Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Brunelleschis Duomo Influenced the Qualities of the Emerging Essay

How Brunelleschis Duomo Influenced the Qualities of the Emerging Renaissance - Essay Example This included arches and column of Rome and the domes of Byzantine Ravenna and even of the baptistery in Florence building of the 11th century which Brunelleschi and his colleagues believed to be a cathedral of Mars reshaped for Christian worship (King, 2000). His primary objective was to abandon entirely the medieval heritage even if the lack of historical knowledge makes the break through less absolute than he intends. Brunelleschi’s rise to fame in his day is connected with a medieval building rather than Renaissance. His childhood Florence’s cathedral (Duomo built during the 14th century) had only a temporary covering over the space where the transepts and the nave cross. In 1418, the fathers of Florence addressed a monumental problem that they had been ignoring for decades; the immense hole in the roof of their cathedral. Years after years, the winter rains and the sun had streamed in over Santa Maria del Fiore high altar or the preferable place for the altar. Their forefathers had begun the cathedral in 1296 to display the status of Florence as one of the cultural and economic capitals in Europe developing productive on high finance and the wool and silk trades. There was a decision that the structure’s enormous crowning glory would be the largest cupola on Earth, ensuring the cathedral would be â€Å"more beautiful and useful,† more honorable and influential† than any other building ever built. The Cupola was the fitting evidence of a culture that was fighting for the ideology of the immortality of the individual soul and struggling to frame a constitution that would unite individual liberty for the highest common good. For many decades later, no one seemed to have an advancing idea of how to build a dome nearly 150feets across, more so starting 180 feet above the ground and atop the existing walls. Their building

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dicussion questions Essay Example for Free

Dicussion questions Essay How do organizational functions affect organizational structures? How do your organization’s functions affect its organizational structure? How do organizational structures affect organizational functions? How does your organization’s structure affect its organizational functions? An organization is defined as a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. The function of an organization directly relates to its structure. To succeed as an organization, all the functional areas must work together. There are different levels of structures: Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical organizational structures means a strict top down or bottom up structure (chain of command is important); horizontal, flat or closer to flat organizational structure (no leaders). While the organization I work for does not participate in any sort of sales, we do protect America through research and being knowledgeable in different aspects of careers. The Air Force follows a vertical organizational structure. There is always a person in charge of someone. To file a complaint, you have to start with the lowest level and work your way up. Organizational structures affect organizational functions depending on the main goal/strategy. The functions and structures of organizations go hand in hand. What are the different types of organizational structures? Which type of structure do you think is the most effective? Why is this structure the most effective? How can organizations determine if they are structured in the most effective and efficient manner? The different types of organizational structures are functional, divisional, and matrix. Functional structure is departmentalization around specialized activities such as production, marketing, and human resources. Divisional structure is departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions. Matrix structure is an organization composed of dual reporting relationships in which some managers’ report to two superiors –a functional manager and a divisional manager. The most effective structure is the matrix structure because it consists of the other functions, both of which would fail without them. Organizations can determine if they are structured in the most effective and efficient manner by analyzing how their business operates. Consider an organization in which you have worked. Draw it’s organization chart, and describe it by using terms from Ch. 8 of the text. Describe your experience with the organization. Did you enjoy working there? Explain your response. The experience I have had with the organization is good. Our organization makes charts for each unit’s supervision. Everyone knows who to contact in case of an emergency or if there is a problem with the chain of command. So far, I have enjoyed working for the military. I appreciate structure and reliability. What evidence have you seen of the imperatives for change, flexibility, and responsiveness faced by today’s firms? By firms becoming learning organizations they can be skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. Firms should also have a high-involvement organization, which top management ensures that there is consensus about the direction in which the business is heading.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

What Is Knowledge According To Plato Philosophy Essay

What Is Knowledge According To Plato Philosophy Essay Plato had a strong belief that what we know in this life is recollected knowledge that was obtained in a former life, and that our soul has all the knowledge in this world, and we learn new things by recollecting what the soul already knew in the first place. Plato offers three observations of knowledge and he puts Socrates to reject all three of them. Platos first observation is that true belief is knowledge. Socrates rejects this by stating that when a jury believes the accused to be guilty by just hearing the prosecuting attorneys argument, rather than of any concrete evidence, it cannot be known if a defendant is guilty even if he is guilty. The jurys true belief is therefore not knowledge. The second observation is that knowledge and perception are the same. Socrates rejects this by saying that we can perceive without knowing and we can know without perceiving. For example, we can see and hear a sound without us knowing what or where it is coming from. If we can perceive without knowing, then knowledge cannot be the same as perception. Platos third observation is that true belief along with a logical account is knowledge, but true belief without a logical account is different from knowledge. The only problem with this observation is the word account. All the definitions of the word account are not valid for this argument. These observations are a great example of attacking the insufficient theories of knowledge, but Plato never gives a complete answer on what is the definition of knowledge. Plato preferred truth as the highest value, stating that it could be found through reason and logic in discussion. He called this dialectic. Plato preferred rationality rather than emotional appeal, for the purpose of persuasion, discovery of truth, and as the determinant of action. To Plato, truth was the higher good, and every person should find the truth to guide his or her life. Platos doctrine of recollection says that rather than learning in the common sense, what is actually happening when people are thinking about a problem, and find a solution to that problem, is that they are recollecting things that they already knew. The reason that Plato came up with this theory was because of the learners paradox. The learners paradox is that how can someone learn something if they dont even know what it is. As Meno points out if we dont know what something is then how will we know when we have it? When, for example, we say that we dont know what 946308 divided by 22 is, how can it be that we can find the answer to be 43014? If we dont already know that 946308 / 22 = 43014 then when someone tells us this we should not be able to know that answer is right. Aristotle also believes that knowledge is a form of recollection. He believes that there are universal causes and particular causes, however, unlike Plato; he believes that particulars carry an essence of the form. The four causes, or what makes an object what it is, are its efficient, material, formal, and final causes. The efficient cause is the primary source of the change. The material cause is the material of which it consists. The formal cause is its form. The final cause is its aim or purpose. Using the example of a skyscraper, the efficient cause is the act of building the skyscraper, the material cause is the material used to build it, the formal cause is the blueprint, and the final cause is using the skyscraper as a skyscraper. Everything has these four causes, but substantially changing any of them will cause the skyscraper to lose its skyscraperness. If you know all of a particulars causes, you know its essence. Everything has to have a cause. To truly understand something, we must know its explanation and that it cannot be otherwise. Demonstration must be from things that are true because deducing something from a falsehood would not give understanding of it. Things that are less general and closer to perception are prior relative to us. Things that are more general and further from perception are prior by nature. Demonstrations must be from things that are prior by nature. The premises of demonstrations must give the reason why the conclusion is true. Aristotle defines syllogism as a discourse in which, certain things having been supposed, something different from the things supposed results of necessity because these things are so. One syllogism that he used was: Socrates is a man, All men are mortal, therefore Socrates is mortal. Plato and Aristotles understanding of knowledge are complimentary in that they both believe knowledge is obtained by recollection. Also, they both value truth as the best way to obtain knowledge. What makes it contradictory is that Aristotle goes deeper into the subject of knowledge by stating that particulars have to carry an essence of the form and gives four causes that aid in finding the essence. Therefore, their understanding of knowledge is both complimentary and contradictory. I think we have abandoned the dialectical and demonstrative methods to a certain extent, but not completely. Most classes teach in the way that sophists teach, by just giving us the facts. An example could be my college algebra class, that teaches me how to do a problem but it doesnt tell me why it is like that. But then we have other classes, for example Mr. Hindmans classes, that do use those 2 methods. I think we need to incorporate these valuable methods more into our public school systems and it might help in raising grades up.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Durgapur of India Essay -- essays research papers

Durgapur of India Home is where the heart is, and for someone, who has been born and brought up in a place, for someone who has seen the city striking roots amidst the social milieu and become a part of the lives of the people it sustains, the home is a synonym for the heart. Durgapur is a city that matches up to all the above protocol, as far as I am concerned. I used to hear from my grandfather about his journeys to the Bankura High Court, back in the 1930’s. People had to disembark from a train at a halt, not even a stop, called Durgapur. Dense, forbidding forests encircled the railway clearing. There would congregate a myriad assemblage of travelers, and when the group became a multitude, they would set off on bullock carts across the forest which was Durgapur. People had their hearts within their mouths for behind the thick crochet of bushes and the sal and seesam trees lurked many a critter and the abominable brigands, who threw stout sticks at the ankles and then looted the incapacitated victims. Downright chilly, I guess it was. Then came the transformation, thanks to the visionary endowments of one man, Dr. B.C.Roy. He seems to have realized that a state cannot be sustained by a lone city of opportunity. Other cities had to be developed, and if need be, set up. Durgapur falls under the second category of his achievements. And what an achievement it has been. From a sprawling wilderness, it has developed and how! In terms of commerce and industry, it is oft compared to the Ruhr in Germany. Today it houses around 60 large and medium sized industries and umpteen smaller ones. Everything from steel, power, natural gas, paper, chemicals to biscuits, cement and software can be found under production in this city. The f... ... generally associates with an industrial city. Stadiums have been built and the city plays host to many cultural and sports meets. Its political impact is also on the rise and more than 2000 crore rupees have been pumped into it for the last three years. There are clubs for those prefer to be social. Otherwise it is a retreat for sages. The serenity, the almost deafening silence, soothes ones senses. Violence and excitement are concepts alien to Durgapur. Durgapur is where you can still witness the seasonal changes and the city changes likewise. From scorching summers, punctuated by primitive thundershowers, to the aesthetic fall, to the chilly winter – you can feel it all. Durgapur is a supreme fusion of the essential and the ethereal, a fusion I’m proud to be part of. The city endears people, rekindles lost emotions and insurrects new ones, fond ones.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Local national and International Economic Conditions Affecting the Industry

