Sunday, August 25, 2019

Contemporary ethical issues of Euthanasia Research Paper

Contemporary ethical issues of Euthanasia - Research Paper Example Abrahamic religion teaches us that God is the only person who can take life away. Meaning that God is the one who owns you and it is up to him to decide when you are going to die. Christians have no option than to painfully prolong their life until death occurs naturally. If the patient is a Christian, then his religion teaches him that he should fear God and should not consider Euthanasia as an option. The religion also teaches that life is a gift from God and therefore sustaining and terminating it is under his control. ‘Christians believe that life is more that the existence of biology and a human being has a soul t within his body and therefore, death releases his soul to eternal destiny. In Exodus 20: 13 and 1 John 3:15, they explain that life is by God’s choice and therefore, the cessation of life is also by his design. According to these scriptures we believe that it is morally wrong to take the life of another human being. However, the society is becoming more pe rverse in relation to the sacredness of life. With abortion being legalized, the ensuing view of life is also reaching at its low level, where by, the right to die option has come up, as well as dying with pride and other models dealing with value and quality of life are slowly dominating the thinking of our humanity. (Young, 2010). One debatable concept that has come is euthanasia, deliberately ending the life of an individual who is suffering from incurable or painful disease. The request for euthanasia can either be voluntary or non-voluntary. The person responsible for the patient can also make a decision on behalf of the patient. This is morally unacceptable and secondly it is murder. Passive euthanasia or withholding the life of a new born through starvation or similarly withholding the life of an extremely ill patient is also referred to as euthanasia (Rachels, 2005). From the acceptable medical related euthanasia, it is one of the step to eliminate the financial or social burden from individuals who are responsible for the terminally ill patient, such death is short of murder and should therefore, not be accepted in a society. Additionally, there are social implications of euthanasia for example, the elderly, sick, handicapped and above all the life in its own way. The study of Abrahamic religions explains that the disposition of every life is more than sacred and cannot be entrusted to the control of human beings. It should be left in the hands of the almighty, putting in mind that God is the doer of all things (Young, 2010). 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 state that human beings are the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in every human being, and has God and not their

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