which many Chinese students feel they are unable to attain while in the home country. Reports from the department of international students enrollment indicate that Chinese students are on the lead. Analysis by Open Door research indicates that a number of factors influence the current education trend in China and America. The report indicated that country policy is a major factor in contributing to international education trends (Marklein). For example, students from China find opportunity in United States institutions after the education system in China has locked them out. Stringent education policies in China have contributed to these developments.Â