Friday, May 31, 2019

Hamlet :: essays research papers

supposedly King critical points spirit, as a tool to master this. However, Shakespeare portrays this inner struggle of reason against corporate trust as Hamlets insanity. Does Hamlet become insane in the play, or is Shakespeare trying too hard to once again make the audience uncertain? There is a lot of evidence that Hamlet does indeed go insane, however it seems that the audience sees Hamlets insanity as their skepticism throughout the play, which has been originally brought on by the shadow. Indeed, Hamlet is not insane, rather the audience thinks him insane because of their uncertainty and uneasiness regarding Hamlets actions.Many factors contribute to the uncertainty of Hamlets sanity. The source of some of these factors is the Ghost Hamlet encounters in the beginning of the play. Hamlet is Shakespeares most realistic, most modern, tragedy. It is in Hamlet that Shakespeare seems to give his audience the closest interpretation of the spirit and life of his time. Shakespeare indeed does an excellent job of making the spiritualism and superstition accurate throughout the play. The Ghost in Hamlet raises problems of Elizabethan spiritualism. To understand fully the scenes in which the Ghost appears one must understand the superstitions regarding ghosts in Shakespeares day and also contemporary philosophical and theological opinions concerning them. Generally there were three schools of thought in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries on the question of ghosts. Before the Reformation, the belief in their universe of discourse had offered little intellectual difficulty to the ordinary man, since the Catholic doctrine or Purgatory afforded a complete explanation of it in theological terms. In fact, doctrine and favourite belief, in this case, found mutual support. Thus most Catholics of Shakespeares day believed that ghosts might be spirits of the departed, allowed to return from Purgatory for some special purpose, which was the duty of the holier-tha n-thou to further if possible, in order for the wandering soul to find rest. However, for Protestants this was not so easy. The majority of them accepted the reality of apparitions without question, not knowing how they were to be explained. It was not possible that ghosts were the spirits of the departed, for Purgatory being a forgotten tradition, the dead went direct either to bliss in heaven or to prison in hell. astray discussed and debated, the orthodox Protestant conclusion was that ghosts, while occasionally they might be angels, were generally nothing but devils who assumed the form of departed friends or relatives in order to work evil upon those to whom they appeared (Wilson).

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Cultural and Sub Cultural Influence of Narcotics Anonymous Essay ex

The Cultural And Sub Cultural Influence of Narcotics Anonymous.The Subculture of N.A is a livelihood outside of any expectations formed by the briny Cultural Influence. It is a very private organization that I belong to which became a way of life for me. It has values, traditions, beliefs, sanctions and roles. This is the only outside influence in my life that made me develop meaning to my life again. I was a complete and total crack swipe who finally hit the bottom of the barrel and started sounding for a way to climb out of the grave I dug myself into.Narcotics Anonymous is a group that has taught me many values. They have cardinal values, twelve traditions, and twelve steps. As a group we learn to accept all of the above for mentioned beliefs. There is what you call a home group. That is your main meeting session with your sponsor, (if you take on to have one which is recommended), sharing time, to talk about whatever you choose i.e. your day, if there was a relapse, a stressful day, and just trying to talk to others who clear every struggle we have on a daily basis to stay clean.N.As Values are as follows 1. Trust Bonding from addict to addict. 2. Loyalty Acts of contribution (since they are a self sustaining group). 3. Submission to the spiritual life because that is instilled in many ways especially since it is a part of Traditions, twelve Steps and values. 4. Courage to change, 5.Caring and sharing, 6.Spiritual Humility, 7. Courage to try, 8. Sincerity Honest Intentions, 9. Integrity Honest Intentions, 10. Perseverance and Good Faith, 11. Conscious contact with our high power, 12. And most importantly financial backing Clean. To live by these values is sometimes very hard.The beliefs would be like the Narc... or more to be sponsors, group leaders and other appointed officials. As a result from their hard work it has obviously helped Narcotics Annoonymous. They have grown so much since 1973 when the organization was first inc orporated into Society. They have now reached carbon countries and 31,000 meetings weekly.(This Group is na class of its own. It helps people achieve what they want (sobriety), while also teaching them rules and values, and the tools that you need in life to succeed sober. Personally, I consider it is a subculture that is growing due to the fact that more and more are turning to drugs to cope with reality. Eventually when people decide to accept a higher being which has power over them, they impart turn to N.A. either after rehab or on their own. Either way if they are open to help they will turn to us. As living proof I am 508 days sober.)

It Is Contagious :: essays papers

It Is ContagiousTraces of the Stealth_c Virus have been found in memory. Reboot to a b ar system disc before continuing with this installation. This was themessage staring back at me from one of the computer monitors at my office.Questions raced through my mind. Stealth_c? Whats a system disk? Howam I supposed to install anti- virus software if the computer systemalready has a virus? As a discouraging feeling of impuissance came overme, I thought of all the people who had loaded something from disk on thisbox or who had used this box to access the Internet. Because there was novirus protection in the first place, it was going to be very difficult todetermine how many floppy disks and hard drives had been infected. Iwished I had versed about computer viruses a long time ago. What is acomputer virus, anyway? Is it a computer with a cold? A computer virusis called a virus because of three distinct similarities to a biologicalvirus. They are ? They must have the ability to make copie s of, orreplicate, itself. ? They must have a need for a host, or functionalprogram to which it can attach. ? The virus must do some kind of harm tothe computer system or at least cause some kind of unexpected or unwantedbehavior. Sometimes computer viruses just eat up memory or displayannoying messages, but the to a greater extent dangerous ones can destroy data, givefalse information, or completely freeze up a computer. The Stealth_c virusis a boot sector virus, meaning that it resides in the boot sectors of acomputer disk and loads into memory with the normal boot-up programs. Thestealth in the bring up comes from the capability of this virus to possiblyhide from anti-virus software. Virtually any media that can carrycomputer data can carry a virus. Computer viruses are usually spread bydata diskettes, but can be downloaded from the Internet, private bulletinboards, or over a local area network. This makes it extremely easy for avirus to spread once it has infected a system. T he aforementionedStealth_c virus was transported by the least likely avenue it waspackaged with commercial message software. This is an extremely rare occurrence,as most software companies go to great lengths to provide cleansoftware. There is a huge commercial interest in keeping computersvirus-free. Companies stand to lose literally thousands of dollars if theylose computer data to a virus. An immense amount of time can be lost frommore productive endeavors if someone has to check or clean each computer

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Quest for Self and Identity in Jack Kerouac’s On The Road Essay

The Quest For Identity In On The Road In Jack Kerouacs On The Road, the protagonists get into upon a long, arduous quest for human identity. Their aim is to uncover who they truly are, where they fit in the scheme of things and what the meaning of life is. They articulate this desire by speaking, during the novel, of the search for IT, IT being human identity. This IT is an intangible thing something that holds a different meaning for every individual. It encompasses all the things humans yearn for life answers, the meaning of the universe, happiness, enlightenment, self-fulfilment, blessedness (as articulated by Kerouac). On the Road is the story of a desperate search for IT, in which the protagonists finally come to realise that IT is unattainable and time cannot be defied. The human search for IT is never-ending. Even when we know that the search is virtually impossible, that IT is unreachable, that ou... ...iences and thoughts. The novel concludes with the poignant truth hum ans often try to ignore that time and senescence are inexorable and that the answers to life will most probably never be known to any of us while on earth. Works Cited Kerouac, Jack. On The Road. Penguin Books Limited, New York. 1955. Honan, Simon. The Beat Generation, Allen and Unwin Publishing, New York. 1987.Eliot, T.S. The Collected Works of TS Eliot, Eldridge Publishing Inc, Sydney.1954.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Jays Treaty :: essays research papers

Jays Treaty"If this country is preserved in tranquillity twenty years longer, itwhitethorn bid defiance in a comely cause to any power whatever such in that time willbe its popularity, wealth and resources," stated by George Washington in solvent to demonstrators over the Jay Treaty. 1 Washingtons remark wasregarding the publics uproar following the release of information on the statusof the discord with Great Britain. The people had just been informed of the content of the Jay Treaty which were 1) Britain agreed to give up the furposts in American territory, 2) Britain also agreed to submit to arbitrationthe questions of disputed boundaries, the damage done to American shipping, andthe debts due to British merchants. Although the people did not like theseterms, Washington supported them to prevent us from going to war. Washingtonmade his first move by sending a delegate to England, and furthermore bystanding up to congress to get this treaty ratified. He demonstrates again hisgreat moral coura ge for the welfare of his country.     Although Washington himself did not write the treaty he deserves all thecredit for initiating it in the first place. The times had become rough withthe British, and according to Hamilton the British were a vital part of oureconomy. He said " the tax on imports furnished more of the money for payingoff our foreign, domestic, and state debts." 2 on with the Britishsimpressment of American seamen and their role in our economy Washington knewsomething had to be done. Washington knew that the tension between America andEngland had to be thinned out so he decided to send over a special envoy. Theindividual chosen for the job was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay.John Jay had much experience in this department because he was the formerSecretary for Foreign Affairs under the old Confederation. His objective was tomake peace between the devil countries. He was under instructions to make noc ommitment in violation of the treaties with France. Fortunately, Washingtoncame to terms to do this, otherwise our infant country may never have grown intowhat it is today. This indubitably turned out to be one of Washingtons boldermoves towards assisting his country.     Another powerful move was demonstrated by Washington as he persuaded theSenate to ratify the treaty. The Jay Treaty was signed on November 19th , 1794,but was not ratified by the Senate until seven months later. "President GeorgeWashingtons signing of the Jay Treaty enkindle unimaginable criticism of his