The Saudi Arabia royal embassy in the Washington dc is highly likely to be affected by a number of different national and international impacts and changing conditions. Most importantly, it should be remembered that the Saudi Arabia tends to be one of the most important oil exporter to the US. As a result relations and trade between the two countries due to the increasing amount of oil trade often tends to be peaceful and cordial if not always warm. It should be noted that when locally speaking, the territory of Saudi Arabia is owned and controlled by the Arabs in general and by the royal kingdom comprising of the kings in particular. In other words, in contrast to a democratic leadership which is most often followed, Saudi Arabia follows its monarchy. This may mean that the two countries have, politically speaking very little in common. This may mean that the background setting in which the relations have to built up between the two nations may be somewhat problematic. Apart form this, it should also not be forgotten that in a number of cases, Saudi Arabia is mostly comprised of Arab population. Moreover, most of the Arabic population of Saudi Arabia tends to be Muslims. In such a case the strain and coldness in the relations may often be even more than the usual. Apart form this, the fact that Saudi Arabia uses the sharia form of government also implies that unlike the US and the other western nations, the similarities and the relations that the two countries may have are more distanced then assumed to be. Therefore, in these circumstances, Saudi Arabia and US relations may be difficult to manage out properly. The number of embassies formed, including the Saudi Arabian embassy formed at Washington plays a phenomenal role in improving the relations the two countries have. It should be remembered that relations between countries are most often based upon the common concerns of the two countries. It should be remembered that the US and Saudi Arabia share a common concern regarding the oil exports and imports, regional security and sustainable development. These facts lead to a need for there to being an embassy and were one of the reasons which may have initially leaded to the development of the royal embassy at Washington dc. Moreover, the Middle East peace process and the gulf issue also imply that the international relations improved and consequently had a positive impact upon the embassy of Saudi Arabia. The embassy as also affected by a number of international events. One of such events happens to be the increasing amount of post 9/11 and including the 9/11 attacks on the US. all these events and following the fact that most of the individuals involved in the terrorists attacks were Muslims and Saudi Arabians meant that the Saudi Arabian embassy has to face a great deal of criticism from the public and also to some extent from the US government. Not only this, but the Saudi Arabian legislations and the system of law also imply that the Saudi embassy in the US has to have an increasing amount of troubles. One of the examples of such an event tends to be the one which occurred on 26th June, 2010. This was when a Canadian woman was not allowed to leave Saudi Arabia due to the strict Saudi law which implied that no women can leave or travel anywhere without the authorization of a male guardian. Since, the husband of the Canadian woman, named Nathalie was not willing to give the required authorization, her condition after being help as a hostage continued deteriorating. Following this event there was a great deal of protest and chaos by the local citizens of the US outside the US embassy. Therefore, it can be seen from these instances as to how the embassy of the Saudi Arabian government has to deal with the variety of changing circumstances and conditions due to events at both local, national as well as on international levels. Factors affecting the increase in demand and supply analysis along with the cost structure It should not be forgotten that just like many other industries, even the Saudi Arabian embassy set up at the US tends to be an industry set up as a result of there being an increase in the demand for it. More recently, the increase in the demand for the embassy in particular has been so due to the desires for an increasing amount of investments which the members of the Saudi Arabia wish to do so in the US. Consequently, the embassy actively seeks to allow for conditions which could allow for the demand of the Saudi Arabians to wish to invest into the US to be satisfied easily. Thus, the Saudi embassy sets to provide for a means by which investors wishing to invest in the US should do some with a greater ease. However, there needs to be a clearer analysis to identify the reason why there has been such an increase in the demand for investing in the US. Perhaps one of the most important reasons why this has occurred has been due to the increasing population of Saudi Arabia. This has allowed for a greater deal of prospects which were previously not looked upon to, to being identified. Another reason why there has been such an increase is also due to the government policies and regulations. Now and then, the Saudi government has been encouraging a number of individuals from all over Saudi Arabia to come and invest in the agencies and thereby maximize as much of the profits as it is possible for them to do so. Another important reason for such an increasing demand for the embassy also tends to be due to the growth in the member of individuals from Saudi Arabia wishing to visit the US. These visits vary in their types, ranging from being pure business to being for tourism perhaps for the reason of emigration. Thus, these embassies serve to help the individuals who wish to visit or are visiting the US with their travel. Apart from this, there has also been an increase in the demand for the Saudi embassy due to the need of the locals of the US to visit Saudi Arabia. These visits may be again for business and may also b for tourism. Perhaps one of the most important reasons why people from the US may visit Saudi Arabia also tends to be for the religious purposes of pilgrimage which all the Muslims may wish o perform for once in their entire life. These factors may therefore lead to a greater demand for the Saudi embassy in Washington DC. When looking at the supply analysis of the industry it is important to note that the supply for the service is primarily dependant upon the state policies of both the US as well as that of Saudi Arabia. Therefore, provided there being good trading conditions and a belief of having strong and cordial relations probably implies an increase in the industry service. On the other hand if there are better conditions then the embassy may experience it being un able to provide for the required services. These factors along with the official budget to be allocated on foreign relations and the economic stability thereby, affects and impacts the cost structure of the state as well. Key embassies in the industry There are numerous embassies set all around the world in order to promote diplomatic relations between the various countries where they have been set up. it is important to note that their various locations and set up have an important impact on the type of relations that have been or are intended for the country. One of the key embassies of the world is the US embassy set up in Iraq. This embassy is the largest and perhaps also one of the most expensive embassies of the world. The location of the embassy has been set up at the green zone. Note that the green zone in Iraq is the most important and commercial area which had and still continues to be the most important of all the zones in Iraq. Note that the way the embassy has been set up reflect the increasing amount of power and domination which the US wants and has portrayed on Iraq. t should also be seen that the fact that there are so many facilities and the fact that the embassy is so large has been indented to do so to show how important and powerful the US continues to be in Iraq. Another such important agency is the Israeli agency set up is the Israeli agency in the US at the Washington DC. The agency has been built up to strengthen the cordial relations between the US and Israel. This perhaps tends to be one of the most important reas ons why the agency has been taken so much care of and has been provided with the utmost level of security. Looking at the se two embassies we can make an analysis in relation to their strengths and weaknesses. It is important to note hat when talking of the US embassy that has been set up in Iraq, the embassy tends to be fully guarded and protected. Note that the Israeli embassy in the US has the same strength. This implies that the importance that the US embassy gets is one of its important strength. Apart from this, however, the type of relations that the government tends to have with the embassy is also an important factor that can be both the strength and the weakness of the embassy. Cultural and ethical dimensions There are an increasing amount of cultural and ethical issues that these embassies have and run according to. In particular when speaking of the ethical and the cultural dimensions of the industry of embassies should be noted that the basic policies concerning g the human rights for most of the industry remain the same. Thus, the industry as a whole may be favoring the basic human right of there being the freedom f speech and the need for an individual to live freely without being harmed by anyone. Apart from this, the charges against harming others for instance theft, robbery, kidnapping or the murder of others is also the same in most of the embassies held all over the world. Apart from this, a number of other issues for instance the use of hard drugs or alcohol may also tend to be more or less the same. There may be a slight deal of variation however depending upon the type of country and its local population and policies. For instance, many Muslim countries may put a ban or may discourage alcohol use. Part from these policies one can also look at other ethical issues like those of abortion, prostitution, euthanasia as well as that of same sex marriages. In all these cases, the type of country and the population may determine weather or not such practices are allowed or not. For instance, in Canada same sex marriages have been allowed in recently perhaps due to the local policies and needs. Another important issue to look upon is the cultural dimension. In this case again it should be noted that each of the embassies take and make a great deal of effort to promote the local culture as much as possible. However, there may be cases when there is in fact no culture at all like it does in the case of the US whose culture is nothing but a melting pot of a variety of cultures. Constraints/threats The Saudi embassy which has been set up in the US has been facing an increasing amount of constraints and threats. Most of these arise out as a result of the changing relations and policies of the US as well as that of the Saudi Arabia. In this case, note that as it had been highlighted before on, these changing relations are a major indicator of where the embassy will head to. For instance, post 9/11 events implied a major threat to the embassy. However, as soon as the government of the Saudi Arabia condemned these acts of terrorism the constraints on the industry loosened. Therefore, the changing relations of the two countries have a great deal of impact on the embassy. Another important constraint that the embassy has is also that of the changing oil prices and the relative impact that the US-Saudi relations tend to have. Therefore, it should be noted that the changing economic and political setup have a great deal of impact on the embassy and acts as a major treat or constraint to it Opportunities Looking at the opportunities, it should be noted that the major trade and the increasing demand for oil provides for a new dimension to the embassy and acts as a growing opportunity. apart from this, the increasing level o investments that have been carried out and are likely to increase in the future by the Saudis to the US and vice versa acts as another important means of growing opportunity and prospects for the industry. Effectiveness it should be noted that even after an increasing deal of problems and threats, the fact that the relationship between the US and the Saudi government have still managed to hold on and manage cordial relationships with a great deal of diplomacy is an important factor which shows how effectively the Saudi government and the agency has managed to deal with most of it's problems. Embassies culture and ethics It is important to note that the Saudi embassy traces its culture and ethics form the cultural and the ethical heritage of Islam. In particular looking at the many qualities which individuals at the time of the advent of Islam had, it can be seen how the Saudi embassy seeks to promote those cultural and ethical dimensions. These include the muslin qualities of bravery, hospitality, respect for the elders and humility. In addition to this, Saudi Arabia seeks to promote peace and serenity just like the way it had been taught to them by Islam. Apart form this, when looking at the cultural aspects, trade form an important part of their culture and the embassy of the Saudi Arabia seek to promote trade on an extensive way all around the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on DARE Is Ineffective

