Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Analysis Of The Book Where The Wild Things Are

Many dictionaries define animals as living things other than human beings or plants. However, in some dictionaries, there is another definition for animal, which shows how they distinguish animal and human: a live thing which behaves in a wild, aggressive, or unpleasant way. In Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are, the behavior of Max, the protagonist of the story, challenges the boundary line between the animal and human. The way human and animal live their life and convey their love severalizes human and animal. Admittedly, the wild and aggressive behavior creates an animal. As human beings, people are given high intelligence to think, learn, and solving problems instead of using brute force and violence like animal. With such a giving, human ascends to the top of the food chain. In Sendak’s comic, Max appears in the monster costume like an animal from both the appearance and the interior. In the first illustration, Max is using the hammer to knock in the nail o n the wall when standing on the books. The hammer is as big as his body and his right arm seems like stretching to release all its power to the hammer when Max’s anger is expressed from his face. Furthermore, standing on the books is the most hostile scene in this illustration. It’s a symbol of Max disdaining the knowledge accumulated from thousand years of human history. The way Max treats his toy is also violent. He suspends it under a hanger with its one arm tied by a string. However, at the end of theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of a Picture Book--Where the Wild Things Are Essay1307 Words   |  6 PagesANALYSIS OF A PICTURE BOOK WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak Picture books can have a very important role in a classroom, from elementary school through middle and even high school. They offer a valuable literary experience by combining the visual and the text. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about Frida Kahlo - 2013 Words

Psychological state describes the state of mind that we are under. Psychological state can take many forms such as manic, anxious, and depressive. In saying this, our psychological stater can influence things form day to day life. Throughout history events and objects have been reflective of the human psychological state. One of the most prominent subjects to psychological influence is art. Artist such as frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali and Vincent van gough, to name a few, are just some of the selections from art history that reveal their psychological states through their artworks. â€Å"State of mind takes a large part in my art, I think this accounts for most artists throughout history†-Salvador Dali. Frida Kahlo, born July 6, 1907, was a†¦show more content†¦But despite this positive state of mind that frida was in, the worst was yet to come. Many affairs later, frida had come to realize that their marriage was on the rocks and reflected on what her mother had commented on the elephant marrying the dove. The painting was done in a traditional Mexican ratabla style. Although this positive image of fridas background and heritage, there are also other symbols and meanings within this picture. Besides the obvious height difference, there are other distinct differences between he two of them. While Diego is painted as he and frida were seen by most people, artists, frida is depicted very differently to how she was. In this picture she is in traditional Mexican clothes, besides the link to her heritage, she is also depicted as somewhat of a housewife, a trait that she very much inverted. †Diego is the beginning, the constructor, my baby, boyfriend, painter, my lover, â€Å"my husband† my friend, my mother, myself and the universe†. This quote very much reinforces her state of mind throughout their whole marriage. â€Å"my husband†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦this shows that frida never really considered Diego as much of a husband because of the affairs that Diego ha had and his backing out of their fidelity. This quote on fridas though of her marriage is very much shown in the artwork â€Å"The loving embrace of the universe, the earth, Diego, myself Senor. Xolotl†. This artwork, very much depicts fridas state of mindShow MoreRelatedFrida Kahlo1485 Words   |  6 Pageswoman is known as Frida Kahlo, a well known Mexican American surrealist artist who went through many struggles in dealings with a challenging upbringing in a time of revolution and a lifetime of pain. But with a challenge, there is also strength. Kahlo possessed many strengths that allowe d her to prevail against these factors that went against her and become an icon in art. Born on July 6, 1907 in Coyocoà ¡n, Mexico, Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderà ³n or more known as Frida Kahlo (Herrera, 1983Read MoreKahlo Y Calderon : Frida Kahlo1100 Words   |  5 PagesMagdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon also known as Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyocoan Mexico in her family home known as La Casa Azul (The Blue House) later referred to in many of her paintings. Her parents were Guillermo Kahlo and Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez. Frida was the middle child out of four children, once remarked that she grew up in a world surrounded by females (Kahlo Biography). Throughout most of her life, however, Frida remained close to her father. At the age of sixRead MoreA Biography Of Frida Kahlo1414 Words   |  6 PagesHayden Herrera’s book Frida, A Biography of Frida Kahlo (1983) writes with engrossing detail the life story of the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo known for her folk art with vibrant colors and elements of surrealism. Herrera captivates her audience by telling the challenging journey and the various important obstacles Kahlo had to face throughout her entire life during the twentieth-century. Herrera explains how Kahlo’s various masterpieces have been shaped by her life circumstances and experiencesRead MoreThe Legacy Frida Kahlo Essay1037 Words   |  5 PagesRivera and his wife Frida Kahlo are an important aspect of the Hispanic World and well-known names in Latino art. Rivera and Kahlo knew many famous painters such as Duchamp, Siqueiros, Orozco and Picasso. Picasso became a great friend of the family. Kahlo has influenced many places in Mexico. There are many land marks not only in Mexico but around the world. The Frida Kahlo Museum is located in Coyoacan Mexico in her Casa Azul home (blue house), this is the same place Kahlo was born, grew up, livedRead MoreAnalysis Of Carmen Frida Kahlo1172 Words   |  5 PagesMagdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon, who is also known as Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter who was inspired by the Mexican culture. In her line of work, she has painted over 200 paintings, including 55 of those which are self-portraits. With her personal tragedies that are both physical and psychological, Frida painted paintings that were emotional and disturbing. In 1932, Kahlo painted a painted which she named â€Å"Henry Ford Hospital†, the painting reflects Frida’s pains of her life withoutRead MoreFrida Kahlo Of The Face Of Suffering Essay1831 Words   |  8 PagesThe artwork Frida Kahlo completed during her lifetime was heavily influenced by the suffering triggered by the torment of her physical incapability’s and tu multuous marriage. From physical to romantic to family predicaments Frida Kahlo is the epitome of demonstrating â€Å"alegria [joy] in the face of suffering† (Herrera 6). Born the 6th of July in the year of 1907, Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo was raised in a world with emerged with the cultures of German and Mexican. It was with the cultural influenceRead MoreFrida Kahlo Essay1353 Words   |  6 PagesFrida Kahlo was a half-mexican, half-hungarian painter of the 20th century born Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderà ³n in Coyoacà ¡n, Mexico City on July 6, 1907. During her short lived life, she had many accomplishments. She was a surrealist artist whos paintings reflected her thoughts and feelings. Her creative style was always amazing but confusing. Unfortunately, she lived most of her artistic life in the shadow of her husband, Diego Rivera, and her work was not truly recognized until after herRead MoreFrida Kahlo And The Mexican Community1300 Words   |  6 Pages Frida Kahlo once saidâ€Å"At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.† There is no better person to say this than Kahlo, whose life was filled with pain and sadness. She was one of the most influential artists of her time, especially in the Mexican community.. The most important aspects of her life were her multicultural background, her tragic accident she survived as a teen, her relationship with Diego Rivera, her death, and her face as a product. Frida Kahlo was born MagdalenaRead MoreThe Makings of Frida Kahlo Essay725 Words   |  3 Pagesperson, her paintings are her biography. This was announces in 1953 by a local critic after her one and only solo exhibition in Mexico (www.fridakahlo.com). Frida Kahlo was not only a magnificent painter, but also a representation of her birth country Mexico, through her meaningful paintings. While in the midst of nobody but herself, Frida found great inspiration to paint during the early to mid 1900’s. Her passion for painting came from her traffic accident as a teenager, which left her paralyzedRead MoreFrida Kahlo : An Interesting Artist1153 Words   |  5 PagesFrida Kahlo is an interesting artist to learn about. Not only about her deep, complex and surrealist style, but also how it came to be. Unlike other artists who paint from a single point of view; Kahlo is able to show multiple perceptions of what she was feeling or trying to express. How people are not one type of perso n, but can be multifaceted in their lifetime. Frida shows this in many of her paintings. You can see this especially in The Two Fridas and Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird

Sunday, December 15, 2019

English Poetry Free Essays

Emersonâ€Å"The Echoing Green† and â€Å"The Eolian Harp† â€Å"The Echoing Green† is a poem written by William Blake. It was taken from Blake’s Songs of Innocence, and is also a pictorial poem of Blake’s. In this poem, the poet describes a happy country side view where the arrival of spring is welcomed by sunny skies, and ringing bells. We will write a custom essay sample on English Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now It takes place on an ideal day in the British Isles. Blake uses the theme of innocence and peace throughout the poem. The theme plays out here when Blake states that the skies are happy, the children are playing, and the ’old folk’ who reminisce about their own childhood. This poem is a symbolic and draws a contrast between youth and old age. The spring symbolizes the youth and the children. Morning is the beginning of life and dark evening is the end. The poet symbolizes the innocence of children with birds. The birds are happy and they sing; mocking the children. ’Nest of birds’ symbolizes peace. The poem could be attributed to the life of a person-birth, life, death. Birth being the morning, life being the kids playing, the routines throughout the day, and men reminiscing, and lastly death being the end of the day when all goes dark, and quiet smothers the earth. The Eolian Harp†, is a poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Inspired by the peaceful music being played by wind this poem was written for his wife, Sara, while visiting a house of his in Clevedon, Somersetshire. The theme in this poem is also peace, as well as innoncence. Peace comes to him while he ponders on the beauty of nature, and the wonder of God giving him e verything around him including Sara. Coleridge personifies nature by comparing it to abstract nouns. For example, the white flower represents innocence. This abstract noun does exactly this: it gives life and character to nature. Coleridge uses unperceived nature to appeal to the human senses. Each are introduce in turn starting with sight through the watching of the clouds and the evening star. The introduction of God towards the end is another vision. ; a vision to the soul. It is now that the audience visualizes the peace that Coleridge feels. The allusion to sight and vision in these poems are significant because of the dept of imagination needed for physical and emotional imagery. It’s full of emotional feelings, as well as physical sight. The audience is needed to picture, and feel what the poet did to understand the poem. For example, both Coleridge and Blake set the poem outside, in nature to show the peace and innocence. These two poems also have central connectedness. They both have vision and sight. Not only emotionally and mentally, but physical as well. There are many times where both poets use deep feelings and thoughts. Hiding meaning behind words, and using polsemes. Blake hides meanings behind his entire poem. Such as: morning being the beginning of life, and evening being the end. How to cite English Poetry, Papers English Poetry Free Essays In ‘Bayonet charge’ and ‘Belfast confetti’ the consequences of war are presented as inhumane, devastating and confusing by the poets. In both poems a range of semantic fields are used to display the confusion of the soldier in ‘Bayonet charge’ and the civilian in ‘Belfast confetti’. For example in ‘Belfast confetti’: â€Å"Nuts, bolts, nails, car-keys. We will write a custom essay sample on English Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now A fount of broken type. And the explosion. Itself – an asterisk on the map. This hyphenated line, a burst of rapid fire†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Several semantic fields are used at once. For instance â€Å"nuts, bolts, nails and car keys† belong to a semantic field of household objects, whilst â€Å"asterisk† and â€Å"hyphenated line† would fit in to a semantic field of punctuation and â€Å"explosion† and â€Å"rapid fire† are part of wars semantic field. This use of variation in semantic fields creates a sense of confusion as the words do not fit in with the scene Carson is trying to paint, much like the civilian does not fit in with the war that is raging on around him. Similarly Hughes also uses the semantic field of nature as metaphors to create confusion: Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge† â€Å"Clods† are something used to describe mud or soil in a field. Here Hughes are using them as a metaphor for the people who had fallen during the charge. This metaphor shows how disorientated the soldier is, â€Å"stumbling† around the field oblivious to what he was walking through. However the poet makes the soldiers ignorance sound as if it was forced, that in order to make it through the battle he had to ignore what was happening to his comrades. The metaphor â€Å"field of clods† also shows the inhumanity applied to warfare, making the soldiers appear as nothing more than pieces of earth not human beings who had lives and families. It also shows how devastating the battles were, as an entire field has been covered with the remains of those fighting. â€Å"Green hedge†, another metaphor used in the quotation I have chosen, used to describe the end of the soldiers time on the battlefield. I felt that this was particularly powerful as the colour green and nature, in general, are used to represent life and hope, something which would seem out f place in a battlefield meaning that the metaphor also serves as an oxymoron. Both poems consist of many enjambments. Structuring the poem in such a way causes the poems to gain a stop, start rhythm. I felt that this made them sound like the train of thought coming from the subject of each poem. Often cutting off and continuing or switching points completely much like a perso n in a state of confusion unable to focus solely on one thing before finding more questions to ask to attempt to ease their confused state. By setting the poems out this way both Carson and Hughes allow the reader to be enveloped in the same state of confusion creating empathy between the reader and the subject. Hughes uses mechanical imagery in order to show the inhumane consequences of war: â€Å"Sweating like molten iron from the centre of his chest† The use of the simile â€Å"Molten iron† makes the soldier sound mechanical and inhumane as it appears to be coming from within the â€Å"centre of his chest†. This suggests that the poet believes that war and conflict devastates a persons humanity, becoming nothing more than a weapon. This also adds to the effect of the verb â€Å"Sweating† showing us that despite how inhumane the soldier may be, he is still scared enough to be â€Å"Sweating† conveying his fear to the reader. Meanwhile Carson explores the devastating effect war has on the land it takes place on: â€Å"I know this labyrinth so well† The contrast within the quotation displays how much the area has been ruined. The phrase â€Å"So well† emphasises the degree to which the subject knows the area he is talking about, the personal address term â€Å"I know† also creates a sense of desperation and longing for the town this person had once known but would now have to use a map to find the right road. â€Å"Labyrinth†, more likely to be found in Greek mythology, describes a maze almost impossible to escape or find your way around. Here this metaphor displays the extent of the damage done to the town. So devastated and unrecognisable that a person who, presumably, had lived there most of their lives could get lost. Overall the poets use metaphors and enjambments to allow the reader to empathise with the subjects of the poems allowing us to see how the consequences of war would have affected them. I personally found Carsons use of contrast and reference to Greek mythology particularly evocative, letting us see the scale of devastation caused by war. How to cite English Poetry, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Influences Social Media Use And Motivations â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Influences Social Media Use And Motivations? Answer: Introduction Social media along with social marketing plays imperative part in the lives of people in the entire world. It has taken the individuals in the entire world through a storm with different kinds of mobile applications along with in other forms of technologies. It helps in improving the process of proper communication of the individuals with others as well in the workplace. The main aim and purpose is to understand the merits and demerits of social media in the business world. Proper techniques have to be proposed in order to improve the usage of social media among the different individuals in the business world. The common mistakes have to be ascertained, as this will help in preparation of strategy related to social media. The structure of the report will include the advantages and disadvantages of the social media in the business world and Techpillar is the organization that has been focused here in this assignment. The strategies have to be adopted by the companies along with the individuals in order to reduce the misuse of social media. Meaning of Social Media It is defined as the online content that is created by individuals with proper usage of highly scalable as well as accessible and proper technologies used at workplace. It is shift in different ways through which the people can discover, read as well as share news with proper content and information. The social media is the fusion of both technology and sociology that helps in transforming different monologues into different dialogues (Brooks, 2015). It is defined as the democratization of the information that helps in transforming content readers into different kinds of publishers. The social media allows and helps the individuals in connecting with the online world in order to form and create relationships for political, personal and business purpose as well (Rauniar et al. 2014). Role of social media in business development Social media helps in building proper conversations with the different clients and consumers (Laroche, Habibi Richard, 2013) Techpillar is using social media in order to drive their sales, building community and create positive as well as proper known brand in the eyes of the customers Social media will help Techpillar in creating masterpieces of marketing and use social media in order to increase the brand name and sales of their company in the near future (Bolton et al. 2013) Usage of LinkedIn in Techpillar To properly recruit the new hires in their business To properly conduct research in the market as this will help them in increasing their sales in the competitive market To properly ask for the different testimonials and reviews from the customers as this will help them in improving their issues that can affect their brand image Advantages of Social Media in business development The advantages of the social media are interesting to participate and observe in for the different individuals in the Accounting. The different advantages are as follows: Gaining valuable and accurate insights of the individuals as this will help them in increasing the awareness of the customers with daily engagement as well as proper social listening (Marwick Boyd, 2014). Updates and information is other main advantage of social media in the business world as it helps the individuals in updating themselves from different happenings around the entire business world. The print media and the television are biased in nature and it does not help in conveying the correct message as well that is required in the business world (Perrin, 2015). Providing rich experience to the customers as this will help them to deliver their customers what is required by them and this will enhance their skills as well. Improves reputation of the business is one of the advantages of social media as well as this will help in improving the reputation and sales of the Techpillar company. The sharing and positive comments are essential in nature, as it will have positive impact on goodwill and sales of the respective company. Sharing the content easier and faster as this will help them in ensuring that the information are reached to the customers within a short span of time and this will help them in gaining strong customer base as well. Disadvantages of Social Media Cyber bullying is one of the disadvantages of social media as there are individuals who creates fake account and can perform activities that cannot be traced in large businesses and it will be difficult for them to handle such situations at office as well (Alwagait, Shahzad Alim, 2015). Hacking is disadvantage as the privacy and the personal information can be hacked easily and shared on the internet as well. Proper identification of theft is a crucial issue from the personal accounts and this has financial issues at workplace (Xenos, Vromen Loader, 2014). Security issues are the disadvantage that ruins the reputation of the individuals in the business world and it creates false stories across the entire social media about such business personality (Ahmad, Ismail Nasir, 2015). Strategies in improving misusage of social media Proper safety has to be ensured by the Techpillar company in order to improve the usage of social media such as more security on the social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook is required in the business world (Seidman, 2013). The applications that are harming reputation of individuals through usage of social media have to be reduced by the different agencies, as this will help in saving the life of the public. The strategy related to the usage of social media for connecting with individuals in different parts of the world and for marketing purpose as well. The social media usage has to be made limited in nature as well in order to save the life of the individuals. Conclusion Therefore, it can be inferred that Social media is the advanced technology that is changing the lives of the individuals and making it faster and convenient in nature. Social media has great importance in the business development of Techpillar as this helps them in driving their sales and reputation in the competitive market. It helps them in increasing the brand image and sales among the general individuals in the society. Proper usage of social media by Techpillar will help in improving the perception of the individuals in the business as well. References Ahmad, J., Ismail, N., Nasir, N. N. A. (2015). Investigating Malaysian Youths Social Media Usage, management and Practice with regard to Crime Prevention: An Application of the Social Media Literacy Model. Alwagait, E., Shahzad, B., Alim, S. (2015). Impact of social media usage on students academic performance in Saudi Arabia.Computers in Human Behavior,51, 1092-1097. Bolton, R. N., Parasuraman, A., Hoefnagels, A., Migchels, N., Kabadayi, S., Gruber, T Solnet, D. (2013). Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda.Journal of Service Management,24(3), 245-267. Brooks, S. (2015). Does personal social media usage affect efficiency and well-being?.Computers in Human Behavior,46, 26-37. Laroche, M., Habibi, M. R., Richard, M. O. (2013). To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?.International Journal of Information Management,33(1), 76-82. Marwick, A. E., Boyd, D. (2014). Networked privacy: How teenagers negotiate context in social media.New Media Society,16(7), 1051-1067. Perrin, A. (2015). Social media usage.Pew Research Center. Rauniar, R., Rawski, G., Yang, J., Johnson, B. (2014). Technology acceptance model (TAM) and social media usage: an economics study on Facebook.Journal of Enterprise Information Management,27(1), 6-30. Seidman, G. (2013). Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations.Personality and Individual Differences,54(3), 402-407. Xenos, M., Vromen, A., Loader, B. D. (2014). The great equalizer? Patterns of social media use and youth political engagement in three advanced democracies.Information, Communication Society,17(2), 151-167.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Afro Amer 005 Essays - Christianity And Slavery, Free Essays