Jays Treaty :: essays research papers

Jays Treaty"If this country is preserved in tranquillity twenty years longer, it may bid defiance in a just cause to any power whatever such in that time willbe its popularity, wealthiness and resources," stated by George Washington inresponse to demonstrators over the Jay Treaty. 1 Washingtons remark wasregarding the publics uproar following the release of information on the statusof the dissension with Great Britain. The people had just been informed of thecontents of the Jay Treaty which were 1) Britain agreed to give up the furposts in American territory, 2) Britain also agreed to bring up to arbitrationthe questions of disputed boundaries, the damage done to American shipping, andthe debts due to British merchants. Although the people did not like these wrong, Washington supported them to prevent us from liberation to war. Washingtonmade his depression move by sending a delegate to England, and furthermore bystanding up to congress to get this conformity ratified. He demonstrates again hisgreat moral coura ge for the welfare of his country.     Although Washington himself did not write the treaty he deserves all thecredit for initiating it in the first place. The times had become rough withthe British, and according to Hamilton the British were a vital part of oureconomy. He said " the tax on imports furnished much of the specie for payingoff our foreign, domestic, and state debts." 2 Along with the Britishsimpressment of American seamen and their role in our economy Washington knewsomething had to be done. Washington knew that the tension between America andEngland had to be thinned out so he decided to send over a special envoy. Theindividual chosen for the job was principal Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay.John Jay had much experience in this department because he was the formerSecretary for Foreign Affairs under the hoary Confederation. His objective was tomake peace between the two countries. He was u nder instructions to make nocommitment in violation of the treaties with France. Fortunately, Washingtoncame to terms to do this, otherwise our infant country may never have grown intowhat it is today. This indubitably turned out to be one of Washingtons boldermoves towards assisting his country.     Another stiff move was demonstrated by Washington as he persuaded theSenate to ratify the treaty. The Jay Treaty was signed on November 19th , 1794,but was not ratified by the Senate until seven months later. "President GeorgeWashingtons signing of the Jay Treaty provoked unimaginable criticism of his

Monday, May 27, 2019

The Effects of Alcohol on the Prenatal Development of Infants

Numerous studies have already proven that intoxicating potable uptake during gestation period results in adverse effects to the physical and amiable development of infants. Most of these outcomes begin while the baby is still in the womb, and entrust continue to manifest as the child grows into adulthood.Some of the effects of maternal alcohol consumption during maternity include low carry weight, miscarriage, stillbirth and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). FAS, in turn, has been linked to skeletal abnormalities, cardiac defects and genitourinary malfunctions (Damgaard, Jensen, The Nordic cryptorchism Study Group, Petersen, Skakkebk, Toppari and Main, 2007).The Deadly BrewAlcohol is a beverage that deal be produced by fermenting several plant products, such as corn, grapes, apples and potatoes. The process of distillation increases the alcoholic content of a fermented beverage, resulting in hard liquour like whisky or rhum. Ethanol is the type of alcohol found in beverages. It is composed of relatively micro molecules that the body easily and quickly absorbs (Fredrickson, Nolen-Hoeksema, Loftus and Smith, 2003).Deadlier EffectsOnce an alcoholic beverage is swallowed, it proceeds to the stomach and the small intestine organs that have large amounts of small daub vessels. These blood vessels carry ethanol molecules into the bloodstream, where they be rapidly absorbed by other organs in the body. Alcohol has the most immediate effect on the brain, as it receives a substantial amount of blood that the heart pumps. In addition, the brains fatty tissue absorbs alcohol very well (Fredrickson, Nolen-Hoeksema, Loftus and Smith, 2003).Toxic Components.Alcohol is composed primarily of carcinogencic substances. In 1998, the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) claimed that beer, wine and spirits contain both known and suspected human carcinogens such as acid aldehyde, nitrosamines, aflatoxins, ethyl carbamate (urethane), asbestos and arsenic compou nds. A 2001 study regarding the rise of breast cancer fatalities in the United States revealed that women who drank at least one alcoholic beverage daily increased their risk of having breast cancer by 10-30% (Calle, Feigelson, Robertson, Thun and Wingo, 2001).A 1999 study among Puerto Rican men and women, meanwhile, proved that drinkers of alcoholic beverages were more prone to cancers of the oral cavity and throat (excluding lip and nasopharynx) than those who do not (Brown, Fraumeni, Harty, Hayes, Kleinman, Bravo-Otero and Winn, 1999).Alcohol and the Developing FetusAccording to the article Does Alcohol Increase the Risk of Preterm Delivery? (2000), preterm delivery is an important contributor to neonatal morbidity and pietism (Jrgen, Kesmodel and Olsen, 2000).Given the aforementioned harmful components and effects of alcohol, it is only a matter of common logic to assume that pregnant women who drink while expecting will give birth to children who will either die early or will have to live with serious wellness problems for the rest of their lives. What is dismaying is that alcohol intake during pregnancy is a preventable cause of birth defects and illnesses and infant death. Below is an elaboration of some of the effects of alcohol on the antenatal development of infantsPremature DeliveryAccording to Theresa Kellerman, bust and director of the FAS Community Resource Center (an Arizona-based organization helping individuals and families that be affected by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders), alcohol intake during pregnancy exposes an expectant mother to other forms of high-risk behavior, which, in turn, result in premature labor.These risk factors include sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs), physical abuse, drug abuse, lack of prenatal care and poor nutrition.Women who abuse alcohol while pregnant are also more likely to engage in substance abuse during pregnancy. They are also more prone to get into abusive relationships, wh ich often result in physical abuse and the transmission of STDs. Furthermore, alcohol interferes with the bodys business leader to absorb and process nutrients. Denial over their drinking problem prevents alcoholic pregnant women to seek treatment (Kellerman, 2006).Miscarriage and StillbirthAlcohol consumption during pregnancy regardless of the amount consumed can result in miscarriage and stillbirth. Alcohol is a teratogen, a substance that impairs normal fetal development and may result in miscarriage, birth defects and pregnancy complications (Bower and Elliot, 2008). Even fathers who drink may be responsible for their wives miscarriage or giving birth to stillborn babies.Although males can produce spermatozoan throughout their lifetime, sperm cells, just like other cells in the human body, age the effects of excessive drinking are more profound on older sperm cells than on younger ones. As a result, men who drink (even if they are married to non-drinkers) are more likely to produce an unhealthy embryo (Saey, 2008).ConclusionIndeed, health is wealth. No amount of expert medical care can replace the joy and freedom of nifty health. Furthermore, no society will prosper if its members are plagued with various health problems. Therefore, every individual must take it upon himself or herself to stay healthy by assuming a healthy lifestyle. By having good health, a person will not only be able to become a functional member of society he or she will be able to produce healthy offspring that are capable of continuing or even improving societys achievements.ReferencesBrown, L.M., Fraumeni, J. Jr. F., Harty, L.C., Hayes, R.B., Kleinman, D.V., Bravo-Otero, E. & Winn, D.M. (1999). baccy and Alcohol Use and Oral Cancer in Puerto Rico. CancerCauses and Control, 10, 27-33. Retrieved June 22, 2003 from JSTOR.Bower, C. & Bower, E.J. (2008). Alcohol and Pregnancy The Pivotal Role of the Obstetrician.Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 48, 236-239. Retrieved June 23, 2008 from EBSCOhost.Calle, E.E., Feigelson, H.S., Robertson, A.S., Thun, M.J. & Wingo, P.A.. (2001). Alcohol utilisation Increases the Risk of Fatal Breast Cancer (United States). Cancer Causes and Control, 12, 895-902. Retrieved June 22, 2008 from JSTOR.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Can compositional success be tied to advanced training Essay

The simple fact that practice dumbfounds perfect proves that compositional success is tied to advance training. The goal of the person playing the piece of medicament is to make it sound the best he/she possibly can while looking equivalent minimal effort is put in. To achieve that, advanced training is required. excessively just like anything in life the more training and practice you put into something the more successful your outcome is.In any popular emblem of music you can always find a blend of technique and inspiration. For example, salsa music is famous for its unique technique in dancing, and the dance can dismantle be very inspirational. However, I dont believe you need an actual specific blend of technique and inspiration. If you have a unique or different technique I think the inspiration will just simply follow.The stemma of an artistic inspiration is a very broad subject. So many things inspire so many artists. Sometimes even the most unusual or little things can be so inspiring. To answer the question, What is the source of artistic inspiration? I would say that question is too general. There are just so many sources that can inspire an artist. For example, if a lynx discovers a really great sunset then he/she will most likely be inspired to paint it. So if a tuneful artist creates a new tune or melody then that could be his/her source and inspiration to creating a new piece of music.Just like anything you do in the world, you must have knowledge to be successful. For example, an engineer must have a good basis on all types of mathematics just like a musician must have a good basis on all types of music. Also history is important in no matter what you do. History is the basis of everything. I am almost positive that every successful composer has a strong grasp on music history. History shows the steps that were took to modern music.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Muffler Magic