DARE Is Ineffective DARE is a costly sugar pill that lulls parents, police and educators into a dangerous, false confidence that their kids won’t do drugs. The fact of the matter is that forty three percent of DARE graduates said DARE had no affect on their decision to do drugs. Bottom line, DARE is a costly and ineffective way of keeping kids off drugs. The tragic truth is that the nation is spending $700 million a year on a program that doesn’t work and it hasn’t sunk in on the local or the national levels. (DRCNet-what’s wrong with DARE 3) A large DARE bureaucracy has grown up that feeds on itself. The public raises no uproar because it needs the comfort of its delusion that something is being done to protect children from drugs. If DARE is really working, why then at the age of eighteen, fifty five percent of students have tried some illicit drug? (Sager 1) For years, school based drug education programs have been our first line of defense against drugs. However, research shows that the â€Å"just say no† programs provided in most schools are doing little to prevent drug abuse among America’s teens. (Safety First 1) Forty three percent of students stated that their decisions to use drugs were not affected by DARE. Keep in mind that teenagers in the 90’s have had more drug education than any generation in history. The majority of them were exposed to DARE in school and all had been exposed to â€Å"just say no† public education messages for more then a decade. Yet, American teens in the 90’s used more drugs than teens a decade earlier. (Gorman 1) According to a female teen, â€Å"When I was little, you know, I saw ‘just say no’ on the candy box, or at the supermarket, wherever. It’s a catchy phrase, but it doesn’t really mean anything. It doesn’t make me think about drugs. It doesn’t really make me reflect.† While we all hope that teens will choose abstinence, statistics show ... Free Essays on DARE Is Ineffective Free Essays on DARE Is Ineffective DARE Is Ineffective DARE is a costly sugar pill that lulls parents, police and educators into a dangerous, false confidence that their kids won’t do drugs. The fact of the matter is that forty three percent of DARE graduates said DARE had no affect on their decision to do drugs. Bottom line, DARE is a costly and ineffective way of keeping kids off drugs. The tragic truth is that the nation is spending $700 million a year on a program that doesn’t work and it hasn’t sunk in on the local or the national levels. (DRCNet-what’s wrong with DARE 3) A large DARE bureaucracy has grown up that feeds on itself. The public raises no uproar because it needs the comfort of its delusion that something is being done to protect children from drugs. If DARE is really working, why then at the age of eighteen, fifty five percent of students have tried some illicit drug? (Sager 1) For years, school based drug education programs have been our first line of defense against drugs. However, research shows that the â€Å"just say no† programs provided in most schools are doing little to prevent drug abuse among America’s teens. (Safety First 1) Forty three percent of students stated that their decisions to use drugs were not affected by DARE. Keep in mind that teenagers in the 90’s have had more drug education than any generation in history. The majority of them were exposed to DARE in school and all had been exposed to â€Å"just say no† public education messages for more then a decade. Yet, American teens in the 90’s used more drugs than teens a decade earlier. (Gorman 1) According to a female teen, â€Å"When I was little, you know, I saw ‘just say no’ on the candy box, or at the supermarket, wherever. It’s a catchy phrase, but it doesn’t really mean anything. It doesn’t make me think about drugs. It doesn’t really make me reflect.† While we all hope that teens will choose abstinence, statistics show ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cognitive Therapy for Depression essays

Cognitive Therapy for Depression essays COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY FOR DEPRESSION Cognitive behavioral therapy helps improve peoples moods and behavior by changing their way thinking; also, how they interpret events and talk to themselves. This form of psychotherapy helps guide people into thinking more realistically and teaches them coping strategies to deal with their depression. Cognitive therapy is in most cases a short-term treatment that can have long-term results. I will discuss depression in adolescence and how it effects personal adjustments, which may often continue into adulthood. I will also discuss depression in the elderly. There are different approaches to treating depression, the main approach that will be discussed is cognitive behavioral therapy, which is a way to break the cycle for depression. What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy? Cognitive behavior therapy helps people break the connections between difficult situations and their habitual reactions to them. This can be reactions such as fear, rage or depression, and self-defeating or self-damaging behavior. It also teaches people how to calm their mind and body, so they can feel better, think more clearly, and make better decisions. Cognitive therapy also teaches people how certain thinking patterns are causing their symptoms. This is accomplished by giving people a distorted picture of what's going on in their life, and making them feel anxious, depressed or angry for no good reason.(Francis, 2000) When people are in behavior therapy and cognitive therapy, it provides them with various tools for stopping their symptoms and getting their life on a more satisfying track. In cognitive therapy, the therapist takes an active part in solving a patients problems. He or she doesn't settle for just nodding wisely while the patient carries the whole burden of f inding the answers they came to therapy for initially. Cognitive therapists teach patients to identify their negative though...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Verb Tenses in English - ESL Overview

Verb Tenses in English - ESL Overview In English grammar, verb tenses or forms indicate the moment when something happens, such as the past, present, or future. These three primary forms can be subdivided further to add detail and specificity, such as whether the action is ongoing or to describe the order in which events occurred. For example, the present simple verb tense concerns actions that happen every day, while the past simple verb tense refers to something that happens in the past. In all, there are 13 tenses. Verb Tense Chart Here are simple explanations of the tenses in English that give the most common use of each tense in English. There are a number of exceptions to the rules, other uses for certain tenses in English and so on. Each tense has examples, a link to a page that goes into detail for each tense in English, as well as a visual tense chart and a quiz to check your understanding. Simple present: things that happen every day. He usually goes for a walk every afternoon. Petra doesnt work in the city. Where do you live? Simple past:  something that happened at some time in the past. Jeff bought a new car last week. Peter didnt go to the meeting yesterday. When did you leave for work? Simple future: paired with will  to express a future act. She will come to the meeting tomorrow. They wont help you. Will you come to the party? Simple future: paired with going to to indicate future plans. Im going to visit my parents in Chicago next week. Alice isnt going to attend the conference. When are you going to leave? Present perfect: something that began in the past and continues into the present. Tim has lived in that house for 10  years. She hasnt played golf for long. How long have you been married? Past perfect: what happened before something else in the past. Jack had already eaten when he arrived. I hadnt finished the report when my boss asked for it. Had you spent all your money? Future perfect: what will have happened up to a point in the future. Brian will have finished the report by five oclock. Susan wont have driven far by the end of the evening. How many years will you have studied by the time you get your degree? Present continuous:  what is happening at the moment. Im working at the computer at the moment. He isnt sleeping now. Are you working? Past continuous: what was happening at a specific moment in the past. I was playing tennis at 7 p.m. She wasnt watching TV when he called. What were you doing at that time? Future continuous: what will be happening at a specific moment in the future. I will be lying on the beach this time next week. She wont be having any fun this time tomorrow. Will you be working this time tomorrow? Present perfect continuous: what has been happening up to the present moment in time. Ive been working for three hours. She hasnt been working in the garden for long. How long have you been cooking? Past perfect continuous: what had been happening up to a specific moment in the past. They had been working for three hours by the time he arrived. We hadnt been playing golf for long. Had you been working hard when he asked for it? Future perfect continuous: what will be happening up to a specific moment in the future. They will have been working for eight hours by the end of the day. She wont have been studying for very long when she takes the test. How long will you have been playing that game by the time you finish? More Resources If you want to continue your studies, this  tense table  will help you learn more about verb tenses. Educators can find activities and lesson plans in this guide to teaching tenses.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Compare and contrast perfect competition and monopolistic competition Essay

