Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Analysis Of The Book Where The Wild Things Are

Many dictionaries define animals as living things other than human beings or plants. However, in some dictionaries, there is another definition for animal, which shows how they distinguish animal and human: a live thing which behaves in a wild, aggressive, or unpleasant way. In Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are, the behavior of Max, the protagonist of the story, challenges the boundary line between the animal and human. The way human and animal live their life and convey their love severalizes human and animal. Admittedly, the wild and aggressive behavior creates an animal. As human beings, people are given high intelligence to think, learn, and solving problems instead of using brute force and violence like animal. With such a giving, human ascends to the top of the food chain. In Sendak’s comic, Max appears in the monster costume like an animal from both the appearance and the interior. In the first illustration, Max is using the hammer to knock in the nail o n the wall when standing on the books. The hammer is as big as his body and his right arm seems like stretching to release all its power to the hammer when Max’s anger is expressed from his face. Furthermore, standing on the books is the most hostile scene in this illustration. It’s a symbol of Max disdaining the knowledge accumulated from thousand years of human history. The way Max treats his toy is also violent. He suspends it under a hanger with its one arm tied by a string. However, at the end of theShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of a Picture Book--Where the Wild Things Are Essay1307 Words   |  6 PagesANALYSIS OF A PICTURE BOOK WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE Written and Illustrated by Maurice Sendak Picture books can have a very important role in a classroom, from elementary school through middle and even high school. They offer a valuable literary experience by combining the visual and the text. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Essay about Frida Kahlo - 2013 Words

Psychological state describes the state of mind that we are under. Psychological state can take many forms such as manic, anxious, and depressive. In saying this, our psychological stater can influence things form day to day life. Throughout history events and objects have been reflective of the human psychological state. One of the most prominent subjects to psychological influence is art. Artist such as frida Kahlo, Salvador Dali and Vincent van gough, to name a few, are just some of the selections from art history that reveal their psychological states through their artworks. â€Å"State of mind takes a large part in my art, I think this accounts for most artists throughout history†-Salvador Dali. Frida Kahlo, born July 6, 1907, was a†¦show more content†¦But despite this positive state of mind that frida was in, the worst was yet to come. Many affairs later, frida had come to realize that their marriage was on the rocks and reflected on what her mother had commented on the elephant marrying the dove. The painting was done in a traditional Mexican ratabla style. Although this positive image of fridas background and heritage, there are also other symbols and meanings within this picture. Besides the obvious height difference, there are other distinct differences between he two of them. While Diego is painted as he and frida were seen by most people, artists, frida is depicted very differently to how she was. In this picture she is in traditional Mexican clothes, besides the link to her heritage, she is also depicted as somewhat of a housewife, a trait that she very much inverted. †Diego is the beginning, the constructor, my baby, boyfriend, painter, my lover, â€Å"my husband† my friend, my mother, myself and the universe†. This quote very much reinforces her state of mind throughout their whole marriage. â€Å"my husband†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦this shows that frida never really considered Diego as much of a husband because of the affairs that Diego ha had and his backing out of their fidelity. This quote on fridas though of her marriage is very much shown in the artwork â€Å"The loving embrace of the universe, the earth, Diego, myself Senor. Xolotl†. This artwork, very much depicts fridas state of mindShow MoreRelatedFrida Kahlo1485 Words   |  6 Pageswoman is known as Frida Kahlo, a well known Mexican American surrealist artist who went through many struggles in dealings with a challenging upbringing in a time of revolution and a lifetime of pain. But with a challenge, there is also strength. Kahlo possessed many strengths that allowe d her to prevail against these factors that went against her and become an icon in art. Born on July 6, 1907 in Coyocoà ¡n, Mexico, Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderà ³n or more known as Frida Kahlo (Herrera, 1983Read MoreKahlo Y Calderon : Frida Kahlo1100 Words   |  5 PagesMagdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon also known as Frida Kahlo was born on July 6, 1907 in Coyocoan Mexico in her family home known as La Casa Azul (The Blue House) later referred to in many of her paintings. Her