They be young, energetic and willing to learn from the ground up. For Intermediate technicians. I recommend trade school and trade school graduates. These individuals have more than the basic skill set and have chosen their career path. For senior technicians, I recommend to first look to hire within. These individuals agnise the business and are familiar with the daily operations and company expectations. Next I would look at advertising in the local paper, internet and Job fairs. B. My recommendation for selecting these Individuals would constitute of a rigorous here prong assessment of their skill level.This would consist of a Job knowledge mental test, a structured interview and work sample simulations (Desire, 2010) to test the validity of their knowledge. I also recommend background checks and references. C. My recommendation for training would consist of various skill assessments for all told levels of employees. This would include new employee orientation for all newly hired employees regardless of skill level. I recommend that a classroom environment be established so that each level (novice, middling and senior) to chive the proper training.This could ensure that they receive the proper training to any oral, written, and on-the-job training for all certifications. The classroom should have several automobiles for safe and more detailed hands on experience. II. The following are my suggestions for three questions that Ron Brown should Include In a structure EAI Interview Tort experienced technicians. A. bingle of our companys biggest challenges is safety. How would you deal with b. Have you accomplished something you didnt think was possible? c. How long would you stay with the company? Ill.If I were Ron Brown, I would implement the professors recommendation to start paying for demented days, because of the following a. The first reason I would implement paying sick days is that safety should be priority one Both the safety of our employees and that of our customers. An employee could lose the necessary attention to detail if they are on some type of over the counter medication. This could cause some type of accident, either in the stag at or with a customers automobile while it is on the road. This could lead to sever doily injury and potential lawsuits. . Work production could come to a uprise halt if one contagious employee comes in and contaminates the entire shop. Instead of one employee out, you end up with four-five. C. Due to time constraints to ensure the vehicle get in and out in a timely manner, it is imperative that each employee is working at their Max potential. While 50% production might be cave in than zero, it means nothing if the work is not done properly. V. Ron Brown should implement the professors skill-based pay plan in its present form, because of the following .This would allow for each employee to know where they stand in regards to compensation with their skill set and abilities. This cou ld do motivate employees to acquire more skills this would intern lift the overall skill set of the shop b. If they are looking for career progression, this would provide them with a clear set of goals for each to strive for. C. If employees know that the possibility for progression is there and is attainable, it could also help cut down on turn-over. V. Ron Brown should not implement the professors incentive pay plan, because of he following a.This could create a divided shop as each team would be in constant competition wilt can toner. You would a nave to ensure Tanat all teams were AT equal strength with the akin amount of team members all trained on the same level. This could create a hostile work environment if one team is under staffed or under trained. B. This could promote individuals coming in when sick or not taking the necessary time off that they might need. Again, the safety of the employees and customers should be the priority. C.There is the carriage on so many dif ferent variables that it would be difficult to properly determine if a team has been more productive that another. You have to factor in the type of work done, how labor extensive, time-off for employees, safety and you still have to ensure that each technician still receives the proper training in the proper environment. Employees would be so busy competing for money. This could be a time consuming process that ends up costing more than its worth. Desire, G. (2010). Human Resource Management. New Jersey Prentice Hill.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Are Wars Necessary?

Are Wars Necessary? I think, there are quite few people who actually believe that the war is some amour good, wholesome and useful. It is and has eer been nonpareil of the worst and most disgusting, destructive events that can happen. But it is to the same degree wrong to accuse it of all the deadly sins existing in the world. Although war is always evil, sometimes it is the lesser evil, in some cases it is inevitable.I, of course, dont support the idea that the war is necessary in socio-economical sense there is such a point of view, stating that the war is the motive power of progress and effective method of keeping demographic situation stable. Of course, some inventions were first applied in military, exactly also because this research has always been better supplied. And, although a lot of people die in the course of wars, it is not enough to really influence demographics, specially nowadays.I am speaking about the war as the conflict of interests and state that yes, in ce rtain situations war is necessary and even turns out into a thing to be proud of. War may be offensive and defensive and, just like in the case of self-defense, in the event of armed glide path from another country any kind of violence used in retaliation is acceptable, because any other course of action will mean suicide.Looking at the same analogy, there is no much difference between a country attacking another country from a mugger on the street. The fact that the offenders are numerous, wear uniforms and deliver speeches makes absolutely no difference. Read more http//www. paperwritings. com/free-examples/essay-about-war. htmlixzz2DxD5bCkQ

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Toilet Facilities in All Schools

Toilet Facilities in All Schools Toilet Facilities in All Schools Encour climb on and top to growth the necessary partnership between the state of Maharashtra and the Government of Indias course of instructions to establish bathroom facilities in all schools. The Indian government has launched a focussed campaign to increase the ho handlingholds in the country that live with toilets by 2010. Additionally, we will target the urgent need for separate toilets for boys and girls, together with a hand-washing facility in every school in Maharashtra.Name Toilet Facilities in all Schools Status Theme Region and Country Maharashtra, India Partners Beneficiaries Funding Need Budget period Contact Programme Activities Each year two million children die from diarrhoeal diseases, making it the second most serious killer of children under the age of five. The main source of diarrhoeal infection is human excreta. It discriminatems clear therefore, that human excreta should be managed as a potentially dangerous material. The wind of latrines is a relatively simple technology that whitethorn be intaked to control the spread of infectious diseases.Studies have shown that latrine coverage has to reach 90% of a world to have an impact on friendship health. In Maharashtra, 85% of rural households and 54% of all households have no access at all to a toilet facility. While the Indian government is making great strides in the availability of toilets, this computer programme looks to increase advocacy and education necessary to convince volume to use the toilets, and to create separate male and female toilets in schools together with hand-washing facilities.It is important to gain political project and government commitment to the programme. A alloy of mass media and interpersonal communication is the best expressive style to deliver the key programme messages. Demonstration sites for the selected technologies are important, as is the training of local pot in operati on and livelihood methods. It is also necessary to provide reasonable funding options and incentives to make the technology affordable. Intended Results Latrine facilities, separate for boys and girls, with a hand-washing facility will be established in all schools.A latrine procession programme will teach students and the local people about why and how to use the latrines through community amour, radio messages, and other social marketing strategies. The construction of this latrine system in schools will be used to control the spread of infectious diseases, and promote toilet usage at a young age to school children to convey good usage and knowledge at home. Programme Management and death penalty This programme has numerous degrees of implementation. Background Data The first step is to become familiar with the local area and school systems.The acceptance of latrines varies from culture to culture and it is important to experience where the areas of potential resistance lie so as to direct promotion efforts efficiently. Conducting interviews can help to determine users likes and dislikes as well as identify latest hygiene practices. This information is essential to the planning of a sanitisation promotion program that will match the customs and attitudes of the users. Planning Phase The information collected during the background nurture of the local people can be used to plan a custom tailored sanitation promotion program. The initial lanning phase should consist of selection of the key messages to be promoted and a matching appropriate technology. The key messages need to be based on existing ideas, because it is a great deal harder to clear radical or rapid changes in a population. The core ideas should be kept simple and to the point. It is easiest for people to grasp a few straightforward ideas, quite a than a long list of suggested improvements. The type of latrine selected should be low-cost, appropriate for the geographic area, and matc h with existing customs of anal cleaning and defecation habits as much as possible.Once the key messages and technology have been selected a marketing start out must be developed. Recent efforts in promotion programs related to socio-cultural issues have focused on social marketing techniques. Social marketing uses the get downes of economics to advance social change. Social marketing advocates a demand driven uprise to sanitation. Therefore, a successful sanitation program needs to create a demand for latrines. This is accomplished by offering affordable technology, but also by increasing the social desirability of latrines.Studies have shown that the reasons people want latrines are less for health concerns than for social status, privacy, comfort and convenience (WHO, 2000). It should therefore, be the goal of each sanitation program to foster these feelings to increase the social demand for latrines. Since social status is one of the driving factors in latrine demand, it is important to recruit prominent people and community leaders to the cause of sanitation. Sanitation promotion by these leaders will increase the acceptability of latrines (Ikin, 1994).While the role of community leaders may be important, so is the participation of the average community member. Community based efforts have been shown to be more effective than external intervention (WHO, 2000). The marketing approach must select key populations within the community to act as agents of change and use appropriate channels of communication to reach the target audience. Implementation Implementing a latrine promotion program requires outreach and education of the masses, as well as, cost reduction strategies. It is also important to consider the interactions of any institutions involved in the couch schools, government, and construction company) and the issue of sustainability. The most effective method of outreach is person-to-person visits (UNICEF, 2002). These visits are used to share hygiene and technical information, as well as march on sanitary demeanour changes. Other methods, such as radio and television programming, discussion groups, and school curriculums, may be incorporated depending on the community response of these types of media. Radio or television programming has worked well in areas with high coverage by these media. Broadcast programming is most effective when done in the native language.Discussion groups are a good way to encourage community participation in the project. They may also be a way to disperse technical information to a large population through demonstration sites. Introducing hygiene curriculum in the local schools works well in areas of high school attendance and reliable school systems. Children can act as powerful agents of change when they practice proper hygienic behaviours in the classroom and then bring these behaviours home with them (UNICEF, 2002). It is also hoped that children will retain these positive traits into ad ulthood.A significant factor to consider in any sanitation program is the cost to the new technology. High cost is the number one deterrent for the spread of latrine construction (Cotton, 1998). It is important to select low-cost technologies for sanitation projects in the developing world. Many sanitation promotion programs rely on the support of both the local government and NGO. Whenever there are multiple institutions working together on a project it is important to have a clear structure of goals and methods of implementation. Care must be taken not to duplicate efforts or constipation the working relationship between the partner institutions.Where large institutions are involved it is helpful to establish community contacts to ensure effective communication from the field to the add headquarters. Although the introduction of improved sanitation services may be difficult, ensuring the sustainability of these services may be even more so. The most important step towards sustai nability is the involvement of the community from the start of the project. People, students, and the school must learn to take ownership and pride in their latrines. Social marketing strategies can aid in the increase acceptance and demand for latrines.School programming is also an important step towards educating the future of sanitary behaviour. Another tactic is to train local artisans to construct and take latrines. These artisans may build small businesses to market their skills, thus increasing the economy drive behind latrine use. Above all the program must be pliable and flexible enough to change with the needs and demands of the people being served. Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Programme monitoring and evaluation will occur to handle the instalment of toilets in schools, how many children are using the toilets, and possible reasons for not using the toilets.Community attitudes will also be monitored and surveys will be conducted to see if toilet usage increases i n surrounding school communities. Learning and Dissemination Related Resources Sanitation and hygiene promotion programs started in India in the 1980s with the support of UNICEF. The initial emphasis was on technical solutions, specifically the promotion of twin-pit pour-flush latrines. The government and UNICEF advocated the construction of these latrines as the national standard for cost-effective sanitation. However, the idea was never wide accepted and latrine coverage in rural areas remained less than 10 percent.The cost of latrine construction was considered too high and people saw little motivation for use. surrounded by 1986-1987, UNICEF performed several micro-field studies to determine alternative methods to sanitation promotion. The results indicated that the wish of community involvement was detrimentally to the program. The studies also revealed several reasons behind peoples reluctance to use the new latrines. People avoided latrine use for fear of breaking it, or be cause they believed it more sanitary to defecate in the fields away from the house, or because they preferred to use the latrine as a storage facility.The high cost of the twin-pit pour-flush toilets was also often beyond the means of many poor communities. The results of these studies lead to a new approach in sanitation promotion in India in the 1990s. The new emphasis was on lower-cost latrines and sanitary behaviour changes. A community-based approach was used to promote behaviour change. Efforts were made to increase household visits, school programming and considerations for gender issues. Sanitation issues were linked with other health concerns in an attempt to increase motivation for latrine usage.A program evaluation in the mid 1990s indicated that person-to-person visited could be highly effective, but that 3-4 visits were required for every latrine installed. The labour costs associated with this method of promotion are therefore quite high. School programs were developed to teach children hygienic behaviours, including the use of a latrine. The hope is that the children will than bring these behaviours home with them, thereby acting as agents of change in their communities. The new promotion plan also stressed the role of women in sanitation and household hygiene management.Lack of proper sanitation facilities has traditionally been more detrimental to women than to men. Due to the lack of privacy, many women may wait until nightfall to relieve themselves, leading to serious health problems and kidney failure. The lack of sanitation facilities has also been a barrier to girls attending school. The restructuring of the sanitation promotion program has attempted to address these issues by including women in health discussions and the operation and maintenance of the new latrines. The key to sanitation promotion in India has been balancing the technical and social aspects of sanitation services.Since the introduction of community based promotion meth ods, rural India has seen sanitation coverage increase from nearly zero to 14% while total sanitation coverage increased to 31%. Community involvement and self-financing methods lead to the construction of more than 350,000 latrines in one county alone. An impact evaluation in 1999 showed consistently better excreta disposal practices in communities participating in the promotion programs. The study indicated that future sanitation promotion efforts should focus on social marketing techniques and community management of latrines.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Consumer Behavior Case Study Do Our Avatars Learn Essay

