Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Jays Treaty :: essays research papers

Jays Treaty"If this country is preserved in tranquillity twenty years longer, itwhitethorn bid defiance in a comely cause to any power whatever such in that time willbe its popularity, wealth and resources," stated by George Washington in solvent to demonstrators over the Jay Treaty. 1 Washingtons remark wasregarding the publics uproar following the release of information on the statusof the discord with Great Britain. The people had just been informed of the content of the Jay Treaty which were 1) Britain agreed to give up the furposts in American territory, 2) Britain also agreed to submit to arbitrationthe questions of disputed boundaries, the damage done to American shipping, andthe debts due to British merchants. Although the people did not like theseterms, Washington supported them to prevent us from going to war. Washingtonmade his first move by sending a delegate to England, and furthermore bystanding up to congress to get this treaty ratified. He demonstrates again hisgreat moral coura ge for the welfare of his country.     Although Washington himself did not write the treaty he deserves all thecredit for initiating it in the first place. The times had become rough withthe British, and according to Hamilton the British were a vital part of oureconomy. He said " the tax on imports furnished more of the money for payingoff our foreign, domestic, and state debts." 2 on with the Britishsimpressment of American seamen and their role in our economy Washington knewsomething had to be done. Washington knew that the tension between America andEngland had to be thinned out so he decided to send over a special envoy. Theindividual chosen for the job was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, John Jay.John Jay had much experience in this department because he was the formerSecretary for Foreign Affairs under the old Confederation. His objective was tomake peace between the devil countries. He was under instructions to make noc ommitment in violation of the treaties with France. Fortunately, Washingtoncame to terms to do this, otherwise our infant country may never have grown intowhat it is today. This indubitably turned out to be one of Washingtons boldermoves towards assisting his country.     Another powerful move was demonstrated by Washington as he persuaded theSenate to ratify the treaty. The Jay Treaty was signed on November 19th , 1794,but was not ratified by the Senate until seven months later. "President GeorgeWashingtons signing of the Jay Treaty enkindle unimaginable criticism of his

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