parents were Guillermo Kahlo and Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez. Frida was the middle child out of four children, once remarked that she grew up in a world surrounded by females (Kahlo Biography). Throughout most of her life, however, Frida remained close to her father. At the age of sixRead MoreA Biography Of Frida Kahlo1414 Words   |  6 PagesHayden Herrera’s book Frida, A Biography of Frida Kahlo (1983) writes with engrossing detail the life story of the famous Mexican painter Frida Kahlo known for her folk art with vibrant colors and elements of surrealism. Herrera captivates her audience by telling the challenging journey and the various important obstacles Kahlo had to face throughout her entire life during the twentieth-century. Herrera explains how Kahlo’s various masterpieces have been shaped by her life circumstances and experiencesRead MoreThe Legacy Frida Kahlo Essay1037 Words   |  5 PagesRivera and his wife Frida Kahlo are an important aspect of the Hispanic World and well-known names in Latino art. Rivera and Kahlo knew many famous painters such as Duchamp, Siqueiros, Orozco and Picasso. Picasso became a great friend of the family. Kahlo has influenced many places in Mexico. There are many land marks not only in Mexico but around the world. The Frida Kahlo Museum is located in Coyoacan Mexico in her Casa Azul home (blue house), this is the same place Kahlo was born, grew up, livedRead MoreAnalysis Of Carmen Frida Kahlo1172 Words   |  5 PagesMagdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderon, who is also known as Frida Kahlo was a Mexican painter who was inspired by the Mexican culture. In her line of work, she has painted over 200 paintings, including 55 of those which are self-portraits. With her personal tragedies that are both physical and psychological, Frida painted paintings that were emotional and disturbing. In 1932, Kahlo painted a painted which she named â€Å"Henry Ford Hospital†, the painting reflects Frida’s pains of her life withoutRead MoreFrida Kahlo Of The Face Of Suffering Essay1831 Words   |  8 PagesThe artwork Frida Kahlo completed during her lifetime was heavily influenced by the suffering triggered by the torment of her physical incapability’s and tu multuous marriage. From physical to romantic to family predicaments Frida Kahlo is the epitome of demonstrating â€Å"alegria [joy] in the face of suffering† (Herrera 6). Born the 6th of July in the year of 1907, Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo was raised in a world with emerged with the cultures of German and Mexican. It was with the cultural influenceRead MoreFrida Kahlo Essay1353 Words   |  6 PagesFrida Kahlo was a half-mexican, half-hungarian painter of the 20th century born Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderà ³n in Coyoacà ¡n, Mexico City on July 6, 1907. During her short lived life, she had many accomplishments. She was a surrealist artist whos paintings reflected her thoughts and feelings. Her creative style was always amazing but confusing. Unfortunately, she lived most of her artistic life in the shadow of her husband, Diego Rivera, and her work was not truly recognized until after herRead MoreFrida Kahlo And The Mexican Community1300 Words   |  6 Pages Frida Kahlo once saidâ€Å"At the end of the day, we can endure much more than we think we can.† There is no better person to say this than Kahlo, whose life was filled with pain and sadness. She was one of the most influential artists of her time, especially in the Mexican community.. The most important aspects of her life were her multicultural background, her tragic accident she survived as a teen, her relationship with Diego Rivera, her death, and her face as a product. Frida Kahlo was born MagdalenaRead MoreThe Makings of Frida Kahlo Essay725 Words   |  3 Pagesperson, her paintings are her biography. This was announces in 1953 by a local critic after her one and only solo exhibition in Mexico (www.fridakahlo.com). Frida Kahlo was not only a magnificent painter, but also a representation of her birth country Mexico, through her meaningful paintings. While in the midst of nobody but herself, Frida found great inspiration to paint during the early to mid 1900’s. Her passion for painting came from her traffic accident as a teenager, which left her paralyzedRead MoreFrida Kahlo : An Interesting Artist1153 Words   |  5 PagesFrida Kahlo is an interesting artist to learn about. Not only about her deep, complex and surrealist style, but also how it came to be. Unlike other artists who paint from a single point of view; Kahlo is able to show multiple perceptions of what she was feeling or trying to express. How people are not one type of perso n, but can be multifaceted in their lifetime. Frida shows this in many of her paintings. You can see this especially in The Two Fridas and Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird

Sunday, December 15, 2019

English Poetry Free Essays

