Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Success Of The Business - 941 Words

The success of the business will be monitored monthly in the first year and quarterly in following years. The Company is fully aware that new businesses take up to a few years to start turning a profit and that the businesses could operate at a loss during that time. The financials included within the business plan have been forecasted conservatively to maintain realistic and accurate predictions. Management will also keep this in mind when evaluating the state of the business, and make adjustments as necessary to keep the business running with a positive cash flow. As the Company continues to develop and grow its focus will remain on launching a specialized hedge fund within the 3-4 years of operation. Looking ahead, as effective management tool, the time may come to exit the Company; the owners will be prepared to sell to another firm. To facilitate this potential process, Hedge Equity Investment Advisors will build a company that is transparent, sustainable and of optimal size for the company to be successfully acquired by a larger entity should the offer arise. Exclusive contracts and agreements can be transferred to new ownership should the Company be bought out by a larger online or full-service brokerage firm in the future. The next owner will fully understand the business and its profitability as part of sales negotiations. A certified accountant and tax expert will be employed to ensure the business is fit to be sold in a transparent and profitable way when thatShow MoreRelatedBusiness Success For A Business1204 Words   |  5 PagesBusiness Success in the New Normal For a business to succeed in today’s global economy, it takes more than opening doors, turning on phones or powering up computers. Today’s businesses have to look beyond their local competition and take into consideration global competition. 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