1) According to the text, unmingled conditioning occurs when a stimulus that elicits a retort is paired with another stimulus that ab initio does not elicit a response on its own. As clip passes, the second stimulus is fitting to cause a similar response because of the particular that we associate it with the first stimulus. An example of classical conditioning would be one that was demonstrated by Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov. He conducted research on digestion in dogs. Pavlov was able to induce classically instruct learning when he paired a neutral stimulus (a bell shape) with a stimulus that was known to cause a salivation response in dogs (he squirted dried meat powder into their mouths).The powder represented an unconditioned stimulus due to the event that it was naturally capable of causing the response. As time passed, the bell represented a conditioned stimulus. Initially, the bell didnt cause salivation. However, the dogs learned to associate it with the meat po wder and began to salivate at the sound of the bell only. The drooling of these canine consumers because of a sound, now linked to feeding time, represented a conditioned response. Pavlov demonstrated a basic form of classical conditioning that in the main applies to the responses that the autonomic (e.g., salivation) and nervous (e.g., eye blink) systems control.Meaning, it focuses on visual and olfactory cues that induce hunger, thirst, and other basic drives. When marketers are able to consistently pair these cues with conditioned stimuli, such(prenominal) as brand names, consumers may learn to feel hungry or thirsty when they encounter these brand cues at a later point. This is an example of how classical conditioning can operate for a consumer who visits a new tutoring Web site and is greeted by the Web sites avatar who resembles Albert Einstein. The individual energy not pick of the olfactory cues the first time he visits the Web site, but over a period of time he/she will.2 ) According to an online source, instrumental conditioning (also known as operant conditioning) is a form of learning in which an individual modifies the occurrence and form of its own behavior due to the consequences of the behavior. The difference between instrumental conditioning and classical conditioning is that instrumental conditioning deals with the modification of voluntary behavior or operant behavior. Operant behavior operates on the environment and is maintained by its consequences. On the other hand, classical conditioning deals with the conditioning of reflexive behaviors which are elicited by antecedent conditions.Behaviors that are conditioned via a classical conditioning procedure are not maintained by consequences. This is a learning process that we most closely associate with the psychologist B.F. mule driver. Skinner demonstrated the effects of instrumental conditioning by teaching pigeons and other animals to dance, play Ping-Pong, and perform other activitie s when he systematically rewarded them for desired behaviors. Due to the fact that responses in classical conditioning are involuntary and fairly simple, we make those in instrumental conditioning deliberately to obtain a goal, and these may be more complex.The desired behavior skill be learned over a period of time as a shaping process rewards our arbitrate actions. From all of this research about instrumental conditioning, we conclude that a consumer who purchases a new outfit for his avatar on a virtual world would be modifying the occurrence and form of the avatars behavior due to the consequences of the behavior.3)I believe that consumers do build associative networks through their avatars experience dependable as they would with any other product or service. The text states that we each have organized systems of concepts that relate to brands, manufacturers, and stores stored in our memories. The contents, however, depend on our own extraordinary experiences. We should thi nk of these knowledge structures, or storage units, as complex spider webs filled with pieces of data. Any information that is incoming gets put into nodes that connect to one another.When crystallise pieces of information are viewed as similar, we chunk them together under some more abstract category. Then, we are able to interpret new, incoming information to be consistent with the structure we just created. This helps to explain why we are better able to remember brands or stores that we believe go together. Recent research has indicated that passel can recall brands that are not as obviously linked. However, in these cases, marketers have to work harder to justify why the two things go together.I do believe that this network is part of the consumers overall associative network for that brand. This is because in the associative network, links form between nodes. For instance, the text states that a consumer might have a network for perfumes. Each node correlates to a concept a ssociate to the category. This can be an attribute, a specific brand, or a related product. When the consumer is asked to list perfumes, she only recalls those brands that show up in the appropriate category.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Impact of Declining Nokia Market