Emersonâ€Å"The Echoing Green† and â€Å"The Eolian Harp† â€Å"The Echoing Green† is a poem written by William Blake. It was taken from Blake’s Songs of Innocence, and is also a pictorial poem of Blake’s. In this poem, the poet describes a happy country side view where the arrival of spring is welcomed by sunny skies, and ringing bells. We will write a custom essay sample on English Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now It takes place on an ideal day in the British Isles. Blake uses the theme of innocence and peace throughout the poem. The theme plays out here when Blake states that the skies are happy, the children are playing, and the ’old folk’ who reminisce about their own childhood. This poem is a symbolic and draws a contrast between youth and old age. The spring symbolizes the youth and the children. Morning is the beginning of life and dark evening is the end. The poet symbolizes the innocence of children with birds. The birds are happy and they sing; mocking the children. ’Nest of birds’ symbolizes peace. The poem could be attributed to the life of a person-birth, life, death. Birth being the morning, life being the kids playing, the routines throughout the day, and men reminiscing, and lastly death being the end of the day when all goes dark, and quiet smothers the earth. The Eolian Harp†, is a poem written by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Inspired by the peaceful music being played by wind this poem was written for his wife, Sara, while visiting a house of his in Clevedon, Somersetshire. The theme in this poem is also peace, as well as innoncence. Peace comes to him while he ponders on the beauty of nature, and the wonder of God giving him e verything around him including Sara. Coleridge personifies nature by comparing it to abstract nouns. For example, the white flower represents innocence. This abstract noun does exactly this: it gives life and character to nature. Coleridge uses unperceived nature to appeal to the human senses. Each are introduce in turn starting with sight through the watching of the clouds and the evening star. The introduction of God towards the end is another vision. ; a vision to the soul. It is now that the audience visualizes the peace that Coleridge feels. The allusion to sight and vision in these poems are significant because of the dept of imagination needed for physical and emotional imagery. It’s full of emotional feelings, as well as physical sight. The audience is needed to picture, and feel what the poet did to understand the poem. For example, both Coleridge and Blake set the poem outside, in nature to show the peace and innocence. These two poems also have central connectedness. They both have vision and sight. Not only emotionally and mentally, but physical as well. There are many times where both poets use deep feelings and thoughts. Hiding meaning behind words, and using polsemes. Blake hides meanings behind his entire poem. Such as: morning being the beginning of life, and evening being the end. How to cite English Poetry, Papers English Poetry Free Essays In ‘Bayonet charge’ and ‘Belfast confetti’ the consequences of war are presented as inhumane, devastating and confusing by the poets. In both poems a range of semantic fields are used to display the confusion of the soldier in ‘Bayonet charge’ and the civilian in ‘Belfast confetti’. For example in ‘Belfast confetti’: â€Å"Nuts, bolts, nails, car-keys. We will write a custom essay sample on English Poetry or any similar topic only for you Order Now A fount of broken type. And the explosion. Itself – an asterisk on the map. This hyphenated line, a burst of rapid fire†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Several semantic fields are used at once. For instance â€Å"nuts, bolts, nails and car keys† belong to a semantic field of household objects, whilst â€Å"asterisk† and â€Å"hyphenated line† would fit in to a semantic field of punctuation and â€Å"explosion† and â€Å"rapid fire† are part of wars semantic field. This use of variation in semantic fields creates a sense of confusion as the words do not fit in with the scene Carson is trying to paint, much like the civilian does not fit in with the war that is raging on around him. Similarly Hughes also uses the semantic field of nature as metaphors to create confusion: Stumbling across a field of clods towards a green hedge† â€Å"Clods† are something used to describe mud or soil in a field. Here Hughes are using them as a metaphor for the people who had fallen during the charge. This metaphor shows how disorientated the soldier is, â€Å"stumbling† around the field oblivious to what he was walking through. However the poet makes the soldiers ignorance sound as if it was forced, that in order to make it through the battle he had to ignore what was happening to his comrades. The metaphor â€Å"field of clods† also shows the inhumanity applied to warfare, making the soldiers appear as nothing more than pieces of earth not human beings who had lives and families. It also shows how devastating the battles were, as an entire field has been covered with the remains of those fighting. â€Å"Green hedge†, another metaphor used in the quotation I have chosen, used to describe the end of the soldiers time on the battlefield. I felt that this was particularly powerful as the colour green and nature, in general, are used to represent life and hope, something which would seem out f place in a battlefield meaning that the metaphor also serves as an oxymoron. Both poems consist of many enjambments. Structuring the poem in such