Compare and contrast perfect competition and monopolistic competition. Also Explain how equilibrium is determined in the Keynesian Income Expenditure - Essay Example nother very important characteristic of the Monopolistic competition is that each firm tries to create difference in its product from the other by advertising, propaganda, attractive packing, nice smile, etc. The entry of new firms in the monopolistically competition industry is relatively easy. There are no barriers of new firms to enter the product group or leave the industry in the long run. In perfect competition model, it was assumed that there was large number of firms producing homogenous product. In the case of monopoly, there was only one seller of a product. Both these models were thus polar extremes and were considered satisfactory for the market price analysis in economic theory. Under perfect competition, the demand curve which an individual seller has to face is perfectly elastic, i.e. it runs parallel to the base axis. The competitive seller being unable to affect the market price sells its output at the prevailing market price. Hence marginal revenue equals the price of the product. The average-revenue is identical to its marginal revenue. Thus under perfect competition MR=AR=Price and the three curves coincide and are perfectly elastic. This is, however, not the case under monopoly. The monopolist is the sole supplier of a product in the market. He has full powers to make decisions about the pricing of his product. He is a price taker. If he lowers the unit price of his product, his’ sale is increased, if he raises the price, he will not lose his entire sale (Lawrence). The simple Keynesian income expenditure model builds two main suppositions: 1. Prices, incomes and the attention rate are all settled 2- production is demand determined –extra capability will be employed by firms to provide as a great deal output as clientele desire to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Compare and Contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Compare and Contrast - Essay Example Does it remind you of something or seem entirely new? Do you notice if the band is playing 12-bar blues, AABA tunes, or something else? Are they playing from written music? Does the arrangement seem formalized or more like a â€Å"head† arrangement? ?3. The performance venue and audience: What kind of space does the event take place in? How big is the audience? Do you note anything about their ethnic backgrounds, age or gender? What are they doing? Listening? Talking? Dancing? ?4. Your general impressions of the event: Did you have a good time? Why or why not? ?5. Any ways in which the performance relates to issues we have discussed in class: Think particularly about the dualities we started off with: spontaneity vs. planning, and individuality vs. collectivity. ? I. Introduction Jazz, ever since having been introduced in the early 20th century, has become a staple of the music industry. Two jazz performances will be compared and contrasted with regard to the following: the pe rsonnel and instrumentation of the groups; the general style(s) of the groups and their repertories; the performance venues and audiences; my general impressions of the events; and a discussion about any ways in which the performances relate to issues that have been discussed in class. The two 2011 jazz performances that were attended were: a band named Klang, which had just recently released a CD entitled â€Å"Tea Music,† as well as the band Klang’s performance for their newest recently-released CD â€Å"Other Doors.† II. Personnel and Instrumentation of the Groups You might first note the presence or absence of a rhythm section. If there is one, which instruments are used and what are their roles? How big is the entire group? How do the various instruments relate to one another? Does one soloist stand out for you? Why? In both performances, there was a rhythm section. One person was on drums, while another person was intermittently doing percussion of various types including a xylophone. The other types of percussion besides the drums and the xylophone are not immediately known. The entire group is only composed of four people total in the band at one time. The other instruments that I remember included the main musician who was featured, who was on a clarinet. Two other members of the group play the vibraphone, the cello, and other various instruments—while the fourth musician plays drums only. The one soloist who stands out is the clarinetist, because he is the person who basically holds the band together. He’s also the focal point of all the action onstage. Basically, it’s his group, but everyone contributes somehow. III. The General Style(s) of the Groups and Their Repertories Can you identify the general style based on our class discussions? Does it remind you of something or seem entirely new? Do you notice if the band is playing 12-bar blues, AABA tunes, or something else? Are they playing from written music? Does the arrangement seem formalized or more like a â€Å"head† arrangement? The general style of the jazz presented, in both concerts, was very difficult to discern. This is because Klang is not a traditional jazz band in every sense of the word, even though they play some standards occasionally. However, for the most part both of their concerts focused on instrumentalism and attention to musical detail which really can’

God, Freedom, & human Dignity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

God, Freedom, & human Dignity - Essay Example The author Highfield starts with depicting the modern conceptions about relationship. In previous ages, the relationships would be natural or socially given. We could not be free from the social web and from the relationship imposed on us by the society. Highfield calls this understanding of self as â€Å"me – centred† This identity is not selfish or narcissistic but it is based on self desire and not on identity conferring relationship. Chapter 1 of the part one is based on the work of moral philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle In ancient culture, the identity of the person would be decided in a moral space, where respect, fullness and dignity were recognized by the external things such as the person’s family status, war and the glory he had achieved. Earlier Plato and later Augustine and Hippo put forward the theory of inwardness. Augustine gave importance to the purity of heart. Unlike the previous philosophers, Galileo saw the world as a machine, a dead matt er. Rene Descartes, the French philosophers accepted the same view of Galileo, though he was not completely atheist. There were slight differences between both of these experts’ philosophy. Unlike the teleological views of Plato and Aristotle, another philosopher, John Locke was anti-teleological. He opined that human nature seeks only pleasure and avoid any pains. For Plato wisdom is more important than military glory and honour. Christianity strongly supports the idealness of life only through the complete dedication and commitment towards God. The medieval Christian thought that the path towards God can be found only by renouncing worldly pleasure. Sixteen century Protestant Reformation movement on the other hand aimed at breaking down the medieval spiritual hierarchy. They were of the view that salvation came by faith alone and not by self-negating works. The devotees do not need any mediator between him and God. While discussing the principles of Deism the author makes i t clear that Deism believes in the existence of God, though they reject all religious books and dogma and demagogy and believe that God has given human being an ability of reasoning. Hence following the rules of the nature is the only way to believe in God. Happiness and sorrow are the two paradoxical sides of the same coin. The happiness and grief are subjective and circumstantial. He tells different views of the people about God. Some feel that God is hostile towards humanity. Some are doubtful about His existence. Some consider God as their arch-enemy. The second chapter mainly throws the light of the characters who are challenging the omnipotent divine power i.e. God. Among them are Prometheus and Satan in Milton’s Paradise Lost. Many of the literary experts have glorified Prometheus as he challenged God fearlessly. Many think that God is a threat to their freedom and dignity. Chapter three argues the two concepts, i.e. deviance and subservience. God is omnipotent. The wr iter informs the reader about the influence of God on the primitive man when man used to get afraid of the natural calamities and he realised that there is a supreme power controlling the universe and the same power is the creator of human being also. To please this power for the sake of a secure and comfortable life, man started worshiping the power and the power is God. Since the time of creation, man has been worshiping God to attain something and to accomplish his desires. But no one worshiped Him for love. The writer confesses that he would be jealous to God

Measurement in Mixed Methods Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Measurement in Mixed Methods Design - Essay Example Research participants are selected randomly from a population. The researcher in this case is independent of the research problems and thus objective. Standardized research tools/instruments are used to collect data from the sample studied. Quantifiable information is gathered and subjected to statistical analysis. Usually predetermined hypotheses on the (cause-effect) relationship between research variables are tested. One of the hypotheses leads for generalizations on the larger population. The ability to reliably quantifiably measures of research variables and generalize observed patterns makes quantitative method very useful in scientific research. Also objectivity of this method implies the results found at the end of the research can be replicated regardless of whoever that conduct the same research using the same manner. The ability to generate reliable population-based data, manipulate it using statistical techniques and inferentially generalize aspects of the population makes this method suitable for establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Unfortunately, quantitative approach is weak in social sciences because it removes the subject of research from natural settings. Thus studying human behaviour out of context makes it benignly weak in social science research. Qualitative research methodologies are on the other hand value-laden and are used to design, collect, analyze and interpret data by observing what people do and say. Qualitative research methodologies are more subjective than quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information, mainly individual, in-depth interviews and focus groups. They are used to explain the meanings people assign to social phenomena and human behaviours. The researcher in this case is the instrument of data collection, and results may vary greatly depending upon who conducts the research. Thus, measurement is subjective. The beauty of qualitative methodology is that it generates

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Three Ted Talks Wk 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Three Ted Talks Wk 1 - Essay Example hin the social setting, it is not acceptable that the marketing ambitions of businesses must be made to override their social responsibilities (Shrivastava & Berger, 2010). Whiles discussing this all important topic, the two Michaels seemed to have diverging but equally practical views. For Porter, he sees businesses as being in a better position to tackling social problems. This is something that Porter believes must not be difficult to do while generating salaries and tax money. Sandel on the other hand feels that there is being enormous monetization of our culture. His fear is that once this happens then businesses can buy their ways through social problems by paying off for these. From a personal reflective perspective, it would be said that even though the monetization of our culture may generally not be a good idea, it should not be a reason to hold businesses accountable for their abilities to tackle social problems as Porter outlines. This is because as it has been indicated earlier, businesses are no longer in a marketplace that is detached from the larger society but rightly attached to the social setting in which they


