Sunday, June 9, 2019

Media Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Media Review - Essay Exampleocial policy begun in 2011 through the aid of the digital internet transition whos aim was to come up with new opportunities that have continually led the innovative forms of investigative journalism. As a result, Ai Media for the past two years have continuously embarked on diligently using the social media (Face Book, Twitter and YouTube) to reach out and share information with regard to the deaf and hearing impair in the US community. In essence, the high society focus more on the disabled persons, and how they should also be given a chance in participating in this company and the products that the company provides. In response, the company continually welcomes feedbacks and suggestions regarding such reactions and comments that are given out by all participants (Flynn 4).Of importance to note is that, Ai-Media has certain principles and guidelines that the company uses in ensuring their media policy remain an efficient tool of communication. To begi n with, this social policy ensures that the concept of the community is well understood in terms of giving support to each side (clientele and the company). Secondly, contents found on the social media are friendly to the clientele and further embrace the presence of opinion diversity. This moldiness go in line with the materials that are posted on the social media, the audience involved and the judgement that the company gives.In addition, Ai-Media is conscious and transparent of their intention. Basically, the company is sensitive on placing posts on individual clientele or organisation regarding their nationality, gender, sexual preference, disability and any other related issues. According to Flynn (4), it is worth mentioning that, the social policy must be in a position to assist the concerned persons. In this case, the Ai-Media is mainly concerned with a particular group of people the disabled (hearing impaired and deaf) thus bringing value as would be expected.In the

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