PRESTIGE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH SESSION 2012-2014 Minor Research Project Synopsis THE IMPACT OF DECLINING NOKIA market CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1. 1 Literature Review 1. 2 Objective Of The Study 2. Research Methodology 2. 1 The Study 2. 2 Sample 2. 3 Tools For Data Collection 2. 4 Tools For Data Analysis 2. References 3. Questionnaire Introduction Nokia has come a long way to evolve from a paper mill founded in 1865 to a world historied mobile ph unmatched manufacturer and one of the most powerful trade names in the world. In 1992 Nokia appointed Jorma Ollila as the new chief executive officer and concentrated its focus on telecommunications.Throughout the 1990s Nokia was known as a relentless innovator and a pioneer that made the worlds depression satellite call among umteen other groundbreaking milestones. In 1998 Nokia became the worlds largest mobile phone manufacturer with a turnover of 31 million dollars. Nokia is still the most prestigious company to the Finnish national economy, but Nokias effect is far from what it was in the early years of the 21st nose candy when Nokia accounted for almost half of the scotch growth in Finland and produced as much as five percent of Finlands annual Gross Domestic Product.In 2006, Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo replaced Jorma Ollila as the CEO, but was non able to reverse the decline of Nokias market share especially in the high end segment, where competitors like Apple, Blackberry,HTC, Samsung, and phones using Googles Android operating(a) governing body captured market share from Nokia at an alarmingly increasing rate. At the end of year 2010 Android was already the most general flip phone operating system in the world and Nokias market share in the smart phone segment had declined from 38 to 31 percent in one year (Sokala).Literature Review The purpose of this literary works review is to discuss relevant writings on how to improve trade strategies from the mark perspective. First, important im pairment such(prenominal) as brand paleness and the concept of consumer-based brand equity are discussed. Secondly, the brand management process is discussed from a strategical viewpoint with the help of terms like brand revitalization and integrated marketing activity. The next part of the literature review concentrates on analyzing the marketing environment.Finally, the stand firm section summarizes important conclusions on how the literature review relates to the company being observed, Nokia During 2012, the telecom infrastructure market saw slight growth in bully expenditures in Euro terms by global mobile operators, mainly attributable to operators in Japan, Asia Pacific and North America but it was off-set by declines in Europe, chinaware and India, it added. Objective Of The Study The dissertation has three distinct interrogation objectives. First of all I will try to find out what is the aspired brand individualism and brand image Nokia is onerous to convey with its smart phone marketing.To achieve this I will engage interviews with people who are responsible for Nokias brand management and marketing. The second seek objective of my thesis is to find out what is the consumers brand perception of Nokia at the moment. To answer this question I will conduct a comprehensive smart phone brand perception survey to collect data from Finland and the fall in States. The last query objective of the thesis is improving Nokias current marketing strategies for its smart phones from a branding perspective in the countries subject to research.By comparing the results of the customer surveys with the company interviews, I can keep an eye on where the aspired brand identity of Nokia does not meet the brand perceptions of the consumers. By utilizing the existing knowledge and literature on the topic, I should be able to come up with ways to improve Nokias smart phone marketing in the two distinct geographical regions. Research Methodology The Study This B achelors Thesis is a object lesson study with a conceptual research design since it consists of a defined research problem, clear research objectives, and exact research questions that lead to conclusions on a real-life phenomenon.The thesis includes empirical as well as descriptive elements. There are several contexts to the research, because the aim is to improve Nokias existing marketing strategies in different regions based on potentially differing brand perceptions prevalent in these areas. Data Collection Methods Interview Qualitative research and analysis methods were used to respect the depth interview (Appendix 1) conducted on the fourth of February, 2011, with Mr. Pekka Somerto, the Vice President of Nokias Brand and Marketing Portfolio Management. The interview was conducted at Nokias headquarters in Keilaniemi and it lasted for more or less an hour.The interview consisted of thirteen questions and the purpose was to find out about the brand identity Nokia tries to cre ate with their marketing. The questions asked were chosen based on the literature discussed in the literature review, and with the overall goal of improving Nokias marketing strategies for smart phones from the branding perspective. The results of the interview not only helped in range the research objective, but they overly provided useful ideas and additional questions for the consumer survey. Survey To find out consumers brand perceptions of Nokia, quantitative research and analysis methods were utilized.An online consumer survey (Appendix 2) was created with the Qualtrics-software and distributed to approximately cd people in Finland and the United States through e-mail and social media networks. Data Analysis The data analysis of the survey results started with a general analysis of the averages and unpatterned trends. It was followed by the identification of of import regional differences between the responses with the help of cross tabulations. QUESTIONNAIRE Smart Phone Brand Perception Survey REFERENCES Arnould, Eric, Linda Price, and George Zinkhan. Consumers. 2nd ed. New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2004.Print. Barrett, Larry. Palm, Nokia Smartphone Users around Likely to Switch Survey. endeavor Mobile Today. Internet. com, 19 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Best Global Brands Ranking for 2010. Interbrand, n. d. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Business Source Complete. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. . Christodoulides, George, and Leslie De Chernatony. Consumer-based brand equity conceptualization and measurement. International diary of Market Research 52. 1 (2010) 43-66. EBSCO Business Source Complete. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . Drobis, David R. Integrated Marketing Communications Redefined. Journal of IntegratedThe bushel of Declining Nokia MarketPRESTIGE INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH SESSION 2012-2014 Minor Research Project Synopsis THE IMPACT OF DECLINING NOKIA MARKET CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1. 1 Literature Review 1. 2 Objective Of The Study 2. Research Methodo logy 2. 1 The Study 2. 2 Sample 2. 3 Tools For Data Collection 2. 4 Tools For Data Analysis 2. References 3. Questionnaire Introduction Nokia has come a long way to evolve from a paper mill founded in 1865 to a world renowned mobile phone manufacturer and one of the most powerful brands in the world. In 1992 Nokia appointed Jorma Ollila as the new CEO and concentrated its focus on telecommunications.Throughout the 1990s Nokia was known as a relentless innovator and a pioneer that made the worlds first satellite call among many other groundbreaking milestones. In 1998 Nokia became the worlds largest mobile phone manufacturer with a turnover of 31 billion dollars. Nokia is still the most influential company to the Finnish national economy, but Nokias effect is far from what it was in the early years of the 21st century when Nokia accounted for almost half of the economic growth in Finland and produced as much as five percent of Finlands annual Gross Domestic Product.In 2006, Olli-Pekk a Kallasvuo replaced Jorma Ollila as the CEO, but was not able to reverse the decline of Nokias market share especially in the high end segment, where competitors like Apple, Blackberry,HTC, Samsung, and phones using Googles Android operating system captured market share from Nokia at an alarmingly increasing rate. At the end of year 2010 Android was already the most widespread smart phone operating system in the world and Nokias market share in the smart phone segment had declined from 38 to 31 percent in one year (Sokala).Literature Review The purpose of this literature review is to discuss relevant writings on how to improve marketing strategies from the branding perspective. First, important terms such as brand equity and the concept of consumer-based brand equity are discussed. Secondly, the brand management process is discussed from a strategic viewpoint with the help of terms like brand revitalization and integrated marketing activity. The next part of the literature review c oncentrates on analyzing the marketing environment.Finally, the last section summarizes important conclusions on how the literature review relates to the company being observed, Nokia During 2012, the telecom infrastructure market saw slight growth in capital expenditures in Euro terms by global mobile operators, mainly attributable to operators in Japan, Asia Pacific and North America but it was off-set by declines in Europe, China and India, it added. Objective Of The Study The thesis has three distinct research objectives. First of all I will try to find out what is the aspired brand identity and brand image Nokia is trying to convey with its smart phone marketing.To achieve this I will conduct interviews with people who are responsible for Nokias brand management and marketing. The second research objective of my thesis is to find out what is the consumers brand perception of Nokia at the moment. To answer this question I will conduct a comprehensive smart phone brand perception survey to collect data from Finland and the United States. The last research objective of the thesis is improving Nokias current marketing strategies for its smart phones from a branding perspective in the countries subject to research.By comparing the results of the customer surveys with the company interviews, I can detect where the aspired brand identity of Nokia does not meet the brand perceptions of the consumers. By utilizing the existing knowledge and literature on the topic, I should be able to come up with ways to improve Nokias smart phone marketing in the two distinct geographical regions. Research Methodology The Study This Bachelors Thesis is a case study with a conceptual research design since it consists of a defined research problem, clear research objectives, and exact research questions that lead to conclusions on a real-life phenomenon.The thesis includes empirical as well as descriptive elements. There are several contexts to the research, because the aim is to improve Nokias existing marketing strategies in different regions based on potentially differing brand perceptions prevalent in these areas. Data Collection Methods Interview Qualitative research and analysis methods were used to assess the depth interview (Appendix 1) conducted on the fourth of February, 2011, with Mr. Pekka Somerto, the Vice President of Nokias Brand and Marketing Portfolio Management. The interview was conducted at Nokias headquarters in Keilaniemi and it lasted for approximately an hour.The interview consisted of thirteen questions and the purpose was to find out about the brand identity Nokia tries to create with their marketing. The questions asked were chosen based on the literature discussed in the literature review, and with the overall goal of improving Nokias marketing strategies for smart phones from the branding perspective. The results of the interview not only helped in reaching the research objective, but they also provided useful ideas and additiona l questions for the consumer survey. Survey To find out consumers brand perceptions of Nokia, quantitative research and analysis methods were utilized.An online consumer survey (Appendix 2) was created with the Qualtrics-software and distributed to approximately 400 people in Finland and the United States through e-mail and social media networks. Data Analysis The data analysis of the survey results started with a general analysis of the averages and apparent trends. It was followed by the identification of significant regional differences between the responses with the help of cross tabulations. QUESTIONNAIRE Smart Phone Brand Perception Survey REFERENCES Arnould, Eric, Linda Price, and George Zinkhan. Consumers. 2nd ed. New York McGraw-Hill/Irwin,2004.Print. Barrett, Larry. Palm, Nokia Smartphone Users Most Likely to Switch Survey. Enterprise Mobile Today. Internet. com, 19 Jan. 2011. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Best Global Brands Ranking for 2010. Interbrand, n. d. Web. 24 Apr. 2011. . Business Source Complete. Web. 14 Apr. 2011. . Christodoulides, George, and Leslie De Chernatony. Consumer-based brand equity conceptualization and measurement. International Journal of Market Research 52. 1 (2010) 43-66. EBSCO Business Source Complete. Web. 13 Apr. 2011. . Drobis, David R. Integrated Marketing Communications Redefined. Journal of Integrated

Monday, May 20, 2019

Project Management Principles Essay

barf management is the discipline of planning, organizing, securing, managing, leading, and controlling resources to achieve particularized goals. A advise is a temporary endeavor with a defined beginning and end (usu every(prenominal)y time-constrained, and oftentimes constrained by funding or deliverables), undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, typically to bring about effective change or added value. Project management is a composite activity with multiple dimensions. Depending on the soula and class of bear this management activity merchant ship be very complex. To make a suggest successful, the following principles atomic number 18 necessary as spates in creating a path to completion. These principles of project management can be applied to any level or branch of a project that falls under a different area of responsibility in the overall project organization.Project Management PrinciplesInitiationDuring the mental hospital process, the nature and scope of the project is defined. Without careful planning of this process, the project is unlikely to meet the demands of the business. Here, need an understanding of the business environment and need to make sure that all controls are incorporated and all deficiencies pointed out and adjusted. Everybody working on the project needs to understand the nature of their involvement for what is each person responsible, and to whom are they accountable? Without low-cal roles and responsibilities, nobody will know precisely what he or she is vatical to be doing (and everybody will pass the buck at the first sign of trouble). In such a chaotic environment, the progress of the project will be seriously jeopardized.PlanningAfter the goals are set in the initiation phase, planning will incorporate details that are specific to make the project work. It is primary(prenominal) to take the time to carefully plan out a project, as a gravely planned project will take much longer to complete. Important elements including budget, schedule, riskiness involved, activities needed, and resources are carefully planned in this phase.Planning is essential. It helps to -Communicate what has to be done, when and by whom -Encourage forward thinking -Provide the measures of success for the project -Make clear the commitment of time, resources (people and equipment), and money required for the project -Determine if targets are achievable -Identify the activities the resources need to undertake.ExecutionThis is when the plan is trust into action. This phase will also need precise management of people, time and resources. Communication is essential to be successful in execution. It is vital that clients and customers think carefully about the products, or deliverables, they require, before the project begins. The clearer they can be about their requirements, the more realistic and achievable the plans that can be produced. This makes managing the project much easier and slight risky. During t he execution phase, issues should be carefully tracked so that the project manager and other team members are aware of any problems that come up during execution.Monitoring and ControllingMonitoring and Controlling a project is the process or activities whereby the project manager tracks, reviews and revises the project activities in order to ensure the project creates the deliverables in accordance with the project objectives. Project control really happens close in proximity with project execution. Project control involves monitoring the project for risks and keeping those risks at bay. It also involves keeping changes in the project to a minimum. Project control often mistakenly gets lumped in with project execution functions, but its important not to do this. At times, during the control phase, project managers may find that a given risk or problem forces them to revisit phase II planning. This is because some risks or issues that come up and were unexpected may make the proje ct, as planned, unable to reach completion. Good project managers will implement a system to monitor and control their projects progress to ensure project success.Closing crimson a project needs to be closed. This is the phase where there is formal acceptance that the project has ended. This not only includes project closure, but contract closure as well. When a project is complete it is best(predicate) to conduct a controlled closedown. This allows the formal handing over of the final product of the project to the staff responsible for its move operation. Closing the project includes steps to ensure that all of the aims have been met. Formal acceptance and sign come to procedures are carried out to check that all the project products meet the required quality standards.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