REWRITE THIS PAPER FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS BY PROF - Essay Example Though McLeod rightly claims that our rights under the 1st Amendment have been curtailed through a rise in copyrighted material, he is wrong to include in his arguments gathering and protection of personal information for homeland security purposes. McLeod notes, â€Å"Information about citizens is collected by private companies and guarded for corporate purposes, or the use of the highest bidder† (245). The â€Å"Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information eXchange (MATRIX) is such a program. With the MATRIX program, the US government collects information from private databases and uses it to its own ends† (McLeod 245). Though McLeod is not completely wrong to point out and argue against the dangers of this innovation. The MATRIX program implies that most of the information that was previously public is now proprietary thus it is privately owned. MATRIX collects data on every citizen. According to McCleod, â€Å"MATRIX collects a wide range of data, including pictures of th e subject, one’s neighbors and family members† (McLeod, 245). Also, this information is proprietary. Although this information is a collection of events and facts from a personal as well as public life of an individual, the owner and creator of this information, i.e. the individual whose data was collected, has no access to it. The Freedom of Information Act does not extend to ordinary citizens as the information has been privatized (McCleod 245). According to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC 552a, cl.e, the executive has the right to collect personal information for the purpose of protecting the homeland security. However, individuals have a right to be informed of changes or disclosures of such information. By 2004, data was collected on 120,000 individuals, who were viewed as having â€Å"high terrorism factor† (Krouse 3). In cases where the use of MATRIX program is not kept in check then, the misuse of the privatized information is bound to happen (McLeod 247). McLeod cites Lt. Col. Ralph Periandi, deputy commissioner for operations with the Pennsylvania state police, who argues that these data will not be used for anti - terrorist activities only (246). They are open to misuse by the members of the US law enforcement agencies. Democracy will be cut by such actions of misuse of private information The democratic right to innovate too is tied up by such practice, as the case of ElcomSoft proves. An employee of this company attended a conference where he intended to make public an ebook reader, a tool which would allow consumers to copy books legally onto a personal computer, once they paid for this service (McLeod 248). The employee was arrested, though later acquitted together with his company, as US jury decided that they were not aware of US laws regarding intellectual property rights. Despite the arguments made by McLeod, some points about legal protection of the right to privacy should not be missed. Indeed, companies use cookies to c ollect private data such as IP address, or the social security number (Legal Information Institute). And databases collecting data about every aspect of a person’s life intrude the private sphere. However, some of this data is given away consensually by individuals. Laws attempt to protect every sphere of an individual’

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Measurement in Mixed Methods Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Measurement in Mixed Methods Design - Essay Example Research participants are selected randomly from a population. The researcher in this case is independent of the research problems and thus objective. Standardized research tools/instruments are used to collect data from the sample studied. Quantifiable information is gathered and subjected to statistical analysis. Usually predetermined hypotheses on the (cause-effect) relationship between research variables are tested. One of the hypotheses leads for generalizations on the larger population. The ability to reliably quantifiably measures of research variables and generalize observed patterns makes quantitative method very useful in scientific research. Also objectivity of this method implies the results found at the end of the research can be replicated regardless of whoever that conduct the same research using the same manner. The ability to generate reliable population-based data, manipulate it using statistical techniques and inferentially generalize aspects of the population makes this method suitable for establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Unfortunately, quantitative approach is weak in social sciences because it removes the subject of research from natural settings. Thus studying human behaviour out of context makes it benignly weak in social science research. Qualitative research methodologies are on the other hand value-laden and are used to design, collect, analyze and interpret data by observing what people do and say. Qualitative research methodologies are more subjective than quantitative research and uses very different methods of collecting information, mainly individual, in-depth interviews and focus groups. They are used to explain the meanings people assign to social phenomena and human behaviours. The researcher in this case is the instrument of data collection, and results may vary greatly depending upon who conducts the research. Thus, measurement is subjective. The beauty of qualitative methodology is that it generates

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


REWRITE THIS PAPER FOLLOWING DIRECTIONS BY PROF - Essay Example Though McLeod rightly claims that our rights under the 1st Amendment have been curtailed through a rise in copyrighted material, he is wrong to include in his arguments gathering and protection of personal information for homeland security purposes. McLeod notes, â€Å"Information about citizens is collected by private companies and guarded for corporate purposes, or the use of the highest bidder† (245). The â€Å"Multistate Anti-TeRrorism Information eXchange (MATRIX) is such a program. With the MATRIX program, the US government collects information from private databases and uses it to its own ends† (McLeod 245). Though McLeod is not completely wrong to point out and argue against the dangers of this innovation. The MATRIX program implies that most of the information that was previously public is now proprietary thus it is privately owned. MATRIX collects data on every citizen. According to McCleod, â€Å"MATRIX collects a wide range of data, including pictures of th e subject, one’s neighbors and family members† (McLeod, 245). Also, this information is proprietary. Although this information is a collection of events and facts from a personal as well as public life of an individual, the owner and creator of this information, i.e. the individual whose data was collected, has no access to it. The Freedom of Information Act does not extend to ordinary citizens as the information has been privatized (McCleod 245). According to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC 552a, cl.e, the executive has the right to collect personal information for the purpose of protecting the homeland security. However, individuals have a right to be informed of changes or disclosures of such information. By 2004, data was collected on 120,000 individuals, who were viewed as having â€Å"high terrorism factor† (Krouse 3). In cases where the use of MATRIX program is not kept in check then, the misuse of the privatized information is bound to happen (McLeod 247). McLeod cites Lt. Col. Ralph Periandi, deputy commissioner for operations with the Pennsylvania state police, who argues that these data will not be used for anti - terrorist activities only (246). They are open to misuse by the members of the US law enforcement agencies. Democracy will be cut by such actions of misuse of private information The democratic right to innovate too is tied up by such practice, as the case of ElcomSoft proves. An employee of this company attended a conference where he intended to make public an ebook reader, a tool which would allow consumers to copy books legally onto a personal computer, once they paid for this service (McLeod 248). The employee was arrested, though later acquitted together with his company, as US jury decided that they were not aware of US laws regarding intellectual property rights. Despite the arguments made by McLeod, some points about legal protection of the right to privacy should not be missed. Indeed, companies use cookies to c ollect private data such as IP address, or the social security number (Legal Information Institute). And databases collecting data about every aspect of a person’s life intrude the private sphere. However, some of this data is given away consensually by individuals. Laws attempt to protect every sphere of an individual’

YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO... Essay Example for Free

YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO Essay Kalamkari the ancient Indian art of painting Kalamkari refers to a method of painting natural dyes onto cotton or silk fabric with a bamboo pen or kalam. The name kalamkari translates as pen (kalam) work (kari) in Hindi/Urdu, and was most likely derived from trade relationships between Persian and Indian merchants as early as the 10th  century CE. European merchants also had names for this type of fabric decoration: the Portugese called it pintado, the Dutch used the name sitz, and the British preferred chintz. The name kalamkari is used prominently today, and is synonymous with both painted and hand blockprinted textiles that incorporate natural vegetable/organically-derived dye stuffs. While there are many forms of kalamkari throughout India and the world, the focus of this site is on extant kalamkari practice in Sri Kalahasti, Andhra Pradesh, in South India. WASHING/SCOURING CLOTH Methods for scouring and bleaching of gada cloth vary. Some artists simply immerse gada cloth in cool water over night then beat the wet cloth to remove further impurities. The following sheep dung treatment for bleaching has been described by some artists, -Gada cotton fabric is scoured by immersing it overnight in a sheep dung/water solution (1 lump of dung for 10 liters of water). * The cloth is exposed to the sun for a day by spreading it on the banks of the river. * Water is continually sprinkled on the cloth to prevent it from drying. * In the evening the cloth is washed by folding it and  slapping it against a washing stone, followed by rinsing  in the flowing river. * The cloth is then re-immersed in a freshly prepared sheep dung solution and the process is repeated. * On the second day the sprinkling is stopped in the late evening to allow the cloth to dry. The first step in making a kalamkari painting is the treatment of gada, or unbleached cotton cloth in kaccha or myrobalam and buffalo milk solution.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance Of Fuel And Technology Environmental Sciences Essay

