Thursday, October 3, 2019

Body mass index Essay Example for Free

Body mass index Essay In this assignment I will demonstrate every step of the process of determining my body mass index or BMI. After finding the body mass index I will then complete the following intervals based on my height. The formula used to determine the body mass index is BMI= 703W , where W represents a person weight in pounds and H represents a person H2 height in inches. My height is 70 inches. The first interval shows a compound inequality for: 17BMI22 17703W22 H2To make it an equivalent inequality I replaced the BMI with the formula 17703W22 702 My height in inches replaced H2 17703W22 4900then multiply by the height that was squared 17(4900)703W22(4900) 4900cancelling is performed 83300703W107800 multiplication carried out 83300703W107800 703 703 703to get W by itself all terms were divided by 703 118.49W153.34 After completing the problem I determined that people who are 70 inches may have a longer that average life if they weigh between 118.49 and 153.34 To solve this interval I’m going to solve for W prior to solving the inequality. 23703W25 H2 Multiply by H2 23H2703W25H2 Divide by 703 to get W by itself 23H2703W25H2 703703703 it is now an equivalent inequality 23(4900)W25(4900) 703 703from solving the first interval I know that my squared height is 4900. I then plugged it in the place of H2 then multiplied 112700W122500 703 703 160.31W174 Divide A person of 70 inches who weighs between 160.31 and 172 is probably not overweight. The third interval indicates a range for a person that is probably overweight. I solved this problem by inputting the number into the last compound inequality for 23 25. 25BMI29.9 25(4900)W29.9(4900) Multiply 703 703 122500W146510 703 703 Divide 174.25W208.41 A person that is 70 inches tall probably is overweight if their weight is between 174.25 and 208.41. The last interval is to be solved for someone who is obese. The inequality is BMI≠¥30 Since this is not a compound inequality I only need to use the middle and right terms. W≠¥30(4900) Multiply 703 W≠¥147000 Divide 703 W≠¥209.10 This interval indicates a person of 70 inches in height is obese if their weight is greater than or equal to 209.10. Of the 4 regions I’m going to notate interval 4 which states a person is obese if their weight is greater than or equal to 209.10. X is going to represent those who are obese X= (209.10, ∞) Graphed it would start at 209.10 pounds and so to infinity or it would never end. ( 209.10 ∞ In conclusion, during the course of the week I learned two different ways to solve for inequalities. I found that by solving for W in the intervals 2 through 4 was a lot easier and quicker than completing all the steps in the first interval. Reference Dugopolski, M. (2012). Elementary and intermediate algebra (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Publishing

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