American vs Nepalese Culture

The American and Nepalese culture have some similarities but many differences. The American culture is a Hesperian and a diverse culture whereas, the Nepalese culture is Eastern and less diverse. There is a universal development dust for everyone in the American culture, and the literacy rate is high. In Nepal, there is a public education system in addition but the literacy rate is low. There is more freedom for spate in American culture on the other hand, in Nepalese culture, there is less freedom and more rules. 1 of the other differences that can be seen between American and Nepalese culture is in family relations.The behavior of the mountain is very different between this tow cultures. Many different racial groups form the American culture. The major(ip) heathenish groups in the United States are Europeans, Hispanics, African/Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, and many other minor ethnic groups. The distinct groups in the United States have different religions. Th e major religions in the United States are Catholicism, Protestantism and Judaism. Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism are also minor religions in the United States.English is the main language in the United States but also Spanish and other languages are spoken in different cities. In the Southern part of Texas, mod Mexico, Arizona, and California, the majority of pot are Spanish speaking. In Nepalese culture, there is little ethnic regeneration and the ethnics groups are not from other countries. The major groups are the Sherpa, the largest group, who digests in the northern, mountainous part of the country the Gurung, who live in the central part of Nepal, and the Adabasi, who live in the southern part of the country.These nation are natural in Nepal and are not from other countries want the American ethnic groups. There are a few Muslims and Christians, but the major religions are Hinduism and Buddhism. Nepali is the major language in Nepal. In disposal offices, private offices and in school, they use the Nepali language whereas, in cities and t sustains, the different ethnic groups speak their own dialects. The Nepalese school system is based on tradition and religion in the rural areas and in the urban areas, there is a modern education system.Parents can choose any public school, they like for their children there is no restriction on children having gone to school in the town or resolution where they live. In America, students have to go to the school in the town in which they live. In the American culture, people are private oriented and individual value is greater than family value. People believe in their work, and they do the hard work. The American people plan things ahead, and they become successes in their future. The American people are independence, and they bother their own decisions.Americans come in the time and its value. In Nepalese culture, people are family-oriented and the family value is greater than the individual value. The Nep alese people believe in god, and they wait for the people who can do their work. The Nepalese people do not plan any things and do their work, and they become unsuccessful in their future. In Nepalese culture, people depend on other, and they cannot make their own decision. The elders person in the makes the decision, and other familys member travel along that decision. In Nepalese culture, people cannot follow the time, and they are lazy.The American people follow a justness and order. They behave friendly to each other, even if they are unknown. The American are polite and helpful. The American people wait for the tump over and follow the advice, given by other. The Nepalese people do not follow the law and order. The rich people dominate the miserable people and there is a slavery system in Nepal. The poor people live in the house of rich, and do their work for nothing. Nepalese do not behave friendly to each other. Nepalese people do not wait for the turn instead and crowed i n the same place fighting each other.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Beka lamb by Zee Edgell Essay

The book deals with social insecurity, racial prejudice and the ascertain of the consecutive church in a small town. Bekas best friend Toycie Qualo is older than she is, creation 17 at the time when Beka was 14, and in her last year of school gets herself expelled when she gets into a situation where she becomes large(predicate) by her boyfriend Emilio Villanueva, and dies after a miscarriage and a short space of time in the local asylum nicknamed Sea Breeze Hotel.Through flashbacks, points on politics and independence are potently brought out, since the political struggles for independence in Belize at that time also mirrors Bekas own need for self-determination and her developing maturity. Bekas father (Bill Lamb) cuts down Bekas favorite tree (a bougainvillea) as a sanctify that the wild ways Beka had picked up moldiness stop at once when she finally tells him that she has failed her exam. Her mother (Lilla Lamb) buys her a special book and pen in which she is told to write any lies or stories that she is tempted to tell, in an effort to hold her tale-telling function. By the end of the book, Beka has transformed from a flat-rate Belize creole to a girl with high mind, since her troubles switch forced her to learn the value of money, education, unity within the community and most of all, some manners and abide byBeka Lamb is the debut novel of Belizean author Zee Edgell. It is the story of both Beka and Belize, an stripling girl and an adolescent country. Set in Belize in the 1950s, fourteen-year-old Beka struggles with growing pains complicated by the society in which she lives piece of music her country struggles to move from colonialism to independence.The novel opens with three seminal events. The young Creole teen, Beka, has just won an experiment contest at St. Cecilias Catholic school, Bekas lifelong friend Toycie has died (but the traditional nine-day wake has not been held for her), and two members of the Belizean Peoples Independent Pa rty, Pritchard and Gladsen, are imprisoned for disloyalty to the British government. These events symbolize the often painful challenge of manage with growth and change.Narrated by flashbacks, the novel covers a period of seven months. While preparing for bed one night, Beka vows to remain a wake for her deceasedfriend Toycie in the privacy of her own heart. As she reminisces about the other(prenominal) months waking the gone, her story unfolds. Beka recalls that her life started to change the day she decided to stop lying. Her last lie was a big one. Failing three subjects, Beka had not been promoted to the next grade.Bekas parents are struggling to pay for her cloistered education. Fearing their reaction to her failure, Beka tells them that she passed, naively believing that they do not already suspect the truth. Bekas lying habit is the most serious of the many conflicts she has with her parents. She does not clean the attic properly, she throws garbage into the yard, she ste als money from her fathers pants pockets and she procrastinates with her chores. Bekas mother, Lilla Lamb, often complains about Bekas laziness and ingratitude to her husband, Bill Lamb, who then must discipline Beka. Beka seeks solace from her friend Toycie and her paternal grandmother, Granny Ivy, who shares a bedroom with Beka and usually takes her side.In hurt of these parent-teen conflicts, Beka does have a loving relationship with her parents. Her family is one of only two nuclear families in the community, and maculation her parents do not love all that Beka does, they do love her. Beka begs her father for a second pass at school, promising to pass this time, and Bill Lamb eventually relents. A nun at Bekas school, Sister Gabriela, takes Beka under

Friday, May 17, 2019

Meaning of life †Religion Essay

In my opinion, at that place is no specific importation of life. There also is a part of me that thinks that life actually doesnt have a implication at all. But, since I have to try to define life, I would have to say its a combination of things in your life that you are living for, or the purpose of you being on this earth. Everyone intimately likely has a different purpose for being alive. Whether it is family, school, or your life those things have a lot of impact on your life and also decisions that you make end-to-end life.In our society, many families instill faith and morals early into their childrens lives by continuing traditions or practices of religious faith. The idea of faith and moral beliefs are instilled in a person by go to or participating in church activities and reading the Bible or other religious texts. When at that place is a sound moral foundation in a persons life it may give them the motivation through faith to build a sound structure for their lif e or to achieve personal goals.Simply put, a person may believe through faith that it is assertable to achieve an education, start a family, or to have a successful business or career because of their foundation in faith. The reason why I somewhat think that life really doesnt have a meaning, is because no matter what anyone does or how well or righteous someone lives their life, in the end they still die. What happens after that? Nothing, you never come back nor will you have any anamnesis of what went on during your lifetime here on earth.A person bath bust their behind in working doing good for the community and everything else and in the end you still end up in the similar place as everyone else, good people or bad people, you die. Another reason why I believe life doesnt have a meaning is because all of the people in this innovation have to draw, they still go through pain, they have to watch loved ones die, they still have to go through heartache, and rough times.Being p oor, homeless, and not having food for as single meal in the day. Where is the meaning in life when people have to wake up hungry or worry most where they will lay their head that night? Id say there is none when you olfactory modality at it from that perspective. In my opinion, the meaning of life is too complex for the human brain to comprehend. People run away to say that they know what the meaning of life is, but who really knows the answer.There are various opinions and schools of thought, however, most people can never and will never reach a clear understanding of what the meaning of life is. If there is meaning in life at all, then there must be meaning in suffering. ? Viktor E. Frankl. Frankl could not have said this quote any better, most people can say that they have found meaning in their life but at the same time, there are some people wondering if the only reason they are on this earth is to suffer on a daily basis throughout their entire lives.