a way causes the poems to gain a stop, start rhythm. I felt that this made them sound like the train of thought coming from the subject of each poem. Often cutting off and continuing or switching points completely much like a perso n in a state of confusion unable to focus solely on one thing before finding more questions to ask to attempt to ease their confused state. By setting the poems out this way both Carson and Hughes allow the reader to be enveloped in the same state of confusion creating empathy between the reader and the subject. Hughes uses mechanical imagery in order to show the inhumane consequences of war: â€Å"Sweating like molten iron from the centre of his chest† The use of the simile â€Å"Molten iron† makes the soldier sound mechanical and inhumane as it appears to be coming from within the â€Å"centre of his chest†. This suggests that the poet believes that war and conflict devastates a persons humanity, becoming nothing more than a weapon. This also adds to the effect of the verb â€Å"Sweating† showing us that despite how inhumane the soldier may be, he is still scared enough to be â€Å"Sweating† conveying his fear to the reader. Meanwhile Carson explores the devastating effect war has on the land it takes place on: â€Å"I know this labyrinth so well† The contrast within the quotation displays how much the area has been ruined. The phrase â€Å"So well† emphasises the degree to which the subject knows the area he is talking about, the personal address term â€Å"I know† also creates a sense of desperation and longing for the town this person had once known but would now have to use a map to find the right road. â€Å"Labyrinth†, more likely to be found in Greek mythology, describes a maze almost impossible to escape or find your way around. Here this metaphor displays the extent of the damage done to the town. So devastated and unrecognisable that a person who, presumably, had lived there most of their lives could get lost. Overall the poets use metaphors and enjambments to allow the reader to empathise with the subjects of the poems allowing us to see how the consequences of war would have affected them. I personally found Carsons use of contrast and reference to Greek mythology particularly evocative, letting us see the scale of devastation caused by war. How to cite English Poetry, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Influences Social Media Use And Motivations â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Influences Social Media Use And Motivations? Answer: Introduction Social media along with social marketing plays imperative part in the lives of people in the entire world. It has taken the individuals in the entire world through a storm with different kinds of mobile applications along with in other forms of technologies. It helps in improving the process of proper communication of the individuals with others as well in the workplace. The main aim and purpose is to understand the merits and demerits of social media in the business world. Proper techniques have to be proposed in order to improve the usage of social media among the different individuals in the business world. The common mistakes have to be ascertained, as this will help in preparation of strategy related to social media. The structure of the report will include the advantages and disadvantages of the social media in the business world and Techpillar is the organization that has been focused here in this assignment. The strategies have to be adopted by the companies along with the individuals in order to reduce the misuse of social media. Meaning of Social Media It is defined as the online content that is created by individuals with proper usage of highly scalable as well as accessible and proper technologies used at workplace. It is shift in different ways through which the people can discover, read as well as share news with proper content and information. The social media is the fusion of both technology and sociology that helps in transforming different monologues into different dialogues (Brooks, 2015). It is defined as the democratization of the information that helps in transforming content readers into different kinds of publishers. The social media allows and helps the individuals in connecting with the online world in order to form and create relationships for political, personal and business purpose as well (Rauniar et al. 2014). Role of social media in business development Social media helps in building proper conversations with the different clients and consumers (Laroche, Habibi Richard, 2013) Techpillar is using social media in order to drive their sales, building community and create positive as well as proper known brand in the eyes of the customers Social media will help Techpillar in creating masterpieces of marketing and use social media in order to increase the brand name and sales of their company in the near future (Bolton et al. 2013) Usage of LinkedIn in Techpillar To properly recruit the new hires in their business To properly conduct research in the market as this will help them in increasing their sales in the competitive market To properly ask for the different testimonials and reviews from the customers as this will help them in improving their issues that can