Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Brilliant and Evil Hitler Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Pap

The Brilliant and Evil Hitler Hitler was both brilliant and evil. He won the following of nearly all German people, and brought a desperate country out of poverty and post-war dissolution. It was not by virtue that Hitler accomplished these things. Instead, it was through evil planning, mass rallies, emotional appeal to a vulnerable population, stirring military displays, and the eventual extermination of millions of innocent people: Jews (anyone with one or more Jewish grandparent), Communists, Negroes, the mentally ill, and anyone else in his way. He called his plan to rid the world of "inferior" human beings the "Final Solution." Hitler had a brilliant mind. He brought Germany out of post-war depression and create jobs, comradere, and a better economy, yet he was very evil. He used his power, coersion, and manipulation to convince Germans to committ unthinkable atrocites against millions of innocent people. The signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919, marked the end of WW1 and the beginning of severe depression in Germany. The treaty mandated disarmament, heavy reparations, a loss of 15% of German territory, which in turn took 7 million of her citizens, 75% of its iron-ore, its entire Navy, and all merchant men (Siegel 3). The effects of the treaty were devastating, causing severe unemployment (nearly 6 million in Germany) and devaluation of the German mark. Millions lost their life savings and became destitute. Other requirements included "the surrender of goods in vast quantities and the requirement to sign over future commercial opportunities" (Seigel 3). Germany's economy was devastated and Hitler was waiting, hovering in the darkness, to take full advantage of thi... ...and, and Germany. In his effort to unify all German-speaking people and eliminate non-Aryan races, Hitler was responsible for more than 12 million deaths. Using coercion, manipulation, and threats he convinced the German people if they did not comply with his demands, they would be added to staggering list of the dead. This threat, fed by the desire for an improved life is what led the German people into Hitler's hands. Works Cited Chambers, Mortimer., er al. The Western Experience. New York: Mcgraw Hill, 1995. Perry, Marvin., er al. Sources of the Western Tradition. Ed. George W. Bock: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1995. Siegel, Scott J., On-line article, In Defense of the German Civilian Population on Charges of Willing Accomplices to Crimes Against Humanity During WW II. Location:

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