The Importance Of Fuel And Technology Environmental Sciences Essay I am researching these topics because it has a lot in common. Fuel energy and technology is a very interesting topic, they are the most useful things by human being, it is used for important things and this will help me know more about the history of fuel and technology, I am a person that likes a lot technology because is different of other things. Without technology, fossil fuels cannot be extracted in an easier way because technology gives details of ground and how fuels companies can extract petroleum from the earth. Fossil fuels provides 66% of the world electrical power and 95% of the world energy demand and we need to have in count that fuel energy and technology is our principal source of transportation. Fossil fuels, coal, oil and natural gas, are a non-renewable source of energy. Formed from plants and animals that lived up to 300 million years ago, fossil fuels are found in deposits beneath the earth. The fuels are burned to release the chemical energy that is stored within this resource. Energy is essential to modern society as we know it. Over 85% of our energy demands are met by the combustion of fossil fuels. Fuel is one of the most used earth product because in the entire world fuel energy is used to make a lot of important things such as vehicles gas, cells, etc. Fuel is any material that can be used to generate energy to produce mechanical work in a controlled manner and the processes used to convert fuel into energy include chemical reactions, such as combustion, and nuclear reactions, such as nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. Fuels are also used in the cells of organisms in a process known as metabolism. Hydrocarbons are by far the most common source of fuel in current u se, but many other substances can be used as well. The most interesting case about fuel energy is how it was create or how human being in the past thousand years has the incredible idea to perform energy source, fuel energy was first starts with wood. It was one of the first fuels used by humans and is still the primary energy source in much of the world. These discover was performed by home erectus near 2 million years ago. A very important thing to say is that without fuel, our technology never will be developed because without that, cars, airplanes and all types of vehicles will not work. Fossil fuels exist long before dinosaurs roamed the Earth. These are made up of plant and animal matter. When plants and animals died, their bodies decomposed and were buried under layers of earth. Millions of years later we have the three forms of fossil fuel: Oil, Natural gas and Coal. The advantages of fossil fuels is that they produces a lot of electricity especially coal, its cheap, transporting coal and gas is easy and power station that run on gas are very efficient and the disadvantages is that burning fossil fuels produces carbon dioxide which result in greenhouse gases that mean global warning alert, burning coal produce more carbon dioxide than gas and oil and it also produces sulphur dioxide that causes acid rain. According to scientists burning fossil fuels produces 20 billion of carbon dioxide every year and the earth natural process can only absorbs 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide and the remaining carbon dioxide goes to the atmosphere and contributes to global warni ng. The oil is found way down in the ground, usually between layers of rock. To get oil out, a well is dug. Digging a well is like putting a straw into a can of pop. The oil is then pumped out of the ground, just like when you suck pop up the straw. Oil is carried in pipelines and large tanker ships. A refinery changes the oil into products like gasoline, jet fuel and diesel fuel. Its also burned in factories and power plants to make electricity Natural gas is made out of methane, which is a simple chemical compound made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms and this gas is highly flammable. Natural gas is found near oil in the ground. Its pumped, just like oil, from wells that tap into the source and send it to large pipelines. Because you cant smell or see natural gas, it is mixed with a chemical to give it a stinky smell like rotten eggs. For thousands of years man has depended on fossil fuels as his primary energy source. Chapter 3Æ’Â   Technology Technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants. Technology means computers and software, aircraft, pesticides, plasma TVs, birth-control pills, and microwave ovens, to name a few. But technology is more than these tangible products. Human being has found the correct way to make life easier and effective. Technology is what the world needs to develop in the faster and easier way, with technology everything can become possible and everyday technology is growing up. The use of the term technology has changed significantly over the last 200 years. Before the 20th century, the term was uncommon in English, and usually referred to the description or study of the useful arts. Technology is meant to be our future of our life. Technology can be most broadly defined as the entities, both material and immaterial, created by the application of mental and physical effort in order to achieve some value. In this usage, technology refers to tools and machines t hat may be used to solve real-world problems. With technology this world will have a better future and we will have a better lifestyle with a healthy and long life because technology is what is changing this world. It is true that technology is also bringing a lot of problems for todays young society because they are getting in their own world using internet, PlayStation etc†¦this is making childhood to be dependent of themselves and they dont do activities like sports going out with friends or interacting with family so this is the mayor problem of technology, people are getting addicted of excessive uses of technology because is more easier so they get lazy. It is the current state of humanitys knowledge of how to combine resources to produce desired products, to solve problems, fulfill needs, or satisfies wants. It includes technical methods, skills, processes, techniques, tools and raw materials. Conclusion In the world exist a lot of problems about global warming and this is happening because fuel energy extract, but we can be intelligent and take care of our planet and contributes in saving water, dont destroying our habitat, the world is created for us to live and is our home so it is incredible how humanity is destroying the world without thinking of a world destruction or humanity destruction. Fuel energy and technology is of great importance in the entire world because without this our advanced things like computers, motor vehicles, electronic devices, internet our world will not work as efficient as it is working todays days, everything is easier than the last 100 years. These two resources give a great contribution to the world. Technology gives a better way of communication and fuel a better way of transportation. Resources Home

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Good vs. Evil in The Friars Tale :: essays research papers fc

Society has always judged a person on his level of morality. This level of judgment has been evident since the immoral acts of Adam and Eve were committed. Some of these acts are dishonesty, adultery, and ignorance. â€Å"The Friar’s Tale† makes these moral issues clear through various characters. The summoner and the Devil both show dishonesty, abuse of power, and mercilessness. In this short story, Chaucer illustrates the theme of immorality and how it affects the character of all the persons in the tale. .Characters display dishonesty in â€Å"The Friar’s Tale†. The summoner steals the money that he collects from peasants. Chaucer illustrates this act of immorality when he says, â€Å"Now truly†¦so do I. I never spare to take a thing, knows God, unless it be too heavy or too hot. What I get for myself, and privately, no kind of conscience for such things have I†. (170-174). The summoner is being dishonest to the people that he collects from by not telling him that he keeps the money. The summoner admits to the Devil that he steals. The summoner also says that he has no conscience. Therefore he can not be kept from evil. (Gray 115) Bowden addresses the summoner’s immorality when he states, â€Å"Fact and fiction both condemn him as especially licentious and dishonest. He also mentions how Gower writes of him as pretending to be poor but, in actuality, as being as rich as a king† (Bowden 55). Stealing is immoral, and Bowden reinforces that the summoner is immoral and steals beyond need. He is also being dishonest to his Archdeacon by not giving him the collections. The devil persuade the summoner into committing immoral acts. He makes the summoner believe that he himself is a thief as well. We see this happen when the devil says, â€Å"My wages are right scanty, and but small. My lord is harsh to me and niggardly, my job is most laborious, you see; and therefore by extortion do I live† (162-165). Hallissy agrees when he states, â€Å"When Geoffrey comments that the friar likes the company of such people better than that of lepers and beggars†¦such worldly values are inappropriate in a follower of Christ†. (Hallissy 33). By hanging out with those of higher status, the friar proves that he is not carrying out his vows. Hallissy suggests that the summoner, who should be a model for the community, is immoral.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

quality management :: essays research papers

the Xbox 360 will be HD-DVD compatible. Get the full story at Who Needs Sight?: How would you feel if someone totally beat the ever-loving waste products out of you while you were playing a game...and they were facing away from the screen? Well, folks who set themselves up for a challenge with 17 year-old Brice Mellen may have to deal with those questions. You see, Brice is blind but has been playing games his entire life, and as a result, is probably a lot better than you in Mortal Kombat Annihilation and Soul Calibur 2. Meet the ultimate gamer at Yahoo! News. Google Wars: A dispute between Canada and Denmark over a tiny island near Greenland (which is a territory of Denmark, despite being larger than the entire European nation) is being fought online via ads on Google, which point to letters of protest centered around the dispute. Find out the full story on Yahoo! News. Wall Of Shame: Chicago's new way of humiliating those caught soliciting a prostitute in their city may be effective at making the perpetrators feel ashamed, but the practice of posting the names and photos of those caught before they're tried has come under scrutiny by law enforcement officials and attorneys. Those actions violate a person's constitutional right to a fair trial by punishing them before they are proven guilty. Read the whole story at From The N-Side: At most companies, divulging corporate secrets could get one in boiling hot water, but if you've ever wanted to find out why some of the more peculiar decisions were made at Nintendo over the years, here's your chance. N-Sider has an article that reveals the reasons behind such odd happenings such as the Virtual Boy and the Game Boy-only sequel to Kid Icarus, plus more. Seeing Infrared: A hacker known as Major Malfunction online has revealed to the world exactly how easy it is to hack into one's personal information anytime information is transmitted via an infrared signal, such as in hotel room computers and car door locks. Find out what you're missing if you're not plugged in to DefCon at Wired. Best Name Ever: Even if you're already way past the whole 'birds and the bees' conversation stage in your life, you've got to chuckle at the name for the sequel to the Nintendo DS title Feel the Magic.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case Study for White Box Testing

White Box Case Study 1. Introduction In white-box testing, the purpose is to ensure that the all the code has been tested and covered. There are different coverage measures depending on the level of detail of the white-box test. The coverage measures may also be applied to integration testing and system testing. 2. Learning Objectives The exercise aims at giving an understanding of white-box. The specific learning goal is to gain a detailed insight into the concept of white-box testing using coverage measures. Assignment 1: Look at the program below. How many feasible paths are there for this program? Define a set of test cases that gives you 100% coverage of all the feasible paths. Input (score); If score < 45 then print (‘fail’); else print (‘pass’); If score > 80 then print (‘ with distinction’); End Assignment 2: In this week’s lab session you will test the NextDate program with white-box techniques. Get an understanding of how the program works, the code is available here Assignment 4: Make flowgraphs of the methods in the NextDate class. Assignment 5: Prepare test cases based on the flowgraph. Calculate the minimum number of test cases if the goal is: †¢ 100% Statement coverage †¢ 100% Decision/branch covergae †¢ 100% Condition coverage 4. Exercise (on computer) Assignment 6: Now we would like you to thoroughly test the NextDate program using white-box testing. You should implement the testcases you have prepared on paper using statement, decision,and condition coverage. Preferably implement them using JUnit. Implement more test cases if you realize that you missed any during the preparation. Remember to specify test case ID, what is tested, description, input, expected output and other useful information while executing your test cases. You may also want to make room for pass and fail notes and perhaps for comments. Record your test results carefully for your test report. Report The purpose of the report is to discuss the result of the exercise and related topics. Following parts should be included, 1) conclusions from the lab session, 2. Describe the outcome of your tests. Discuss the assignments and include the following: †¢ The flowgraphs from the preparation assignment. †¢ The test cases. Remember to specify the associated test technique to each test case. Also, specify the coverage measure of each method used. †¢ Defects detected. †¢ Which coverage criteria works best and why? †¢ When is each coverage criteria most applicable? †¢ Compare black-box test techniques (used in lab session 1) and white-box test techniques. Discuss advantages and disadvantages with each and when they are appropriate to use.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Essay Essay