Afro Amer 005 Essays - Christianity And Slavery, Free Essays Afro Amer 005 Dr. Carr 09/28/2017 Response Essay 2 Abstract In discussing framing questions 2, how did Africans preserve and affirm their ways of life use their cultures as a means to resist enslavement, we talk about the experience and contributions of the Africana history and learn about the shaping of the African citizenship. We also discuss The Coming by Daniel Black which explains the fundamentals of the Middle passage and how they were separated but still managed to keep their cultural practices. Critical Review of Scholarship In the text readings done in class, we have found many answers to the questions that ties around framing question 2, How did Africans preserve and affirm their ways of life and use their cultures as a means to resist enslavement? In the text readings, there are many factors pertaining around framing question 2. In The Coming, Daniel black says, "Our body were the trademark, we believed, of a sacred majestic people. Now the ugliness of our situation made us begin to loathe the body we'd once loved. It was a gradual occurrence at first, more a thought that a truth, but we knew that once planted, a seed soon reveals all that it bears." I believe Black was talking about when we became slaves and how we started to lose ourselves becoming what the white people wanted us to be. We began to hate ourselves because of the situation we were put in. Discussion Also in The Coming , Black says, "The pain of what happened next lives in our collective memory. It mauls our souls each day. Yet it must be told. Silence guarantees no healing. It promises that the child's life would be forgotten and that its mission might one day, be thought significant. Silence is the enemy of history, and history is all we have." Another reading we looked at, Ngugi wa Thiong'o's Something torn and New: An African Renaissance talks about the dismemberment of Africa and how it had two stages. In the reading, it also explains how Europeans colonized the culture and created it through time and space. "The result was that everyone in the African diaspora from the tiniest Caribbean and Pacific island to the American mainland lost their names: Their bodies became branded with a European memory" ( Thiong'o . 14) For my essay, I will be introducing several texts from these sources stated above and sources from my notes in class. How did Africans Preserve and affirm their ways of life and Use their cultures as a means to resist enslavement? To answer this question, we can by trying to go back to when we were enslaved. In our history, we have social constructs and cultures we implemented in order to keep the culture alive. In class, we discussed the difference between and anthem and a hymn. "Lift every Voice is the black national anthem. White people have the Star-Spangled Banner which was written by Francis Scott who was a lawyer who housed slaves which he wrote about in the third verse of the national anthem. The anthem was supposed to bring about unity but it did the opposite of that. Why do you think there is a Black National anthem? In class, Dr. Carr discussed that the national anthem discussed the false promises of freedom. The phase of enslavement started when the Europeans colonized our culture and took it from us. To elaborate, our knowledge knows nothing of Africana studies because of the dismemberment of our history. The passage of enslavement happened in 6 stages; 1. Travel from European Country to Africa, which included exchange of goods. The second phase was the initial capture which happened between Africans where they promoted violence by Europeans for forced labor. In The Coming, Black says "We'd all been taught that, in a circle, there is no beginning, no end. Energy flows without ceasing. One can enter and exit without ever disrupting it. Something magical happens when people gather in a circle. Individual identities swirl into a collective self, which wields far more spiritual force than any one person alone." Elaborating back to the framing question, Black explains how we preserved our culture. During the passage, all the Africans were split up

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on September 1 1939

, to be the positive hope. This poem was widely circulated on the internet after September 11, 2001 mainly because it discusses hope and the important of love in hard times. This poem helped so many people coupe with their pain. People may have related this poem to the tragic events of September 11 because of lines four to eleven, â€Å"As the clever hopes expire/ of a low dishonest decade: / waves of anger and fear / circulate over the bright / and darkened lands of the earth, / obsessing our private lives; / The unmentionable odour of death / Offends the September night.† These lines brought about a sense of uncertainty,... Free Essays on September 1 1939 Free Essays on September 1 1939 My personal response that I acquired from W.H. Auden’s â€Å"September 1, 1939† is that of hope and how it arises in times of despair. This poem is appreciated to more recent historical events, like that of September 11, even though it was written more then sixty decades ago. Auden’s poem is very insightful and it exhibits hope to its readers. In lines forty six to forty eight, â€Å"The lights must never go out/ the music must always play† conspires that everything still, must go on after a tragic event, and that hope is the only thing that keeps us going. Hope gives us the strength to carry on. We experienced this on September 11th, only two years ago. People were told to have faith and hope, and go about their lives as if everything were normal again. People were told to show pride and unity, and positive attitudes as Auden is encouraging the music to keep playing and for the lights to stay bright. The last five lines in this poem produced the largest effect on me. In lines ninety-four to ninety-eight, Auden writes â€Å"May I, composed like them/ of Eros and of dust, / Beleaguered by the same/ Negation and despair, / show an affirming flame.† Those five lines exhibit the need for hope in despaired persons, who have been wr onged. Auden is daring to be the â€Å"affirming flame†, in other words, to be the positive hope. This poem was widely circulated on the internet after September 11, 2001 mainly because it discusses hope and the important of love in hard times. This poem helped so many people coupe with their pain. People may have related this poem to the tragic events of September 11 because of lines four to eleven, â€Å"As the clever hopes expire/ of a low dishonest decade: / waves of anger and fear / circulate over the bright / and darkened lands of the earth, / obsessing our private lives; / The unmentionable odour of death / Offends the September night.† These lines brought about a sense of uncertainty,...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Assignment 01 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