Night World : Huntress Chapter 10

Jez held herself perfectly quiesce, solemnizeing her face expressionless. Her mind was clicking by means of strategies.Two exits- notwithstanding to go disclose the window meant a three-story drop, and she probably wouldnt survive that inher condition. Although, of course, she couldnt leave at least with verboten doing something to silenceMorgead-and she wouldnt survive a fight, either.She suppressed any feeling, re dark Morgeads gaze, and give tongue to calmly, And why is that?Triumph flashed in his look. Jez Redfern. Thats the key, isnt it? Your family.Ill shit to kill him somehow, she notion, but he was freeing on.Your family sent you. huntsman Redfern. He k right bys that Ive real found the erroneous office, and he expectsyou to recrudesce it surface of me.Relief spread slowly through Jez, and her rear muscles relaxed. She didnt let it show. You idiot Ofcourse not. I dont run errands for the Council.Morgeads lip lifted. I didnt say the Council. I said hunting w atch Redfern. Hes trying to steal a march on theCouncil, isnt he? He wants the preposterous top executive himself. To restore the Redferns to the glory of old. Yourerunning errands for him.Jez choked on exasperation. Then she listened to the part of her mind that was telling her to keep her temper and think clearly.Strategy, that part was saying. Hes just handed you the answer and youre trying to smack it away.All proficient what if that is true? she said at last, her voice curt. What if I do come from Hunter?Then you sewer tell him to get bent. I told the Council my terms. Im not settling for anything less.And what were your terms?He sneered. As if you didnt distinguish. When she just st ared at him, he shrugged and stop pacing. Aseat on the Council, he said coolly, arms folded.Jez burst out laughing. You, she said, are out of your mind.I hold out they wont give it to me. He smiled, not a nice smile. I expect them to offer something worrycontrol of San Francisco. And some po sition aft(prenominal) the millennium.After the millennium. Meaning after the apocalypse, after the human race had been killed or subjugatedor eaten or whatever else Hunter Redfern had in mind.You want to be a prince in the new world order, Jez said slowly, and she was surprised at how functionterlyit came out. She was surprised at how surprised she was. Wasnt it just what she expected of Morgead?I want whats coming to me. All my manner Ive had to stand around and watch humans get everything.After the millennium things will be different. He glared at her broodingly.Jez still felt sick. plainly she knew what to say now.And what makes you think the Council is going to be around after the millennium? She shook her head.Youre better off going with Hunter. Id beton him against the Council any day.Morgead blinked once, lizard the bid. Hes planning on getting rid of the Council?Jez held his gaze. What would you do in his place?Morgeads expression didnt get any sweeter. But she could collar from his eyes that she had him.He saturnine away sharply and went to glower out the window. Jez could practic on the wholey hold back the wheels movein his head. Fin everyy he looked back.All right, he said glacially. Ill join Hunters team-but only on my terms. After the millennium-After the millennium youll get what you deserve. Jez couldnt help glaring back at him. Morgeadbrought out all her worst traits, all the things she tried to control in herself.Youll get a position, she amended, spinning the story she knew he wanted to hear. She was winging it,but she had no choice. Hunter wants people loyal to him in the new order. And if you chiffonier climb up yourevaluable, hell want you. But first you have to prove it. Okay? Deal? If I can authority you.We can trust each other because we have to. We both want the same thing. If we do what Hunterwants, we both win.So we cooperate-for the time being.We cooperate-and we see what happens, Jez said evenly.They stared at each other from opposite sides of the room. It was as if the blood sharing had neverhappened. They were back to their old roles- maybe a little more hostile, but the same old Jez andMorgead, enjoying being adversaries.Maybe itll be easy from now on, Jez thought. As long as Hunter doesnt show up to blow my story.Then she grinned inwardly. It would never happen. Hunter Redfern hadnt visited the West Coast forlitre years.Business, she said crisply, out loud. Wheres the Wild Power, Morgead?Ill show you. He walked over to the futon and sat down.Jez stayed where she was. Youll show me what? suggest you the Wild Power. There was a TV with a VCR at the foot of the bed, sitting on the barefloor. Morgead was putting a tape in.Jez settled on the far end of the futon, glad for the observe to sit.Youve got the Wild Power on tape?He threw her an icy glance over his shoulder. Yeah, on Americas Funniest class Videos. Just shut up,Jez, and watch.Jez narrowed her eyes and watched.What she was looking at was a TV movie nigh a doomsday asteroid. A movie shed seen-it had beenawful. Suddenly the action was interrupted by the logo of a local news station. A blond anchorwomancame on screen.Breaking news in San Francisco this hour. We have be intimate pictures from the Marina district where afive-alarm cauterise is raging through a government housing project. We go now to Linda Chin, whos on the motion-picture show.The scene switched to a dark-haired reporter.Regina, Im here at Taylor Street, where firefighters are trying to prevent this great blaze fromspreading-Jez looked from the TV to Morgead. Whats this got to do with the Wild Power? I saw it live. It happened a duo weeks ago. I was notice that stupid movie-She broke off, shocked at herself. Shed actually been about to say I was watching that stupid moviewith Claire and Aunt Nan. Just like that, to blurt out the names of the humans she lived with. She prehend her teeth, furious.Shed already let Morgead know one thing that a co uple of weeks ago shed been in this area, where alocal news station could break in.What was wrong with her?Morgead tilted a sardonic glance at her, just to show her that he hadnt missed her slip. But all he saidwas Keep watching. Youll see what its got to do with the Wild Power.On screen the flames were brilliant orange, dazzling against the background of sliminess. So bright that ifJez hadnt cognise that area of the Marina district well, she wouldnt have been able to tell much about it.In front of the mental synthesis firefighters in yellow were carrying hoses. Smoke flooded out suddenly as one ofthe hoses sprayed a successive line of water into the flames.Their greatest fear is that there may be a little misfire still inside this complex-Yes. That was what Jez remembered about this fire. There had been a kid.Look here, Morgead said, pointing.The camera was zooming in on something, bringing the flames in close. A window in the pinky-brownconcrete of the make. High up, on the third floor. Flames were gushing(a) up from the walkway below it,making the whole area look too dangerous to approach.The reporter was still talking, but Jez had tuned her out. She leaned closer, eyes fixed on that window.Like all the other windows, it was half cover with a wrought-iron screen in a diamond pattern. Unlikethe others, it had something else On the sillthere were a couple of plastic buckets with dirt and scraggly plants. A window box.And a face looking out betwixt the plants.A childs face.There, Morgead said.The reporter was speaking. Regina, the firefighters say there is definitely someone on the third floor ofthis building. They are looking for a way to approach the person-the little girl-High-powered searchlights had been turned on the flames. That was the only causal agency the girl was visibleat all. Even so, Jez couldnt distinguish any features. The girl was a small fuzzed blob.Firefighters were trying to maneuver some configuration of ladder toward the build ing. People were running,appearing and disappearing in the swirling smoke. The scene was eerie, otherworldly. Jez remembered this, remembered listening to the barely suppressed horror in the reporters voice,remembered Claire beside her hissing in a sharp breath.Its a kid, Claire had said, grabbing Jezs arm and digging her nails in, momentarily forgetting how muchshe disliked Jez. Oh, God, a kid.And I said something like, Itll be okay, Jez remembered. But I knew it wouldnt be. There was toomuch fire. There wasnt a chance.The reporter was saying, The entire building is involved. And the camera was going in for aclose-up again, and Jez remembered realizing that they were actually going to show this girl destroy aliveon TV.The plastic buckets were melting. The firemen were trying to do something with the ladder. And thenthere was a sudden coarse burst of orange, an explosion, as the flames below the window poofed andbegan pouring themselves upward with mad energy. They were so bright they seemed to truckle all thelight out of their surroundings.They engulfed the girls window.The reporters voice broke.Jez remembered Claire gasping, No and her nails drawing blood. She remembered wanting to shuther own eyes.And then, suddenly, the TV screen glittered and a huge wall of smoke billowed out from the building.Black smoke, then gray, then a light gray that looked almost white. everything was lost in the smoke.When it finally cleared a little, the reporter was arrant(a) up at the building in open amazement, forgetting toturn toward the camera.This is astonishing. Regina, this is a complete atavism. The firefighters have-either the waterhas suddenly taken effect or something else has caused the fire to die. Ive never seen anything likethis.Every window in the building was now belching white smoke. And the picture seemed to have gone washed-out and pale, because there were no more vivid orange flames against the darkness.The fire was simply gone.I actually dont know whats happened, Regina. I think I can safely say that every proboscis here is verythankful. The camera zoomed in on the face in the window. It was still difficult to make out features, but Jez couldsee coffee-colored scrape and what seemed to be a calm expression. Then a hand reached out to gentlypick up one of the melted plastic buckets and take it inside.The picture froze. Morgead had hit Pause.They never did figure out what stopped the fire. It went out everywhere, all at once, as if it had beensmothered. Jez could see where he was going. And you think it was some sort of Power that killed it. I dont know,Morgeadits a pretty big assumption. And to jump from that to the idea that it was a Wild Power-You missed it, then. Morgead sounded smug. bewildered what?He was reversing the tape, going back to the moment before the fire went out. I almost missed it myselfwhen I saw it live. It was lucky I was taping it When I went back and looked again, I could see itclearly.The tape was in s low motion now. Jez saw the burst of orange fire, frame by frame, getting larger. Shesaw it pussyfoot up to engulf the window.And then there was a flash.It had only showed up as a flicker at normal speed, easily mistaken for some kind of camera problem.At this speed, though, Jez couldnt mistake it.It was coloured.It looked like lightning or flame blue-white witha halo of more intense blue around it. And it moved. It lead uped out small, a circular spot right at thewindow. In the next frame it was much bigger, spreading out in all directions, fingers reaching into theflames. In the next frame it covered the entire TV screen, apparent to engulf the fire.In the next frame it was gone and the fire was gone with it. White smoke began to slip out ofwindows.Jez was riveted.Goddess, she whispered. Blue fire.Morgead ran the tape back to play the scene again. In blue fire, the final darkness is banished Inblood, the final price is paid. If that girl isnt a Wild Power, Jez then what is s he? You tell me.I dont know. Jez bit her lip slowly, watching the strange thing blossom on the TV again. So the bluefire in the poem meant a new kind of energy. Youre beginning to convince me. But-Look, everybody knows that one of the Wild Powers is in San Francisco. One of the old hags in thewitch circle-Grandma Harman or somebody- had a dream about it. She saw the blue fire in front of CoitTower or something. And everybody knows that the four Wild Powers are supposed to start manifestingthemselves around now. I think that girl did it for the first time when she realized she was going to die.When she got that desperate.Jez could picture that kind of desperation shed pictured it the first time, when shed been watching thefire live. How it must feel being trapped like that. Knowing that there was no earthly help for you, thatyou were about to experience the most terrible incommode imaginable. Knowing that you were going to feelyour body char and your hair burn like a burn down and that it would take two or three endless minutes beforeyou died and the horror was over. Yeah, you would be desperate, all right. Knowing all that qualification drag a new power out of you, a franticburst of strength, like an unconscious scream pulled from the depths of yourself.But one thing bothered her.If this kid is the Wild Power, why didnt her Circle notice what happened? Why didnt she tell them,Hey, guys, look I can put out fires now?Morgead looked annoyed. What do you mean, her Circle?Well, shes a witch, right? Youre not telling me vampires or shapeshifters are maturation new powerslike that.Who said anything about witches or vampires or shapeshifters? The kids human.Jez blinked.And blinked again, trying to conceal the extent of her astonishment. For a moment she thought Morgeadwas putting her on, but his green eyes were simply exasperated, not sly.The Wild Powers can be human?Morgead smiled suddenly-a smirk. You really didnt know. You havent heard all the prophecies, havey ou? He struck a irritating oratorical pose. Theres supposed to beOne from the land of kings long forgotten One from the hearth which still holds the spark One from theDay World where two eyes arewatching One from the twilight to be one with the dark.The Day World, Jez thought. Not the Night World, the human world. At least one of the Wild Powershad to be human.Unbelievable but why not? Wild Powers were supposed to be weird.Then she thought of something and her stomach sank.No wonder youre so eager to turn her in, she said softly. Not just to get a reward-But because the little scum deserves to die-or whatever it is Hunter has in mind for her. Morgeadsvoice was matter-of-fact. Yeah, vermin have no right developing Night World powers. Right?Of course right, Jez said without emotion. Im going to have to watch this kid every minute, shethought. Hes got no pity at all for her-Goddess knows what he might do before letting me have her.Jez. Morgeads voice was soft, almost pleasant, but i t caught Jezs full attention. Why didnt Hunter tellyou that prophecy? The Council dug it up last week.She glanced at him and felt an inner shiver. Suspicion was cold in the depths of his green eyes. WhenMorgead was yelling and furious he was dangerous enough, but when he was quiet like this, he was deadly.I have no idea, she said flatly, tossing the problem back at him. Maybe because I was already outhere in California when they figured it out. But why dont you call him and affect yourself? Im sure hedlove to hear from you.There was a pause. Then Morgead gave her a look of disgust and turned away. A good bluff ispriceless, Jez thought. It was safe now to move on. She said, So what do the two eyes watching meanin the prophecy? He rolled his own eyes. How should I know? You figure it out. Youve eternally beenthe smart one.Despite the heavy sarcasm, Jez felt a different kind of shiver, one of surprise. He really believed that.Morgead was so smart himself-hed seen that flicker on the TV screen and realized what it was, whenapparently none of the adults in the Bay Area had-but he thought she was smarter.Well, you seem to be doing all right yourself, she said.She had been looking steadily at him, to show him no weakness, and she saw his expression change. Hisgreen eyes softened slightly, and the sarcastic quirk of his lip straightened.Nah, Im just blundering along, he muttered, his gaze shifting. Then he glanced back up and somehowthey were caught in a moment when they were just looking at each other in silence. Neither of themturned away, and Jezs heart gave a strange thump. The moment stretched. Idiot This is ridiculous. Aminute ago you werescared of him-not to quotation sickened by his attitude toward humans. You cant just suddenly switch tothis.But it was no good. Even the realization that she was in danger of her life didnt help. Jez couldnt thinkof a thing to say to break the tension, and she couldnt seem to look away from Morgead.Jez, look-He leaned forw ard and put a hand on her forearm. He didnt even seem to know he was doing it. Hisexpression was abstracted now, and his eyes were fixed on hers.His hand was warm. Tingles spread from the place where it fey Jezs skin.Jez about before I didntSuddenly Jezs heart was beating far too quickly. I have to say something, she thought, fighting to keepher face impassive. But her throat was dry and her mind a hum blank. All she could feel clearly wasthe place where she and Morgead touched. All she could see clearly was his eyes. Cats eyes, deepestemerald, with shifting green lights in them.Jez, he said a third time.And Jez realized all at once that the silver suck between them hadnt been broken. That it might bestretched almost into invisibility, but it was still there, still pulling, trying to make her body go weak andher vision blur. Trying to make her fall toward Morgead even as he was dropping toward her.And then came the sound of someone kicking in the front door.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

