Friday, September 27, 2019

People, Power and Politics in Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

People, Power and Politics in Canada - Essay Example The department is also tangentially responsible for encouraging a level of multiculturalism within the country as part of its founding charter dictates that this goal is paramount towards the success of the department and of the nation as a whole. This is of course mainly due to the fact that Canada is one of the most multi-cultural nations within the developed world. What this entire level of government involvement is intended for is to provide a level of oversight and funding with regards to how the culture of Canada is growing as well as ensure that certain key cultural functions remain funded and well developed; thereby helping to create a more extensive and well nuanced culture within the country itself. It is therefore the viewpoint of this particular author that the utilization of public funds to encourage such results is not only permissible but highly advantageous for the growth and development of the nation. When one considers the key factors that help to differentiate a na tion and give it a degree of culture that it would otherwise have, these are ultimately factors that help the nation and/or people groups represented therein to develop themselves in an even more effective way than they normally would. One need look no further than the other nations of the developed world to note that similar programs utilizing public funds to affect such an end have been highly successful and have helped to develop art and culture that otherwise may have passed into oblivion had it not been for the injection of government funds and interests into such arenas. Define responsible government in Canada. Although one may consider the term â€Å"responsible government† to merely be some type of over-arching premise by which the government should behave in a responsible manner towards the people it ultimately represents, the fact of the matter is that the term itself is far more nuanced than this. In essence, the term â€Å"responsible government† represents a type of governmental system in which the government is responsible to the people and the executive ultimately responsible both to the people and the House of Assembly. Although this type of rational has long existed in other representative governments throughout the world, what exists in Canada represents a type of implementation of the â€Å"vote of no confidence†. Use of this term can be dated to around the middle to latter half of the 18th century. Whereas all forms of representative democracy allow for leadership changes based upon elections, the principle of â€Å"representative government† signifies a situation in which the executive will lose his/her status and be forced to convene a new government if a loss of trust and/or confidence is realized within the House of Assembly. What this effectively does is make the This means that if there exists a situation in which the members of any government play a game of trust and confidence with regards to the House of Assembly. As one might expect, if this game is lost, then the House of Assembly calls for their dismissal and the formation of a new government must be engaged. In essence, the true strength behind such a system is the understanding of power and where it ultimately comes from. According to the Canadian system of governance, power can be defined in the following five ways. Firstly, the title to executive power comes from the Crown. The second determinant of power attests to the fact that the Crown will only select ministers who have confidence of the House of Asse

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