01 - Assignment Example If teachers lack protection and hence start being fired regularly, the students’ learning process will be disrupted. They will take time adopting and warming up to a new teacher. They will also be insecure to get close to the teachers in case they are fired and this will affect their psychological well-being. The judge let emotions take the center stage in the ruling and not fully acted on the evidence presented. I do not refute that some of the teachers are ineffective but ruling based on only 1-3% of the teachers is seemingly unfair and unjust to the teachers themselves bearing in mind over 90% of them are effective ones (Blume and Ceasar, 2014). The judge should have been more objective in his ruling. A child’s right to education is important but so is the child’s right to happiness and peace of mind which will not be the case if the teachers are constantly being fired hence disrupting the education of the students. Innocent teachers will be negatively affected by the end of the tenure and they are the majority ones. The ruling should have ensured a middle ground to accord the good teachers’ appreciation. A child’s life is not dependent 100% on school life and hence the private life at home and with friends may also contribute to his or her performance. By having the teachers take all the blame for the failure of the students is an ignorance of the other life outside school children have. Whether a teacher can be fired or not is not directly related to a child’s life outside of school. The court failed to consider this side of the argument. I think that after the courts and educators who supported the court’s ruling finally realize that the teacher’s tenure did not have everything to do with the learning and performance outcome of students; they will finally revisit this case and ruling and realize the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Abortion - Essay Example This topic lies within the â€Å"gray areas† of human rights and impedes on religious moralities. Abortion was practiced way back in Ancient times. It was always considered as an option when the child would endanger the life of the mother. It was only in 1869 that the Catholic church considered abortion as† a sin punishable by excommunication† ( Trupin, 2009). Other than this law, abortion was not considered illegal until the 19th century, not because of its moral implications but because there were no laws that existed contradicting abortion. It was then normal for a woman to seek even medical help whenever she wanted to terminate her pregnancy. There were no abortion laws before the 19th century. In 1829, laws restricting abortions began to spread across the United States. In 1965, there were over 250 deaths caused by women who tried to abort their babies Illegally ( civilliberty,about.com) .In the United States during the 1960s and 1970s, bans on abortion were deemed as unconstitutional and were lifted. The lift on bans brought negative tension towards the government. However, things changed drastically after the 1973 US Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion. In addition to this the highly controversial case, the Supreme Court decision on Roe vs. Wade left a deep imprint in the legal history of abortion in the United States. Nevertheless, the incidence of abortion has declined as reported by the study made by Sedgh ( 2007 )which revealed that the† incidence of abortion in the United States decreased by 8% from 1996 to 2003†. Such decline can be attributed to greater access to contraceptives ( pills, condoms) and better orientation on family planning even to grade-school children. There are two types of abortion; surgical and medical. The different forms of abortion differentiate, reliant on the amount of time that has passed since

Monday, November 18, 2019

Violent Media is Good for Kids Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Violent Media is Good for Kids - Essay Example The author argues that Violent Media is Good for Kids. This is brought out clearly when the author begins by talking about his childhood experiences in the first paragraph. Despite the fact that he does not mention this thesis out rightly, he talks about how a violent comic book transformed him from a state of loneliness and being passive to being a conqueror of his fears. Later on in the essay, he says that such positive transformation is because of violent media and therefore parents should therefore not be quick to judge that violent media materials are necessarily a bad influence to children. The author chose to exemplify the theme of his story through a discussion of how violent media positively affects the life of kids. This keeps readers want to read more and find out the manner in which violent media is advantageous to kids. It makes the author’s story more captivating and interesting.  The thesis of the article is adequately supported. Even though there are no stati stics used in the article, the author uses examples to expand on his thought.   Gerard Jones has given a personal example of how a violent comic book turned him in to a successful writer of violent comic books and movies. He also speaks of his son who had fears of climbing a tree. In the fifth paragraph of the article, he says, â€Å"In the first grade, his friends started climbing a tree at school. However, he was afraid: of falling, of the centipedes crawling on the trunk, of sharp branches, of his friends' derision.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Ethical and Moral Business Practices of Nestle