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a narrative novel written by John Boyne. This book was first published in 2006. This novel explores the adventures of Bruno, the son of a Nazi commandant, who meets a young Jewish boy called Shmuel at the concentration near his new house at Out-With. Nothing can stop the two becoming best friends, not even a barbed wire fence. The story is set in Germany during the Second World War. This essay explores how the themes (the effect of war on children and families, innocence of children and the cruelty and unfairness of discrimination) are conveyed through narrative techniques (setting, character and plot). The innocence of children is a theme that is frequently used throughout the novel. Character is a narrative technique utilised to convey this particular theme. Bruno and Shmuel are characters in the novel who convey the theme, the innocence of children. Bruno conveys this theme by not knowing the other side of the fence was a concentration camp, †Å"An opportunity to see what was really on the other side of the fence before he went back to Berlin.† Bruno also believes venturing to the other side of the fence is a sensible plan and a good way to finish of his stay at Out-With, â€Å"All in all, it seemed like a very sensible plan and a great way to say goodbye.† Shmuel also conveys this theme because he doesn’t realise his father has been killed by one of the Nazi’s, â€Å"Shmuel saw a chance to get someone to help him in the search for his papa.† Another example of this theme is when Bruno presumes there was a cafà © and a shop at the concentration camp, â€Å"He had thought there would be a shop in the centre, and maybe a small cafà ©.† Bruno also thought the girls and boys living in the concentration camp played tennis, football, skipping and hopscotch, â€Å"He thought that all the boys and girls who lived here would be in different groups, playing tennis or football, skipping and drawing out squares for hopscotch on the ground.† Cruelty and unfairness of discrimination is a theme broadly used throughout the novel. The various settings in the book convey this theme. When Bruno looks around the concentration camp he saw two different types of people: unhappy, crying Jews in their striped pyjamas and ha ppy, laughing, shouting soldiers in their uniforms, â€Å"In fact everywhere he look, all he could see was two different types of people: either happy, laughing, shouting soldiers in their uniforms or unhappy, crying people in their striped pyjamas.† When  Bruno and Gretel look out of Bruno’s window they saw a group of Jewish children emerge from a hut. These children were being order around and shouted at, â€Å"Emerging from a hut in the distance, a group of children huddled together and were being shouted at by a group of soldiers. The more they were shouted, the closer they huddled together.† The children were also unfairly mocked and jeered by the soldiers at the concentration camp, â€Å"One of the soldiers lunged towards them and they separated and seemed to do what he wanted them to do all along, which was to stand in a single line. When they did, the soldiers all started to laugh and applaud them.† The setting of Bruno’s house in Out-With conveys this theme. When Bruno wanted a tyre to build his swing he asks Lieutenant Kotler for one. Lieutenant Kotler impolitely orders Pavel (a Jewish waiter) to help Bruno find a tyre, â€Å"‘Hey, you!’ he shouted, then adding a word that Bru no did not understand. ‘Come over here, you-’ He said the word again, and something about the harsh sound of it made Bruno look away and feel ashamed to be part of this it all. Pavel came towards them and Kotler spoke to him insolently.† The effect of war on children and families is a theme often used throughout the story. The plot and the key events of the novel help convey the multiple themes in the novel. The effect of war has rendered Bruno’s mother to discard her health and take more medicinal sherries. Also it makes Bruno’s mother to have more afternoon naps and to be quieter during the day, â€Å"Mother kept very quiet during the day and was having an awful lot more of her afternoon naps, some of them not even in the afternoon but before lunch, and Bruno was worried for her health because he’d never known anyone need quite so many medicinal sherries.† Gretel had been effected by the war and decided not to play with dolls. She instead had put up maps of Europe where she put little pins into them and moved them every day after consulting the newspaper, â€Å" Gretel had decided that she didn’t like dolls anymor e and had put them all into four large bags and thrown them away. In their place she had hung up maps of Europe that father had given her, and every day she put little pins into them and moved the pins around constantly after consulting the daily newspaper.† In conclusion, the themes of the novel (the effect of war on children and families, the innocence of children and the cruelty and unfairness of discrimination) are conveyed through narrative techniques (character, plot and setting). The effect of war on children and families is  conveyed through the plot, while the innocence of children is conveyed through the characters of the novel. Finally, the cruelty and unfairness of discrimination is conveyed through the various settings of the novel.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Case study Of Fairview Distribution Centre

Supply Chain and Logistics Management forms one of the most integral parts of any business organization whereby the company manages its resources and sees to it that all the resources are utilized effectively and the organization incurs the minimum amount of cost. In the given report, such a case relating to the Fairview School Board has been presented (Christopher, 2016).   The company presently holds a distribution center whereby it distributes all the stationery to the different organizations from one center. This has led to extremely high costs for the company and hence, it has been advised to give away the distribution centre and manage on its own. The given case explores all available ideas and then roots for one of them. At the distribution center, an area of 30000 square foot was used which has to purposes. Various school`s inventories were kept at the warehouse for the supply given to the schools. This stock included office supplies, papers and other stationery items. Such a large stock was kept in order to see to it that the bulk purchases could be made which would lead to decreased costs and also balance the lead time in case of deliveries (Islam et al., 2013). The inventory levels fluctuated to a great extent throughout the year. At the warehouse, various equipment of the board house was also kept which consisted of special teaching supplies and could be loaned by the various schools on different time period basis (Wang et al., 2016). The delivery system of the board was also taken care of by the authorities in the distribution centre which comprised of an interdepartmental mail, supplies and other educational services. The deliveries were made to various schools and offices as and when required . According to Jim Knox, that the board had forecasted certain deficits and thus, certain adjustments had to be made to various units in order to overcome the deficit problem. He suggested that along with giving away early retirement to various staffs and cuts, the distribution centre could be done away with (Mangan, Lalwani & Lalwani, 2016). The schools should be allowed to handle their own supplies and the center could be sold away along with selling the vehicles owned. The reason why closing the distribution centre was taken in as a more attractive than cutting down other program budgets was because the schools could manage their supplies on their own. According to him salaries of around $500000 would be saved if the distribution centre was given away. Along with the same rent could also be saved. The alternative option to the given scenarios cold is as follows: The distribution centre is a huge warehouse where all the equipment fit in adequately. Hence, due to this the area of the distribution centre could be reduced considerably and the entire excess inventory could somehow be reduced by keeping lower levels of stock (Stadtler, 2015).When the case comes up of the discounts which would be received then, the purchase of stocks can be made at once but the delivery can be made later. Adding to this, the staff could work on rotational basis and the teachers could also contribute some of their help in order to manage the supplies. Various other adjustments could be made which would help in altering the problem of the budget and even not hamper the distribution system aspect. The most suitable scenario in the given situation would be taking up the alternative path. This given path would follow the `avoidance of wastage idea` an idea similar to that of the Kaizen Distribution, where all unnecessary costs and wastes would be avoided in order to see to it that the distribution centre does not incur the huge amount of costs that it is incurring at the moment (Jacobs, Chase & Lummus, 2014). The alternative plan has been elaborated in detail: In terms of ethicality, the stakeholder’s need also needs to be considered while any particular decision is being made. When the distribution centre would have been given away, it would have caused inconvenience to various stakeholders. These stakeholders include various stakeholders like teachers, staff, the personnel working at the centre, and the maintenance staff. The staff has been working in the distribution centre since a very long time and therefore, it is extremely important that the people who are working there are also considered before any rash decision is made. Hence, it can be clearly stated that the benefits of following this idea is much more than the costs which are incurred. This also serves to be a middle path and helps in removal of any consequences for the board as well as the stakeholders involved in the board Therefore, it can be stated that there were two clear alternatives available to the company which was giving away the distribution board or keeping it. The third was an additional alternative which would have helped the board to reduce certain costs. All the ideas were well explained and then the case for an alternative idea was built which was reducing excess wastage and keeping the distribution center but decreasing it in size and operations. The reduced operations will not only help in saving the costs but also help in saving the interests of the various stakeholders involved. Christopher, M. (2016).  Logistics & supply chain management. Pearson UK. Coyle, J. J., Langley, C. J., Novack, R. A., & Gibson, B. (2016).  Supply chain management: a logistics perspective. Nelson Education. Islam, D. M. Z., Meier, J. F., Aditjandra, P. T., Zunder, T. H., & Pace, G. (2013). Logistics and supply chain management.  Research in Transportation Economics,  41(1), 3-16. Jacobs, F. R., Chase, R. B., & Lummus, R. R. (2014).  Operations and supply chain management  (pp. 533-535). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Mentzer, J. T., DeWitt, W., Keebler, J. S., Min, S., Nix, N. W., Smith, C. D., & Zacharia, Z. G. (2013). Defining supply chain management.  Journal of Business logistics,  22(2), 1-25. Mangan, J., Lalwani, C., & Lalwani, C. L. (2016).  Global logistics and supply chain management. John Wiley & Sons. Rushton, A., Croucher, P., & Baker, P. (2014).  The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers. Stadtler, H. (2015). Supply chain management: An overview. In  Supply chain management and advanced planning  (pp. 3-28). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Simchi-Levi, D., Simchi-Levi, E., & Kaminsky, P. (2016).  Designing and managing the supply chain: Concepts, strategies, and cases. New York: McGraw-Hill. Wang, G., Gunasekaran, A., Ngai, E. W., & Papadopoulos, T. (2016). Big data analytics in logistics and supply chain management: Certain investigations for research and applications.  International Journal of Production Economics,  176, 98-110.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Reseach in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Reseach in Education - Essay Example In terms of education, research plays a vital role as it adds to what was previously known. This will in turn result in the betterment of educators and students’ performances as well as improving communication among those characters situated within the learning environment. The function of research in education is to increase knowledge and provide solutions to problems. In addition to this, research can improve the different methods of teaching. When an educator responds to a question of concern, this is also known as basic research. In contrast, when a reply is more complex, it is termed applied research. Because of this, basic research looks to increase comprehension and knowledge; applied research attempts to fix problems that have been highlighted. Furthermore, make a differentiation between basic research and applied research is a difficulty that thwarts research in the field of educational technology. Throughout this essay we will illustrate the nature of research in edu cation, its procedures, and how educational research can be carried out in the dealings of information and communication technologies. The educational research characteristics: Educational research contains an exclusive environment that is compelled from its extraordinary features. A researcher needs to make sure that these features are included in his or her research and should also be relevant in a useful manner. Researches that encompass a number of these attributes can be thought of as trustworthy resources of information and knowledge. There are many research traits that have been suggested by a number of experts (Tuckman, 1994; Wiersma, 1986). Educational explorations should be valid, dependable, and methodical as wells as taking shape in an assortment of forms. Consistency in our research backs up our hypotheses and proposals. In support of this, Wiersma (1986) remarks, â€Å"validity involves two concepts simultaneously: the extent to which the results can be accurately interpreted and the extent to which the results can be generalized to populations and conditions" (p.4). From this explanation, it can be concluded that validity comprises two level s: internal and external. Also, if research is short of internal validity, thus the conclusions cannot be understood. Following on from this, external validity will also be unavailable for this very reason. However, it is virtually impossible to include both internal and external validity in research (Wiersma, 1986). It is really only a predictability of validity that makes a research’s results both rational and practical. Dependability is one more crucial part of educational research. As Weirsma (1986, p. 6) says, this is â€Å"the consistency of the research.† In other words, research can come up with identical results even if it is recreated under the same conditions as well as the same subjects. If research does not have dependability, it cannot be repeated another time. If so, it will be harder to understand the results and it will even be more impossible to come to a reliable conclusion. The third characteristic involved in research is methodical research. Resear ch is an ordered procedure that can be concluded one step at a time. A methodical research process contains a number of elements that range from locating the problem, re-examining accessible data,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Unit 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Unit 2 - Essay Example (CFA, 2009) II. There is no single or correct value for a ratio. Normally, the ratio value may be too low or too high in comparison to reference value. Ratios can therefore mislead especially when they are not combined with economic need and management of the company. Therefore, one must consider the products, competitors and the vision of the company. III. It is generally hard to define the goodness- appropriateness of the ratio or its badness. Ordinarily, high cash ratio is historically classified and may be interpreted as a good sign especially when the company is growing, but could also interpreted as a sign that the company is no longer a growth company. V. The inflation also changes companys balance sheet hence affecting the profits accrued from the organization. Therefore, a ratio analysis of one company over time or a comparative analysis of companies of different ages must be scrutinized with understanding (CFA, 2009) I. Free cash flow is the amount of cash that a firm has in the bank at any given time, after all of its bills and payables are accounted for. It is determined on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis. Free cash flow is given by the total cash flow or the earnings with noncash charges added back in, minus capital spending. II. Free cash flow is important in the progress of any business because an excellent indicator of the strength of the marketplace. It normally focuses on the ability to pay bills and the remaining cash invested in growth and expansion projects. It is vital in assessing financial health of the company because it strips away all the accounting assumptions built into earnings III. Free cash flow is vital and it represents the operating cash flow after interest, the cash taxes, and normal capital expenditures. This is the cash flow that is available to a firm or a company used for dividends, debt repayment or the acquisitions of a new business. Investors use free cash flow in

