Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Create a proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Create a proposal - Essay ExampleProblem Statement Diabetes is considered epidemic amongst African American women with the grade amongst women 20 years and above recorded to be approximately 12% and 25% amongst women of 55 years and above (Kirk et al, 2007, pp 135-142). Statistics from the National Womens Health reading Center, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) 2002, shows that diabetes is more prevalent amongst African-American women compared to white women. Because of the high rates of mortality and morbidity recorded in diabetes-related cases, in that location is need for preventive measures amongst African American women population. Objectives The main objective is to examine examine diabetes epidemic among African-Americans based on the various range of risk as well as structural factors contributing to the prevalence of the disease especially amongst women. The look into proposal will cover three stages which include inspection of the gettable sources to obtai n statistics and information on usage figures. Then there will be qualitative research providing in-depth information on the issue in question. literature Review Patient-provider perceptions and the correlation between random blood serum glucose concentration and glycated hemoglobin are some of the differences in diabetic related cases in African Americans and fairs. This research will show the differences between the perceptions of patients and providers on diabetes related perceptions as well as examine its association if any with self-care behaviors and with special comparisons between African-American and White patients. The research will bring to the fore front the part played by ethnic variation in the correlation between random serum glucose concentration and glycated hemoglobin (American Diabetes Association, 2009, pp 13-61). According to Dana et al 2009, the manner in which a person experiences, understands and identifies diabetes is referred to as diabetes perceptions ( Dana et al, 2009, p347). look on patient-provider differences has found congruence with regard to diabetes-related attitudes, beliefs and perceptions. Research also shows that patients and providers generally agree on the core components of effective care of diabetes but have entirely different understandings of diabetes and the priorities for self management (Burns and Grove, 2007). Methodology qualitative Research The objectives will be answered through the application of detailed qualitative information. The research will focus on exploring and establishing the nature of reactions towards diabetes epidemic among African-Americans based on the various range of risk as well as structural factors. The study will utilize questionnaires and at the same time apply high-octane procedures in line with ethical methods for data collection. There will be an eleven item demographic showing participant profile, eight items dealing with health educator profile and questionnaire with thirty- nine items. Variables in the study include health beliefs, knowledge of diabetes, nutrition, physical activity, health education classes, monitoring of glucose, support from social dimensions such(prenominal) as families, and finances involves. Qualitative research provides ways through which the researcher presents his/her point of view on research issues

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