The Ethical and Moral Business Practices of Nestle In recent years the issue of ethical and unethical business practices have received lots of attention around the world especially by media. Ethics in business can be defined as behaviours that a business tie to in its daily dealings with the world or in other words what society believes is right or wrong which involves or impact how a business is carried out. Ethical or unethical business practices concerns not only to how the business interacts with the world at large, but also to their one-on-one dealings with individuals. Many businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line or in other words they just want to be in business; on the other hand there are many businesses that making money does not mean everything to them, but doing the right thing and having responsibility and commitment toward society have far more importance. In past years there have been numerous reports from global businesses, including most of the major brands that the public use for their poor business ethics, which have received a huge attention by people around the world. One of the most shocking reports came from a well-known company Nestlà ©. The main ethical issues concerning Nestlà © company was endorsing infant formula with ambiguous and unsafe strategies, using suppliers that violate human rights and promoting harmful food. On the other hand in recent years many companies gained a huge reputation mainly because of their ethical business practices, such as Xerox, Pepsi, Solae and many other well-known companies. Solae Company was positioned as one of the most Worlds Most Ethical Companies in Food Industry in 2010. Solae mostly gained its reputation through its core value which cornerstone of that they are and what they stand for, values such as public safety and health, high ethical behaviour and respect for people. 1.0 Nestlà © S.A 1.1 Nestlà © History Nestlà © S.A is the world largest fast moving customer goods company in the worldwide; Nestlà © was originated, founded and headquartered in Vevey, Switzerland in 1906 by merger of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company and the Farine Lactà ©e Henri Nestlà © Company. Nestlà © start growing after the First World War following the Second World War by expanding its market from 13 to 86 countries around the world, the company currently has more than 283,000 employees. In 2000 Nestlà © joined the World Coca Foundation (WCF) in order to deal with issues associated by farmers, the WCF goal is to help farmer in earning more income, encouraging them for more efficient farming technique and environmental and social practices (Mcspotlight, 2002). The Nestle Business Principles form the companys culture which has been developed over the period of 140 years. Nestlà ©s Corporate Business Principles are handed out to its 282,000 worker along with training tool in order spread out the companys core values and mission. The Company management is allocated according to its demographic location, along with the exception of Nestle waters and nutrition which are managed by a global department (nestle, 2010). 2.0 Nestlà © Controversy and Criticism In past ten years Nestlà © Company was accused by many of experts and organisations around the world for unethical business practices in the way the company does its business, the company was involved in serious boycotts which ruined the company overall reputation in past years. In this essay we have discussed and analysis some of the most serious Nestlà © unethical business practices (Phdinparenting, 2010). 2.1 Unethical Marketing of Artificial Baby Milk One of the most critical issues that Nestlà © has been criticised for during past 15 years is the promotion of the use of infant formula to mothers across the world. Many believe that Nestlà © strategy for promoting its infant formula was misleading and harmful that violates both International Symbols of Marketing of Breast milk Substitutes and WHO Code amendable the marketing of breast milk substitutes (Mcspotlight, 2002). Nestlà ©s marketing campaign encouraged mothers across the world for bottle feeding instead of breast feeding, they used free sample to pursue this mission in addition Nestlà © implies that malnourished mothers and mothers with twins have not the ability to Breastfeed their child, despite many international health organisations claimed that there is no sufficient evidence to shore up this statement which could put both the mothers and babies life in danger (Corporatewatch, 2003). There have been numerous reports of direct advertisement targeting mothers across the world in countries such as Malaysia, South Africa and Ireland as a result advocacy groups and health organizations accused Nestlà © of unethical methods of promoting its milk and demand the company to immediately stop its marketing strategies (Mcspotlight, 2002). One of the Health organisations that criticised Nestlà © for its marketing strategy was IBFAN which believed Nestlà © is harming misleading mothers by offering them a free sample of milks as they are in hospitals, because as mothers are released from hospitals they have to continually buy Nestlà ©s formula since babies get adapted to the Nestlà ©s milk. IBFAN also maintained that Nestlà © exercise Humanitarian Aid to form markets by offering striking gifts and different sponsorships to influence health officials to market and promote its products by targeting young mothers who have given birth (Corporatewatch, 2003). 2.2 Using Suppliers That Violate Human Rights Another controversy issue faced by the company during past years was using suppliers that violate human rights, in 2009 BBC reported that Nestlà © buy its milk from a farm seized from its white owners which is now owned by the wife of Zimbabwes President Robert Mugabe, they supply between 10% to 15% of Nestlà ©s local milk supply (Corporatewatch, 2003). However the company denies the proclamation and claims that the only reason they purchase their milk supply from its African supplier is to help meet the food needs of Zimbabwean consumers (BBC, 2009). 2.3 Exploiting Farmers In 2001, Nestlà © faced huge criticism for purchasing cocoa from the Ivory Coast and Ghana suppliers, which may have been produced using child slaves. An investigation by BBC showed that hundreds of children who lived in Mali, Burkina and Togo were being purchased from their parents and sent to countries such as Ivory Coast and Ghana to be used in production of coca (BBC, 2001). Most of the children who work in coca farms are ranged between 12 to 14 years old, and are forced to work 80 to 100 hours each week while they are not paid fairly, barely fed and beaten regularly (Corporatewatch, 2003). After the widespread of these reports Nestlà © Company faced huge criticism from health and labour organisations around the world to put a stop to these anti-humanities act, as a result the company did not have any choice except to express its concern over the use of child labour in coca farms to, however the company never confirmed that non of its chocolate products derived from these anti-humanities resources (Mcspotlight, 2002). 2.4 Union Busting In late 2001, labour organisations accused Nestlà © for denying its worker right; one of the countries that most of the accusation came from was Columbia, in which eight worker of the company got assassinated because they were part of food and drink labour union called SINALTRAINAL; however there have been no evidence linked Nestlà © to these assassinations. In another example involving Nestlà © union busting, in 2001 the management of Nestlà © subsidiary Comestibles La Rosa threatened the company worker that they must either renounce their union membership or they should leave the company (Corporatewatch, 2003). 2.5 Promoting Unhealthy Food Nestle was recently criticized after a report by the UK consumers association claiming that 7 out of 13 of the Nestlà ©s breakfast cereals containing the highest level of fat, sugar and salt. In addition the company is accused for denying and ignoring the role of community responsibility in promoting its product to public, however the company has made so many changes in past few years in order to gain back its reputation as healthy food provider but still there are many who critics the company despite all the changes (Corporatewatch, 2003). 2.6 Illegal Extraction of Groundwater The company was also accused for abusing and ruining water resources in Brazil and United State. In the region of Serra da mantiqueira in Brazil which is known for its susceptible groundwater resources, Nestlà ©s over pumping action has resulted in exhaustion and long term damages to the region water resources (Corporatewatch, 2003). Nestlà ©s was accused because people of the Serra da mantiquira believe that the company action has changed the taste of their drinking water and also the over pumping has caused complete dry out on the main region water resources. Nestle used these water resources for producing mineral water called Pure Life (Phdinparenting, 2010). Unfortunately, after analyzing Nestlà ©s corporation act, clearly ethics has no place in the company long term strategy. This fact has greatly influenced companys reputation and has ruined its position in food industries around the world. After the widespread of these reports Nestlà © Company faced huge criticism from health and labour organisations around the world to put a stop to these anti-humanities act, as a result the company did not have any choice except to express its concern over the use of child labour in coca farms to, however the company never confirmed that non of its chocolate products derived from these anti-humanities resources (Mcspo tlight, 2002). 3.0 Solae Company 3.1 Solae History Solae LLC is an international soy supplier which is based in Louis, Missouri. This company is the world leader in developing and producing innovative soy technologies, meat and other nutritional products. The company was founded in 1958 by producing just industrial soy protein products; however Solae started producing other food product (such as baked goods, meats, beverages and nutrition bars) in 1973 after DuPont and Bunge created Solae Company as a joint venture (Solae, 2010). Solar use soybean resources around the world in order to create nutritious and great-tasting ingredients including baked goods, meats, beverages and nutrition bars which are consumed by thousands of customers and consumers in more than 120 countries worldwide. The company has approximately 2,400 employees in different parts of the world as well as North America, Asia, Latin America and Europe (Solae, 2010). Solaes commitment to innovation and development has resulted in production of new soy product tag along by more than 98 patent and 338 patents pending which is more than any other soy provider in the world (Solae, 2010). On 26 of March 2010, Solae Company was identified by the Ethisphere Institute as one of the worlds most ethical companies in food industry. Each year Ethisphere Institute gathers a list of 100 companies which it believes are the most ethical companies in the world. The institute recognise these companies on basis of attitude and future refinement (Ethisphere, 2010). The world most ethical companies are recognize not only making statements about doing business ethically but also translating those statements into action. Solae was ranked among on of the 100 most ethical companies in the world along with giant companies like Pepsi, Nike, Ford, Xerox, Henkel and LOreal in addition the company was positioned at top 5 most ethical companies in food and beverage industry joined by Campbell, Mills and PepsiCo (Ethisphere, 2010). Solaes commitment to environment is one of the core value developed by the company which has allowed the company continually improve and implement main manufacturing process and activities to reduce its impact on Mother Nature, It is believed that Solae track its activities across all manufacturing department in order to replicate successful improvement where it is needed. 4.0 Solae Ethical and Decent Practices Solae ethical and moral practices are inspired by the companys core value which mostly concentrate on what the company is and what it is stand for, Solae top executives believes the strength of the company begins with a deep commitment to ethics from the top to bottom in the company, ethical behaviour is one of the core values at Solae, which is important in both the companys professional and personal lives. According to Solae officials, at Solae ethic codes are designed to make sure that each of the companies personnel are constantly upholds the companys standards and objectives. Any act that deliberately violates the law or regulation to screen non-compliance with this Code of Conducts, or company overall policy is an ethical violates (Solae code of conduct, 2010). 4.1 Safety and Health Solae Company believes that in doing business all occupational illnesses, environmental incidents and injuries are preventable and can be controlled by implementing the right business practices along with providing the best and high quality foods to consumers. The companys overall goal is zero for incidents, meaning that safety and health are the most central aspects of Solae Company in different levels involved in manufacturing and promoting its products (Solae, 2010). Every employee at Solae is responsible for acting in reliance with safety and health law which was developed to prevent any incident involving employees and other Solae personnel. Managements in each department are responsible for training, educating and motivating employees to understand and act accordingly to applicable safety and health laws. 4.2 Sustainable Practices for Society Solae core value of environmental custodiantion is a significant example of the companys commitment for people in different societies. At Solae employees are expected to compete lawfully at all manners, they are also expected to protect the environment and to be a responsible keeper of the company operations, services and products in all levels of the company (Ethisphere, 2010). 4.3 Environmental Practices Since the company was founded, Solae mission has been to be the preferred universal partner in the expansion and delivery of nutritional and efficient solutions for its customers, the Company is constantly committed to promise to conduct business and operations with respect and care for the Mother Nature. Since Solae main business is product of soybean resources, the company pays a great respect and attention to environmental practices which helps to keep our nature green and un harmful. At Solae managers at each corporate level are held responsible for educating, training, motivating and instructing employees to understand the important of Solaes commitment to protect environment in addition each employee at Sola company has the responsibility to meet and fulfil the terms of Health and Environment which were developed to guide each employee in pursuing the companies mission and vision (Solae code of conduct, 2010). Solaes commitment to environment is one of the core value developed by the company which has allowed the company continually improve and implement main manufacturing process and activities to reduce its impact on Mother Nature, It is believed that Solae track its activities across all manufacturing department in order to replicate successful improvement where it is needed. The company has received several awards because of its environmentally friendly business practices around the world. For example: In 2009, the company headquarter in St.Lous was given a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Green Building Certificate for having the most energy efficient, greenest and high productive building in the region (Solae, 2010). In 2005, Solae received two awards from different non-profit organisations for reducing total energy consumed by the company by more than 10 percent and decreasing greenhouse emissions by 7.7 produce by the company (Solae, 2010). 4.4 Ethical Competition Law Practices It is believed that, Solae competes forcefully in the marketplace to best supply its customers needs and preferences. Solae Company has gain most of its reputation as a result of its Competition Laws which the company follow in most of the countries that operates, these laws are compound and can vary from country to country depending to its market place competition condition and pressure (Solae code of conduct, 2010). 4.5 Water and Energy Consumption Solae is well known around the world for its efficient water and energy consumption in compare with other companies involved in food industry. The company uses very low water resources in compare with other food manufacturing companies because soy uses less water than other kind of proteins such as meat, milk and eggs. In addition soy is known to be an efficient source of protein based on return amount of energy use in compare with other resources of proteins. C:UsersArmanDesktopvirtuawater.jpg C:UsersArmanDesktopenergyefficiency.jpg USDA; FAO/ UNICEF, USA Protein Advisory Group (2005) As it can be seen beef, pork and chicken consume 5 or 6 times more water than soy products and soy much more efficient source of protein based on return amount of energy use in compare with milk, chicken, eggs and beef. 4.6 Equal Opportunity Non Discrimination Solae Company is strictly against any discrimination regarding any companys personnel or new application who wishes to join the group because of race, sex, age, colour, national origin, marital status, expression or ancestry. According to Solaes core value employees are treated the same despite their position in the company (Solae, 2010). Conclusion To sum up, Core values are particularly critical in these days as we operate in markets around the world and aiming to serve customers with different needs and ideas. Obviously at Solae Company the central attention is to understand responsibilities and obligations toward individuals and environment. As experiment has shown us a companys success is pretty much dependent on ethics and moral which builds a long term reputation for both the company and industry. Unfortunately, after analyzing Nestlà ©s corporation act, clearly ethics has no place in the company long term strategy. This fact has greatly influenced companys reputation and has ruined its position in food industries around the world. As a result the concept of ethics has become one of the most important aspects of management duty. For companies as big and successful as Solae and Nestle training employees to follow ethical and social principles are key success factor and has to be observed and practice continually. Many businesses are interested in making money, and that is the bottom line or in other words they just want to be in business; on the other hand there are many businesses that making money does not mean everything to them, but doing the right thing and having responsibility and commitment toward society have far more importance. Solae has to continue its effort in practicing ethical principles in all company levels and Nestle has to change its long term strategy and pay attention to what is right and wrong.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Black Community Essay -- American History, Luther King Jr. Malcolm