The world economy is in turmoil. Supermarkets are no different, as we Essay

The world economy is in din. Supermarkets are no different, as we discovered during the year - Essay ExampleRetailers are in a position to exploit vendee power to distort competition. However, many retailers have had to change their offers and strategies in the face of the current economic turmoil. marketplace retail is the largest retail sector in the UK and iv large retailers - Tesco, Sainsbury, Asda and Morrison/Safeway dominate the national market (Dobson, 2006). These four supermarket retailers have primarily positioned themselves as one stop shops, and they offer a wide range of goods. Waitrose waterfall under the smaller supermarket chains along with Marks & Spencers, Somerfield and Booths. Then there are the snubers such as Aldi. Supermarkets dominate the UKs food system as food groceries are sold through a handful of retailers (EAFL, 2008).The supermarkets are more likely to be affected by the recent economic turmoil because they are dependent on banks and other financia l institution for their capital whereas the smaller retailers are a great deal less dependent on external capital (EAFL, 2008). This is the reason they are much more alive(p) in the face of economic turmoil. While some face losses due to financial niche others reap benefits. Due to recent financial turmoil the discounters have seen their customer numbers increase and their remuneration rise as the large supermarket chains have seen a reduction in profits (The bills Stop, 2009). The reason cited is that consumers are trying to save money by shopping at discount stores. The discount supermarket stores have benefited from the economic turmoil because the rising inflation has prompted the shoppers to trade down and choose cheaper stores and brands (Finch & Wearden, 2008).Customer is the tenseness of any strategy by any retailer and Tesco says they listen to what the customers want during the period of economic nook (BEN Rooth, 2008). They recognize that this is the most important time to recognize the needs of the customers because food is something that cannot be given up

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Working with Others Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Working with Others - Essay ExampleAs I progressed, early(a) strategy I used was to be supportive. I regardd that I offer support to those who are in need of religious service. My exhibition of generosity helped me develop a number of important relationships at study. Another resilient point in my work was that I adopted the habit of speaking positively about others. The advantage was that as I spoke about others in a positive way, others who heard me counted me as a good personality. As a result, I have found that the number of people who were ready to help me increases day by day. Another important strategy in building positive relationships at work was to present my skills and knowledge in front of others. I take ind that I exhibit my skills and proficiency in solely the office meetings. It became clear that as I presented things in an interesting way, all my colleagues were happy listening to me and appreciating me. Thus, I learnt the fact that showing my abilities is ve ry necessary to make other people approach me. In addition, I ensured that I encourage collaboration. For that purpose, I invited others to share my works and offered them to share their works. This way I ensure that other people around me are felt valued. Moreover, I have to mention here that I ensure that I keep the people around me happy through adopting a pleasing personality and a sense of humour. Furthermore, it is my strategy to behave in a polite way to everyone in the organisation. I ensure that a degree of politeness is kept while interacting with everyone from any position.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Special education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Special education - Assignment ExampleChildren with completely challenging conditions are qualified.Parent HELPLINE Can be used by anyone and any family that needs hint ease. Reddix centre has trained professionals who offer to support and answer the questions of all those who are in a crisis. For more than information call 210-397-2401.Most students with disabilities have barriers of all types. However, the advent of new technology has made look easier for most students. New technology is now helping most of these students to overcome all barriers.Medical Equipment The aesculapian equipment provides the students with physical flexibility in their movement while at the centre and in positioning their monitors when culture in classes. By using special toys, devices, equipment and computers, students with disabilities are also capable of handling all the activities without the help of parents, other students or teachers For more information Visit the Central Office at Nelly Redd ix Centre or by call

Monday, May 13, 2019

Food Allergies & Intolerances in the UK - Current Issues Essay

Food Allergies & Intolerances in the UK - Current Issues - Essay ExampleIn case of tolerance, the enduring can take the small quantity of the intellectual nourishment without any reaction at all. In opposite, in case of food allergy, even a tiny quantity of food may activate a severe allergy reaction. Symptoms of intolerance will not be much quicker but allergy symptoms to any specific food could be immediate and instant. Both allergy and intolerance can go in a host of unpleasant and terrifying, fierce and probable fatal outcomes. Symptoms can occur everyplace the patients body and can result in rashes, swelling of the mouth, wheezing, inflammation and digestive issues. on that point is no medical cure for these ailments and avoiding the specific food is the only available relief and a headst nonpareil issue is in identifying that particular food correctly (Stracey 2010).FSA (Food Standard Agency) in collaboration with the DEFRA introduced a untested law on labelling of all ergen which came into effect 13 December 2014 and this is known as Food Information Regulations EU1169/2011.Under this law, fourteen food allergen has to be named in the label if they have been used or if it contains ingredients made from them in pre-packed foods. Further, food manufacturers have required now to emphasis these allergens within the ingredients list. In the case of non-packed food items, such ingredients should be mentioned on a chalkboard, a labelled menu or by orally ( 2014).The research account by Cochrane et al (2013) in the UK found that the vegetables and fruits were the chief cause of food allergy in adults (26%), bombard in young children (38%), and cows milk was the common in school going children(28%).When ones immune system is puzzled instead of snubbing harmless food proteins, then food allergy happen as it triggers a reaction, which results in the discharge of a chemical known as histamine. The important culprit is the histamine which causes the typical allergy indications of swelling or hives. Anaphylaxis is the most severe reaction and this may be life-threatening.