Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Investigative Report Writing. Randy Odleman Murder Investigation Term Paper

investigatory Report Writing. Randy Odleman carrying proscribed Investigation - Term Paper ExampleThe victim was laying scene down already dead by the clock time we located the body. How forever, we did not locate the murder weapon. The departed had a criminal record from 2 years ago for the Possession of a Controlled Substance with feel to Manufacture, Sell, or Deliver and another charge of Assault on a Female victim wizard year ago. III.Witness StatementsThe only witness we found was one, Bob Smith of Maiden Lane, Raleigh who to a fault tipped us about the commission of the crime. In his recorded statement, he explained that he lived across the channel directly, from the rooming house where the crime had occurred. He further express that he had been home alone, reading a support when he heard several shots thus notifying the Raleigh Police Department. He stated that the rooming house had many visitors, late in the night, who drive up and enter the premises for a short period of time then leave. Further, he stated that he had called our station in the past be - because he had pretend that someone in the rooming house may have been dealing in drugs. He also stated that he was not aware of any other person, who readiness have witnessed the crime, but suggested that the inhabitants of the rooming house might have witnessed the same. In addition he stated that he was aware that the dead person had assaulted a legitimate woman leading to his arrest, prosecution, conviction and sentencing. IV. queer Statement We were able to identify four suspects in sex act to this murder case, and here are the Questionnaires as filled by each of them Murder Investigation Suspect Statement Name Ronald Wilkens Position student at NCSU Date 18th February, 2012 Worksite N/A Murder Date 17th February, 2012 Time about 11 54 PM Thank you for helping us in examining this incident so that we can help prevent anyone from getting murdered in the future. true statement is very important in helping us get to the root cause of this murder. The information you try will be used against you in a court of law, should face prosecution. Please describe what you adage and heard in a chronological order. What were you doing honest before the incident? I was just out riding to unwind after a long month of sitting for exams. What were you doing when the incident occurred? I had just entered into Maiden Lane, Raleigh when I heard gunshots and a lot of commotion. What did you do after the incident occurred? I panicked and decided to take off, when you bumped into me and started interrogating me. Please answer the following questions Was it your first time to be in the vicinity of the crime scene? Not really, I once visited a relative who used to pillow here, who has, since relocated to Miami. Did you know the departed? What sort of relationship did you share? I did not know the deceased and thus no relationship existed between us Did you have any personal diff erences with the deceased? No, I had never even seen him. When was the last time you saw the deceased? I never did Have you ever been to the deceaseds place of residence? No, never. Did you ever engage in any business ventures with the deceased? No, not at all. I certify that this statement is true and accurate to the best of my recollection. RW 18th February, 2012 tactile sensation Date Murder Investigat

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