Introduction Throughout history, blacks have been treated the poorest out of all races. Although everyone under God is to be treated equal, whites thought of themselves as being the superior race. In 1619 a Dutch ship brought 20 slaves to America and it took nearly 240 years for slavery to end in 1865(Ronald, , para. 3).These helpless slaves were taken to America and put to work growing anything from cotton to tobacco. Slaves had absolutely no rights. They were simply property of their â€Å"Massa’.† Being disrespectful to a white man could get a Negro killed and they just accepted the facts of the matter. The south was the most notorious in its treatment of slaves and slaves would run away. It was a big risk, but a slave that made it to a free state without getting caught had the possibility of being free for once. Yet, if a slave were to flee his description would be in an ad in the newspaper and the consequences when he returned would not be delightful. Under constant control, s laves struggled for centuries only to hope for a day when they could be treated as equals rather than always being inferior to the white man. Freed Slaves Some historians believe approximately 50,000 slaves ran away each year between 1830 and 1860(Ronald, , para. 44).This was a major issue in south because the southern slave masters were the most brutal. But, some slaves found it difficult being on their own and either came back or were captured due to advertisements in the newspaper. Most of these runaways wanted to find their families but found it nearly impossible due to slave trading during that time. Women were also unlikely to run away because the men would be the ones trying to escape to find their wives. The Underground Railroad was a series of lo... ...s group in which he found that not all white people are against blacks. On February 21, 1965, three gunmen assassinated Malcolm X in Manhattan New York(Biography of Malcolm X, 2001, para. 11). Conclusion Although we have come a long way in the black community, there are still racial prejudices out there. These prejudices lie in the deep in America in which some whites still hold on to the idea of white supremacy. For example, the noose that was hung in a tree in which African-American students would sit. This happened in a college in Indiana where there is not much racial diversity because of the prejudice there. People throughout America recognize prejudices but now more than ever they are hidden because majority of people are not racist or as racist anymore. Slavery is no longer an issue for blacks; being fully accepted into predominantly white communities is.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Communication Skills Essay

1. Summary In summary, this report is based on the based on how the skill of effective communication can improve your writing, listening, conflict and anger management skills. It is seen that communication is the key to proper writing which is critical to tertiary education students as is required for the successful completion of a certificate, degree and masters. Also, communication can be an influential force in effective listening, which is important for job interviews, group projects and communication in the workplace. Lastly, there is conflict and anger management which are problems that usually arrive due to the lack of adequate communication skills. 2. Introduction 2.1 Communication Communication is the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; it involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver. Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit. Many of the problems that occur in an organization are the either the direct result of people failing to communicate and/or processes, which leads to confusion and can cause good plans to fail (U.S. Army, 1983). The following are elements of communication (Pearson, 1983): 1.1.1 Communication Channels This is the term given to the way in which we communicate. There are multiple communication channels available to us today, for example face-to-face conversations, telephone calls, text messages, email, the Internet (including social media such as Facebook and Twitter), radio and TV, written letters, brochures and reports to name just a few. As a result choosing an appropriate communication channel is vital for effective communication as each communication channel has different strengths and weaknesses. 1.1.2 Encoding Messages All messages must be encoded into a form that can be conveyed by the  communication channel chosen for the message. We all do this every day when transferring abstract thoughts into spoken words or a written form. However, other communication channels require different forms of encoding, e.g. text written for a report will not work well if broadcast via a radio programme, and the short, abbreviated text used in text messages would be inappropriate if sent via a letter. Complex data may be best communicated using a graph or chart or other visualisation. Effective communicators encode their messages with their intended audience in mind as well as the communication channel. This involves an appropriate use of language, conveying the information simply and clearly, anticipating and eliminating likely causes of confusion and misunderstanding, and knowing the receivers’ experience in decoding other similar communications. Successful encoding of messages is a vital skill in effecti ve communication. 1.1.3 Decoding Messages Once received, the receivers need to decode the message, and successful decoding is also a vital skill. Individuals will decode and understand messages in different ways based upon any Barriers to Communication which might be present, their experience and understanding of the context of the message, their psychological state, and the time and place of receipt as well as many other potential factors. Understanding how the message will be decoded, and anticipating as many of the potential sources of misunderstanding as possible, is the art of a successful communicator. 1.1.4 Feedback Receivers of messages are likely to provide feedback on how they have understood the messages through both verbal and non-verbal reactions. Effective communicators should pay close attention to this feedback as it the only way to assess whether the message has been understood as intended, and it allows any confusion to be corrected. Bear in mind that the extent and form of feedback will vary according to the communication channel used: for example feedback during a face-to-face or telephone conversation will be immediate and direct, whilst feedback to messages conveyed via TV or radio will be indirect and may be delayed, or even conveyed through other media such as the Internet. Without the above elements it would be impossible to  have effective communication. 2. Types of Communication People communicate with each other in a number of ways that depend upon the message and its context in which it is being sent. Choice of communication channel and your style of communicating also affect communication. So, there are varieties of types of communication. Types of communication based on the communication channels used are (Muhammad, 2012): Verbal Communication Nonverbal Communication 2.1 Verbal Communication Verbal communication refers to the form of communication in which message is transmitted verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Objective of every communication is to have people understand what we are trying to convey. In verbal communication remember the acronym KISS (keep it short and simple). When we talk to others, we assume that others understand what we are saying because we know what we are saying. But this is not the case. Usually people bring their own attitude, perception, emotions and thoughts about the topic and hence creates barrier in delivering the right meaning. So in order to deliver the right message, you must put yourself on the other side of the table and think from your receiver’s point of view. Would he understand the message? How it would sound on the other side of the table? Verbal Communication is further divided into: Oral Communication Written Communication 2.1.1 Oral Communication In oral communication, Spoken words are used. It includes face-to-face conversations, speech, telephonic conversation, video, radio, television, voice over internet. In oral communication, communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed and clarity of speaking. Advantages of Oral communication are: It brings quick feedback. In a face-to-face conversation, by reading facial expression and body language one can guess whether he/she should trust what’s being said or not. Disadvantage of oral communication: In face-to-face discussion, the user is unable to deeply think about what he is delivering; as a result they may say the wrong thing. 2.1.2 Written Communication In written communication, written signs or symbols are used to communicate. A written message may be printed or hand written. In written communication message can be transmitted via email, letter, report, memo etc. Message, in written communication, is influenced by the vocabulary & grammar used, writing style, precision and clarity of the language used. Written Communication is most common form of communication being used in business. So, it is considered core among business skills. Memos, reports, bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail are the types of written communication used for internal communication. For communicating with external environment in writing, electronic mail, Internet Web sites, letters, proposals, telegrams, faxes, postcards, contracts, advertisements, brochures, and news releases are used. Advantages of written communication include: Messages can be edited and revised many times before it is actually sent. Written communication provides record for every message sent and can be saved for later study. A written message enables receiver to fully understand it and send appropriate feedback. Disadvantages of written communication include: Unlike oral communication, written communication doesn’t bring instant feedback. It takes more time in composing a written message as compared to word-of-mouth. A number of people may struggle with their writing ability. 2.2 Nonverbal Communication Nonverbal communication is the sending or receiving of wordless messages. We  can say that communication other than oral and written, such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial expressions, is called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is all about the body language of speaker. Nonverbal communication helps receiver in interpreting the message received. Often, nonverbal signals reflect the situation more accurately than verbal messages. Sometimes nonverbal responses contradict verbal communication and hence affect the effectiveness of message. Nonverbal communication has the following three elements: 1. Appearance Speaker: clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of cosmetics Surrounding: room size, lighting, decorations, furnishings 2. Body Language Facial expressions, gestures, postures 3. Sounds Voice Tone, Volume, and Speech rate 3. Barriers to Communication There exist many barriers to communication and these may occur at any stage in the communication process. Barriers may lead to your message becoming distorted and you therefore risk wasting both time and/or money by causing confusion and misunderstanding. Effective communication involves overcoming these barriers and conveying a clear and concise message. 3.1 Physical Barriers An example of a physical barrier to communication is geographic distance between the sender and receiver(s). Communication is generally easier over shorter distances as more communication channels are available and less technology is required. Although modern technology often serves to reduce the impact of physical barriers, the advantages and disadvantages of each communication channel should be understood so that an appropriate channel can be used to overcome the physical barriers (Ting-Toomey and Chung, 2004). 3.2 Psychological/Emotional Barriers To communicate effectively, according to McBride and Maitland (2001, p.117) you must clearly convey thoughts and emotions both verbally and nonverbally. Many times, emotional barriers on your part or the part of the person you are speaking with may inhibit your ability to communicate on an effective level. Your emotional state may influence your capacity to make yourself understood and hamper your understanding of others. 3.3 Cultural Barriers Cultures provide people with ways of thinking–ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world. Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they talk the â€Å"same† language. When the languages are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings increases. Ting-Toomey and Chung (2004) describes three ways in which culture interferes with communication as: 1. Cognitive Constraints – These are the frames of reference or world views that provide a backdrop that all new information is compared to or inserted into. 2. Behaviour Constraints – Each culture has its own rules about proper behaviour which affect verbal and nonverbal communication. 3. Emotional Constraints – Different cultures regulate the display of emotion differently. Some cultures get very emotional when they are debating an issue. However, this fails to take account of â€Å"Linguistic Constr aints† that may be involved when communicating with someone from a different culture. The lack of knowledge about all barriers can hinder your attempt to communicate effectively. 3. Effective Listening 3.1 Listening It is vital to keep an open mind while you are listening. If you have already judged a situation and come to an option you are likely to hear only those things which are consistent with your existing opinion. Focus on what the speaker is saying and how they are saying it. Failure to adhere to these rules it may make it difficult for you to communicate effectively and clearly understand what is expected of you, whether the requirements for an assignment or specifications for a module. Effective listening will be  crucial to your success in writing for educational advance (Cameron, 2009). 4. Conflict and Anger Management 4.1 Conflict Conflict is a lack of agreement between opinions and principles of needs, values and interests. Conflict can be internal (within oneself) or external (between two or more individuals). Conflict as a concept can help explain many aspects of social life such as social disagreement, conflict of interests, and fights between individuals, groups or organisations. In political terms, â€Å"conflict† can refer to wars, revolutions or other struggles, which may involve the use of force as in the term â€Å"armed conflict† (Myers, 2007). Conflict can be a major hindrance for effective communication, but can be controlled through proper communication skills. 4.2 Anger Management Anger is an emotion related to one’s psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged, or denied and a tendency to react through retaliation. Anger is a normal emotion that involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived provocation. The term anger management commonly refers to a system of psychological therapeutic techniques and exercises by which someone with excessive or uncontrollable anger and aggression can control or reduce the triggers, degrees, and effects of an angered emotional state (Centrec Care, 2002). Through networks that facilitates proper communication such as therapy or counselling one can learn how to proper deal with their anger which can be a barrier to effective communication. 5. Conclusion In conclusion, these are all ways by which communication can be helpful to an individual who is interesting in building their employability, writing and interpersonal skills. Communication is vital to everyday task and can be the deciding factor on its successful completion or failure. Effective communication is a skill that can be applied to a wide variety of other skills. Once used properly this is no limit to the new skills you can attain. 6. Recommendations The purpose of this report is to inform readers on the importance of having effective communication skills and how it can help improve your other skills such as listening, writing and conflict management. I recommend that reader try to implement each of the listed skills above through communication to help them advance in their goals. Whether it is to listen more and talk less or just being aware of your tone and body language when communicating to others. You may be surprised by the difference in response you may receive from others. 4. References 1. SkillsYouNeed, 2013. What is Communication? [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 December 2013]. 2. SkillsYouNeed, 2013. Barriers to Effective Communication. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 December 2013]. 3. McBride, P. and Maitland, S., 2001. The EI Advantage: Putting Emotional Intelligence into Practice. [e-book] Berkshire: McGraw Hill Professional. Available at: Google Books [Accessed 30 November 2013]. 4. Ting-Toomey, S. and Chung. C. L., 2004. Understanding Intercultural Communication. [e-book] USA: Oxford University Press. Available at: Google Books [Accessed 30 November 2013]. 5. Cameron, S., 2009. The Business Student’s Handbook: Skills for Study and Employment. 5th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. 6. Muhammad, A. B., 2012. Communication Process. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 December 2013]. 7. U.S. Army, 1983. Military Leadership. FM 22-100. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office. 8. Pearson, J., 1983. Interpersonal Communication. Illinois: Scott, Foreman and Company. 9. Myers, G. D., 2007. Social Psychology. 9th ed. Berkshire: McGraw Hill Professional. 10. Centrec Care, 2002. Anger Management Counselling. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 December 2013].