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Must demonstrate the understanding of new learning in the field of Research Paper

Must demonstrate the understanding of new learning in the field of project management and how it relates to the Project Management Maturity Model - Research Paper Example Maturity model is a tool that enables businesses to measure the ability of an organization to maturely manage different projects. It thus identifies the level of maturity and the avenues within the business within improvement before a roadmap is developed. In this roadmap, different steps are outlined that enable the business to manage its projects within the maturity model and achieve its long and short-term goals (Brown, 2008). The adoption of the maturity model by businesses increases the potential for success and the attainment of the strategic goals within the time set out in the organization’s missions and goals. Through the adoption of the maturity model, an organization increases its ability to continuously improve and develop strategic approaches, which are essential to the success of an organization. Though applied to project management, maturity model was developed under the aegis of quality management and assurance in an organization (Caron, Ruggeri & Merli, 2013). As a result, it was used in the processes of improving the quality of goods and services produced by a given organization, a process that is critical in the success of the same. By adopting the maturity model, an organization links its processes to the continuous improvement goals through a process that involves the understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the same. As a result, avenues that can be improved through change can be identified through the adoption of the maturity model and this increases the success possibility of an organization (Brown, 2008). Within different organisations, there is an increasing need for the development of processes that capable of managing the variability has and obtain the desired results within the time set. Working towards achieving goals within the set budget and time constraint has remained the basic component of any project management plan. As a result, the maturity model has enhanced the management of projects especially within the

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Islamic Societies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Islamic Societies - Essay Example Religious matters are mentioned not very often in the text. The main character of the text states that â€Å"I had covenanted with Allah, be He exalted, since I was of the age of about a score, that I would not delay prayer as for as it was in my power†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chenery, Steingass, 1867/1898, 58). The text concerns itself with such Arabic literature features as protection of persons from sins, prayers among people, especially poor. The text contradicts to description of such a moment in the piece of reading when the events take place on the slaves market which is located in the city of Zabid, Yemen. The Arabic literature states that the Prophet Muhammad was the first fighter against the slavery. This piece of text belongs to the type of maqama – a prose which is rhymed and something between fiction and non-fiction. As this type of writing tackles different subjects within the text, the subjects of it are religious matters – protection from sins, prayers, and descr iption of slavery, a contradictory point to the Arabic literature. The second reading source, Irwin’s â€Å"The Penguin Anthology of Classical Arabic Literature†, also has religious issues. There is an example in the text when the Prophet is referred to: â€Å"Bless Mohammed, the last of Thy prophets for ever, him that came thy message to deliver! Bless the lights of his family and Keys of his victory!† (Irwin, 2006, 190). This reference source provides evidence of efflorescence of the Arabic literature. Such poet as Omar Khayyam is reasonably considered the most prominent one in the Arabic literature. His most famous book, Rubaiyat, describes the things that are far from the Islamic religion norms and restrictions, and he is considered to be the supporter of hedonism. Another bright example of the Arabic literature is One thousand and One Nights, a collection of South

Friday, October 4, 2019

Sprint Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sprint Communication - Term Paper Example The merger of Sprint and Centel in 1993 gave the company an edge by providing wireless communication packages across long distances (Sprint). Company Founder and Vision The company was founded by Cleyson Brown in 1991 (Sprint). The company is centered on four main principles: integrity, honesty, creativity and commitment. The company’s mission is to create sustainable partnerships with customers on a long term basis, based on trust and collaboration. There are four central tenets of its mission. Firstly, to provide high quality, out of the box solutions for customers to provide them with cutting edge technology (Sprint). Secondly, it provides strong communications platforms to enable customers to deal with day to day networking issues (Sprint). Thirdly, it is responsible for accounting for managers who are loyal to the business and who truly understand the needs of the businesses and align their personal needs with those of the business (Sprint). Fourth, providing highly respo nsive and interaction based service on a localized basis which is capable of being trusted and guaranteed to give ultimate peace of mind to the customer (Sprint). Empowerment The company has gone at lengths to ensure empowerment of not only its employees, but the community in general. It has a plan under the banner of â€Å"inclusion and diversity† which addresses the issue of corporate citizenship and allows minorities and ethnic groups an equal share in the operations of the company (Sprint). The company proudly declares itself as a learning organization and offers merit based advancement of its employees with extensive training programs to ensure their personal as well as professional growth. Under this strategy the company has created â€Å"employee resource groups† that comprise of self-directed work teams where constructive discussion and contribution is encouraged. These teams are also continuously benefitting from the advice of their seniors (the executive cham pions) who provide mentoring and counseling as well. In its efforts to provide Equal Opportunity, the company was recognized by the Hispanics Magazine as among the top 100 companies to work for (Black Enterprise). It further received the â€Å"Empowerment† award by Urban League of Kansas City (Sprint). Ethical Behavior and Social Responsibility As far as ethical behavior is concerned, the company has a stringent â€Å"Sprint Code of Conduct† that needs to be followed by all managers, employees and stakeholders of Sprint (Sprint). The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to ensure good practice, and foster a character consistent with the company’s mission of which integrity and honesty are the founding pillars. The Code of Conduct allows the company to take ethical decisions and enhances the goodwill of the company in the market. As far as corporate social responsibility (CSR) is concerned, Sprint offers â€Å"wireless recycling† and use of renewable energy i n its communications along with grants in education (Sprint). In pursuance of its recognition of CSR, Sprint announced its plan for producing environmentally friendly devices in 2007 with the popular Sprint Green Logo (Sprint). The company plans to address CSR at all levels: the customer, employees, community, operations and product offerings. For instance, the