affect their brand image Advantages of Social Media in business development The advantages of the social media are interesting to participate and observe in for the different individuals in the Accounting. The different advantages are as follows: Gaining valuable and accurate insights of the individuals as this will help them in increasing the awareness of the customers with daily engagement as well as proper social listening (Marwick Boyd, 2014). Updates and information is other main advantage of social media in the business world as it helps the individuals in updating themselves from different happenings around the entire business world. The print media and the television are biased in nature and it does not help in conveying the correct message as well that is required in the business world (Perrin, 2015). Providing rich experience to the customers as this will help them to deliver their customers what is required by them and this will enhance their skills as well. Improves reputation of the business is one of the advantages of social media as well as this will help in improving the reputation and sales of the Techpillar company. The sharing and positive comments are essential in nature, as it will have positive impact on goodwill and sales of the respective company. Sharing the content easier and faster as this will help them in ensuring that the information are reached to the customers within a short span of time and this will help them in gaining strong customer base as well. Disadvantages of Social Media Cyber bullying is one of the disadvantages of social media as there are individuals who creates fake account and can perform activities that cannot be traced in large businesses and it will be difficult for them to handle such situations at office as well (Alwagait, Shahzad Alim, 2015). Hacking is disadvantage as the privacy and the personal information can be hacked easily and shared on the internet as well. Proper identification of theft is a crucial issue from the personal accounts and this has financial issues at workplace (Xenos, Vromen Loader, 2014). Security issues are the disadvantage that ruins the reputation of the individuals in the business world and it creates false stories across the entire social media about such business personality (Ahmad, Ismail Nasir, 2015). Strategies in improving misusage of social media Proper safety has to be ensured by the Techpillar company in order to improve the usage of social media such as more security on the social media sites such as Twitter or Facebook is required in the business world (Seidman, 2013). The applications that are harming reputation of individuals through usage of social media have to be reduced by the different agencies, as this will help in saving the life of the public. The strategy related to the usage of social media for connecting with individuals in different parts of the world and for marketing purpose as well. The social media usage has to be made limited in nature as well in order to save the life of the individuals. Conclusion Therefore, it can be inferred that Social media is the advanced technology that is changing the lives of the individuals and making it faster and convenient in nature. Social media has great importance in the business development of Techpillar as this helps them in driving their sales and reputation in the competitive market. It helps them in increasing the brand image and sales among the general individuals in the society. Proper usage of social media by Techpillar will help in improving the perception of the individuals in the business as well. References Ahmad, J., Ismail, N., Nasir, N. N. A. (2015). Investigating Malaysian Youths Social Media Usage, management and Practice with regard to Crime Prevention: An Application of the Social Media Literacy Model. Alwagait, E., Shahzad, B., Alim, S. (2015). Impact of social media usage on students academic performance in Saudi Arabia.Computers in Human Behavior,51, 1092-1097. Bolton, R. N., Parasuraman, A., Hoefnagels, A., Migchels, N., Kabadayi, S., Gruber, T Solnet, D. (2013). Understanding Generation Y and their use of social media: a review and research agenda.Journal of Service Management,24(3), 245-267. Brooks, S. (2015). Does personal social media usage affect efficiency and well-being?.Computers in Human Behavior,46, 26-37. Laroche, M., Habibi, M. R., Richard, M. O. (2013). To be or not to be in social media: How brand loyalty is affected by social media?.International Journal of Information Management,33(1), 76-82. Marwick, A. E., Boyd, D. (2014). Networked privacy: How teenagers negotiate context in social media.New Media Society,16(7), 1051-1067. Perrin, A. (2015). Social media usage.Pew Research Center. Rauniar, R., Rawski, G., Yang, J., Johnson, B. (2014). Technology acceptance model (TAM) and social media usage: an economics study on Facebook.Journal of Enterprise Information Management,27(1), 6-30. Seidman, G. (2013). Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations.Personality and Individual Differences,54(3), 402-407. Xenos, M., Vromen, A., Loader, B. D. (2014). The great equalizer? Patterns of social media use and youth political engagement in three advanced democracies.Information, Communication Society,17(2), 151-167.