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Great Gatsby Quotes and Analysis

The Great Gatsby Quotes and Analysis The following quotes from  The Great Gatsby  by F. Scott Fitzgerald are some of the most recognizable lines in American literature. The novel, which follows the pursuit of pleasure by the wealthy elites of the New York Jazz Age, deals with themes of love, idealism, nostalgia, and illusion. In the quotes that follow, well analyze how Fitzgerald conveys these themes. â€Å"I hope shell be a fool – thats the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.†Ã‚  (Chapter 1) Daisy Buchanan is talking about her young daughter when she makes this seemingly-unfeeling statement. In reality, this quote demonstrates a rare moment of sensitivity and self-awareness for Daisy. Her words show a deep understanding of the world around her, particularly the idea that society rewards women for being foolish rather than smart and ambitious. This statement adds greater depth to Daisys character, suggesting that perhaps her lifestyle is an active choice rather than the result of a frivolous mindset. â€Å"It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it, that you may come across four or five times in life. It faced – or seemed to face – the whole eternal world for an instant, and then concentrated on you with an irresistible prejudice in your favor. It understood you just as far as you wanted to be understood, believed in you as you would like to believe in yourself, and assured you that it had precisely the impression of you that, at your best, you hoped to convey.†Ã‚  (Chapter 3) The novel’s narrator, young salesman Nick Carraway, describes Jay Gatsby thusly when he first encounters the man in person. In this description, focused on Gatsby’s particular manner of smiling, he captures Gatsby’s easy, assured, almost magnetic charisma. A huge part of Gatsby’s appeal is his ability to make anyone feel like the most important person in the room. This quality mirrors Nick’s own early perceptions of Gatsby: feeling unusually lucky to be his friend, when so many others never even meet him in person. However, this passage also  foreshadows  Gatsby’s showmanship and ability to put on whatever mask someone wants to see. In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. (Chapter 3) Although  The Great Gatsby  is often held up as a celebration of Jazz Age culture, it’s actually the opposite, often  critiquing the era’s  carefree hedonism. Fitzgerald’s language here captures the beautiful but impermanent nature of the wealthy’s lifestyle. Like moths, they’re always attracted to whatever the brightest light happens to be, flitting away when something else grabs their attention. Stars, champagne, and whisperings are all romantic but temporary and, ultimately, useless. Everything about their lives is very beautiful and full of sparkle and shine, but disappears when the harsh light of day- or reality- appears.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.† (Chapter 5) As Nick reflects on Gatsby’s opinion of Daisy, he realizes how much Gatsby has built her up in his mind, so much so that no real person could ever live up to the fantasy. After meeting and being separated from Daisy, Gatsby spent years idealizing and romanticizing his memory of her, turning her into more illusion than woman. By the time they meet again, Daisy has grown and changed; she is a real and flawed human who could never measure up to Gatsby’s image of her. Gatsby continues to love Daisy, but whether he loves the real Daisy or simply the fantasy he believes her to be remains unclear. â€Å"Can’t repeat the past?†¦Why of course you can!†Ã‚  (Chapter 6) If there’s one statement that sums up Gatsby’s entire philosophy, this is it. Throughout his adult life, Gatsby’s goal has been to recapture the past. Specifically, he longs to recapture the past romance he had with Daisy. Nick, the realist, tries to point out that recapturing the past is impossible, but Gatsby utterly rejects that idea. Instead, he believes that money is the key to happiness, reasoning that if you have enough money, you can make even the wildest dreams come true. We see this belief in action with Gatsbys wild parties, thrown just to attract Daisy’s attention, and his insistence on rekindling his affair with her. Notably, however, Gatsbys entire identity stemmed from his initial attempt to escape his poor background, which is what motivated him to create the persona of Jay Gatsby. â€Å"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.†Ã‚  (Chapter 9) This sentence is the final line of the novel, and one of the most famous lines in all of literature. By this point, Nick, the narrator, has become disillusioned with Gatsbys hedonistic displays of wealth. He has seen how Gatsby’s fruitless, desperate quest- to escape his past identity and recapture his past romance with Daisy- destroyed him. Ultimately, no amount of money or time was enough to win Daisy, and none of the novels characters were able to escape the limitations imposed by their own pasts. This final statement serves as a commentary on the very concept of  the American dream, which claims that anyone can be anything, if only they work hard enough. With this sentence, the novel seems to suggest that such hard work will prove futile, because the â€Å"currents† of nature or society will always push one back towards the past.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on AZT

AZT: Miracle Drug or Coverup? Fred, an individual with AIDS, finds it difficult to walk the five steps from his bed to his bathroom. "I would just lie there for two hours; I couldn’t get up to take those five steps. When I was taken to the hospital, I had to have someone come over to dress me. It’s that kind of severe fatigue....The quality of my life was pitiful... (Farber 7)." While Fred suffers from AIDS, his severe fatigue is not a side effect of the disease. Rather, it is one of the many side effects of the medication Azidothymidine (AZT). For over a decade, AZT would be the only drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of HIV and AIDS, despite the flawed research used to support this drugs effectiveness, despite the studies that disproved this drugs usefulness in the treatment of HIV and AIDS, and despite the severe side effects it produced in most HIV and AIDS patients. AZT was first used in 1964 as a form of chemotherapy for cancer patients, but it was discontinued because it was toxic, expensive to produce, and ineffective against cancer (1). In 1983, nearly twenty years later, the same drug was pulled off the storage shelf and declared as a promising new drug for AIDS treatment. At this time it was found that AZT was able to kill the HIV virus in vitro (1). In 1983, researchers discovered that AZT had the power to kill the HIV virus in vitro. Upon this discovery, the British pharmaceutical company Burroughs-Wellcome sent AZT, known then as compound S, to the National Cancer Institute where further testing could be conducted (1). The first major testing began in February 1986. There were fewer than 300 subjects in the original testing. The participants were divided into a placebo group and a group that received AZT treatment (Burkett 5). Six months into the study, 19 placebo patients and only 1 AZT patient had died. With these prelimanary results so promising, it appeared unethical for researchers to continue the s... Free Essays on AZT Free Essays on AZT AZT: Miracle Drug or Coverup? Fred, an individual with AIDS, finds it difficult to walk the five steps from his bed to his bathroom. "I would just lie there for two hours; I couldn’t get up to take those five steps. When I was taken to the hospital, I had to have someone come over to dress me. It’s that kind of severe fatigue....The quality of my life was pitiful... (Farber 7)." While Fred suffers from AIDS, his severe fatigue is not a side effect of the disease. Rather, it is one of the many side effects of the medication Azidothymidine (AZT). For over a decade, AZT would be the only drug approved by the FDA for the treatment of HIV and AIDS, despite the flawed research used to support this drugs effectiveness, despite the studies that disproved this drugs usefulness in the treatment of HIV and AIDS, and despite the severe side effects it produced in most HIV and AIDS patients. AZT was first used in 1964 as a form of chemotherapy for cancer patients, but it was discontinued because it was toxic, expensive to produce, and ineffective against cancer (1). In 1983, nearly twenty years later, the same drug was pulled off the storage shelf and declared as a promising new drug for AIDS treatment. At this time it was found that AZT was able to kill the HIV virus in vitro (1). In 1983, researchers discovered that AZT had the power to kill the HIV virus in vitro. Upon this discovery, the British pharmaceutical company Burroughs-Wellcome sent AZT, known then as compound S, to the National Cancer Institute where further testing could be conducted (1). The first major testing began in February 1986. There were fewer than 300 subjects in the original testing. The participants were divided into a placebo group and a group that received AZT treatment (Burkett 5). Six months into the study, 19 placebo patients and only 1 AZT patient had died. With these prelimanary results so promising, it appeared unethical for researchers to continue the s...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Price Ceiling and Price Floor Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Price Ceiling and Price Floor - Research Paper Example Defined in the simplest of terms, price controls can be defined as the definition of a certain maximum or minimum level of the prices by the Government at which a good will be available in the market. The two most basic level of price control mechanisms undertaken by the Government are Price Ceiling and Price Floor. The Price Ceiling is the maximum price at which a good can be sold in the market whereas Price Floor is the minimum price at which the good will be sold in the market. While price Ceiling is generally meant to save consumer interest, the price floor is intended towards saving the interest of the supplier. Price Ceilings can be categorized into two types: Binding Price ceilings are the one which is at a level lower than the equilibrium price and hence has a significant impact on the market equilibrium. Non-binding price ceilings are set at a level higher than the equilibrium level. Examples of price ceiling include setting up rent control in New York, while the setting of minimum wages is an example of a price floor. Price floors are often imposed during crises like wars, droughts or natural disasters. Price floors are generally set for agricultural products to save the interest of the farmers. Indonesia, where more than 20% of the population is below the poverty line, Government takes active participation in controlling the prices. In order to curb inflation, the Government of Indonesia has time and again imposed control on the price of rising. The price control is also aimed at helping farmers. Prior to this, the Government had imposed price controls on cement because of the strategic nature of the industry. The Government set a maximum retail price at which cement could be sold and allocated production and distribution quotas amongst all the players.  

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Letter Writing Exercise Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Letter Writing Exercise - Assignment Example Additionally, Felicia is the main contributor of the success of E&Y in terms of clients. However, I would like to draw your attention to some of the challenges that happen at the work place and requires your attention. Despite Felicia being a very successive leader, her reaction towards Curt, the client we visited today, was not that promising. The negative perception she had towards Curt made her to take control of all the talks without taking into consideration of Curl’s requests. Her emotions to clients may lead to the loss of potential clients such as Curl. In connection to the above claim, I think it is recommendable for all accountants to regard all clients we interact with very important to our organization. It is also advisable for us employees to ensure that we control our emotions when talking with clients. Additionally, it is recommendable for us employees to keep the differences we have with clients out of our assigned duties. Otherwise, I affirm that everything is in control despite the little challenge. As one of the accountants, I look forward to ensuring E&Y has achieved its

Thursday, October 31, 2019

How Brunelleschis Duomo Influenced the Qualities of the Emerging Essay

How Brunelleschis Duomo Influenced the Qualities of the Emerging Renaissance - Essay Example This included arches and column of Rome and the domes of Byzantine Ravenna and even of the baptistery in Florence building of the 11th century which Brunelleschi and his colleagues believed to be a cathedral of Mars reshaped for Christian worship (King, 2000). His primary objective was to abandon entirely the medieval heritage even if the lack of historical knowledge makes the break through less absolute than he intends. Brunelleschi’s rise to fame in his day is connected with a medieval building rather than Renaissance. His childhood Florence’s cathedral (Duomo built during the 14th century) had only a temporary covering over the space where the transepts and the nave cross. In 1418, the fathers of Florence addressed a monumental problem that they had been ignoring for decades; the immense hole in the roof of their cathedral. Years after years, the winter rains and the sun had streamed in over Santa Maria del Fiore high altar or the preferable place for the altar. Their forefathers had begun the cathedral in 1296 to display the status of Florence as one of the cultural and economic capitals in Europe developing productive on high finance and the wool and silk trades. There was a decision that the structure’s enormous crowning glory would be the largest cupola on Earth, ensuring the cathedral would be â€Å"more beautiful and useful,† more honorable and influential† than any other building ever built. The Cupola was the fitting evidence of a culture that was fighting for the ideology of the immortality of the individual soul and struggling to frame a constitution that would unite individual liberty for the highest common good. For many decades later, no one seemed to have an advancing idea of how to build a dome nearly 150feets across, more so starting 180 feet above the ground and atop the existing walls. Their building

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Dicussion questions Essay Example for Free

Dicussion questions Essay How do organizational functions affect organizational structures? How do your organization’s functions affect its organizational structure? How do organizational structures affect organizational functions? How does your organization’s structure affect its organizational functions? An organization is defined as a social unit of people that is structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals. The function of an organization directly relates to its structure. To succeed as an organization, all the functional areas must work together. There are different levels of structures: Vertical and Horizontal. Vertical organizational structures means a strict top down or bottom up structure (chain of command is important); horizontal, flat or closer to flat organizational structure (no leaders). While the organization I work for does not participate in any sort of sales, we do protect America through research and being knowledgeable in different aspects of careers. The Air Force follows a vertical organizational structure. There is always a person in charge of someone. To file a complaint, you have to start with the lowest level and work your way up. Organizational structures affect organizational functions depending on the main goal/strategy. The functions and structures of organizations go hand in hand. What are the different types of organizational structures? Which type of structure do you think is the most effective? Why is this structure the most effective? How can organizations determine if they are structured in the most effective and efficient manner? The different types of organizational structures are functional, divisional, and matrix. Functional structure is departmentalization around specialized activities such as production, marketing, and human resources. Divisional structure is departmentalization that groups units around products, customers, or geographic regions. Matrix structure is an organization composed of dual reporting relationships in which some managers’ report to two superiors –a functional manager and a divisional manager. The most effective structure is the matrix structure because it consists of the other functions, both of which would fail without them. Organizations can determine if they are structured in the most effective and efficient manner by analyzing how their business operates. Consider an organization in which you have worked. Draw it’s organization chart, and describe it by using terms from Ch. 8 of the text. Describe your experience with the organization. Did you enjoy working there? Explain your response. The experience I have had with the organization is good. Our organization makes charts for each unit’s supervision. Everyone knows who to contact in case of an emergency or if there is a problem with the chain of command. So far, I have enjoyed working for the military. I appreciate structure and reliability. What evidence have you seen of the imperatives for change, flexibility, and responsiveness faced by today’s firms? By firms becoming learning organizations they can be skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behavior to reflect new knowledge and insights. Firms should also have a high-involvement organization, which top management ensures that there is consensus about the direction in which the business is heading.